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(pareto 80:20)
(early one very cold winter morning ...)
Zeile 51: Zeile 51:
    /Early one very cold winter morning, a monk arose, and being very
    cold, went to build a fire. Alas, all the firewood was gone. So he
    took one of the two life-sized wooden Buddhas in the temple and
    chopped it up, and made a fire and soon was made warm./
    /In a little while, the master came into the temple and saw what had
    happened. Need I say he was upset? On and on he went about what the
    monk had done, for quite some time, as the fire gradually died.
    Finally, the monk interrupted him, saying, "Before you punish me,
    may I please examine the ashes for the crystals?" (For it was then
    believed that the holier the person cremated, the more crystals were
    formed in the funeral pyre.)/
    /"What?" bellowed the enraged master. "Fool monk! That's only a
    wooden statue, not a holy man."/
    /"Well then," replied the monk, "may I have the other statue? It is
    very cold this morning." Hearing this, the master was enlightened./
    via c2-wiki. the first man made wiki.

Version vom 16. Januar 2009, 22:55 Uhr



Innere Ruhe zu finden ist ein Wunsch, den wir heutigen Menschen uns selbst ganz bewusst erfüllen müssen. Ein möglicher Weg dazu ist die Meditation.

Meditation im Stile des ZEN setzt nicht das Erlernen komplizierter Techniken voraus, sondern macht den Alltag selbst zur Übung, um dort innere und äußere Präsenz und Wachsamkeit zu lernen. Das Wochenende umfasst Meditation, achtsame Körperübungen und Hintergrundinformationen.



1003 - ZEN - and the art of searching - - OS5 - Aikido ...

1203 - Deutscher Comic Guide - Datenbank - 80.000 Datensätze

1303 - Die Waage der Baleks. H. Böll - per google



“Zen ist vor allen Dingen eine Erfahrung und als solche nonverbal und einer rein literarischen und akademischen Vorgehensweise unzugänglich. Um zu verstehen was Zen ist – und vor allem auch was Zen nicht ist – muss man damit praktisch experimentieren, um die wirkliche Bedeutung, die den Worten unterliegt, zu entdecken.” A. Watts



Margrit Irgang - Wikipedia




"Cyberspace ist wahrscheinlich nichts weiter als ein geniales Produkt menschlicher Traegheit. Statt die viel naeheren inneren Anlagen zu foerdern, werden Maschinen gebaut, die das von aussen bewusst erleben lassen, was sich innen taeglich unbewusst vollzieht." Alfred Bast - 10. August 1995





   /Early one very cold winter morning, a monk arose, and being very
   cold, went to build a fire. Alas, all the firewood was gone. So he
   took one of the two life-sized wooden Buddhas in the temple and
   chopped it up, and made a fire and soon was made warm./ 
   /In a little while, the master came into the temple and saw what had
   happened. Need I say he was upset? On and on he went about what the
   monk had done, for quite some time, as the fire gradually died.
   Finally, the monk interrupted him, saying, "Before you punish me,
   may I please examine the ashes for the crystals?" (For it was then
   believed that the holier the person cremated, the more crystals were
   formed in the funeral pyre.)/ 
   /"What?" bellowed the enraged master. "Fool monk! That's only a
   wooden statue, not a holy man."/ 
   /"Well then," replied the monk, "may I have the other statue? It is
   very cold this morning." Hearing this, the master was enlightened./
   via c2-wiki. the first man made wiki.