Albert Camus

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(==Man steht auf, man duscht, ...)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
==Undatiertes Blatt ==
==Das Leben hinnehmen==
, so wie es ist? Dumm. Mittel, es anders zu machen? Wir sind weit entfernt davon, das Leben zu beherrschen, das Leben ist es, das uns beherrscht und uns bei jeder Gelegenheit das Maul stopft. Das menschliche Schicksal hinnehmen? Im Gegenteil, ich glaube, dass die Revolte zur menschlichen Natur gehört. Es ist eine finstre Komödie, so zu tun, als ob man bereit wäre, das zu akzeptieren, was uns auferlegt ist. Es geht vor allem darum zu leben. So viele Dinge sind es wert geliebt zu werden und es ist lächerlich, so zu tun, als ob man nur den Schmerz lieben könnte. Komödie. Verstellung. Man muss aufrichtig sein. Aufrichtig um jeden Preis, auch wenn es uns schadet ..."
Undatiertes Blatt ==
von [[Albert Camus]], ==
von [[Albert Camus]], ==
mit Bleistift geschrieben. Kurz vor seinem Unfalltod:  
mit Bleistift geschrieben. Kurz vor seinem Unfalltod:  
"Das Leben hinnehmen, so wie es ist? Dumm. Mittel, es anders zu machen? Wir sind weit entfernt davon, das Leben zu beherrschen, das Leben ist es, das uns beherrscht und uns bei jeder Gelegenheit das Maul stopft. Das menschliche Schicksal hinnehmen? Im Gegenteil, ich glaube, dass die Revolte zur menschlichen Natur gehört. Es ist eine finstre Komödie, so zu tun, als ob man bereit wäre, das zu akzeptieren, was uns auferlegt ist. Es geht vor allem darum zu leben. So viele Dinge sind es wert geliebt zu werden und es ist lächerlich, so zu tun, als ob man nur den Schmerz lieben könnte. Komödie. Verstellung. Man muss aufrichtig sein. Aufrichtig um jeden Preis, auch wenn es uns schadet ..."
In: Iris Radisch: Camus: Das Ideal der Einfachheit. Eine Biographie. Rowohlt. 352 Seiten ISBN 978-3-498-05789-3
Iris Radisch: Camus: Das Ideal der Einfachheit. Eine Biographie. Rowohlt. 352 Seiten ISBN 978-3-498-05789-3
Zeile 44: Zeile 48:
who would continue to sleep over there, his face for ever lost in the ashes. There was a mystery about that man, a mystery he had wanted to penetrate. But after all there was only the mystery of poverty that creates beings without names and without a past, that sends them into the vast throng of the nameless dead who made the world while they themselves were destroyed for ever. For it was just that that his father had in common with the men of the Labrador. The Mahon people of the Sahel, the Alsatians on the high plateaus, with this immense island between sand and sea, which the enormous silence was now beginning to envelop: the silence of anonymity; it enveloped blood and courage and work and instinct, it was at once cruel and compassionate. And he who had wanted to escape from the country without name, from the crowd and from a family without a name, but in whom something had gone on craving darkness and anonymity - he too was a member of the tribe, marching blindly into the night near the old doctor who was panting at his right, listening to the gusts of music coming from the square, seeing once more the hard inscrutable faces of the Arabs around the bandstands, Veillard's laughter and his stubborn face - also seeing with a sweetness and a sorrow that wrung his heart the deathly look on his mother's face at the time of the bombing - wandering though the night of the years in the land of oblivion where each one is the first man, where he had to bring himself up, without a father, having never known those moments when a father would call his son, after waiting for him to reach the age of listening, to tell him the family's secret, or a sorrow of long ago, or the experience of his life, those moments when even the ridiculous and hateful Polonius all of a sudden becomes great when he is speaking to Laertes; and he was sixteen, then he was twenty, and no one had spoken to him, and he had to learn by himself, to grow alone, in fortitude, in strength, find his own morality and truth, at last to be born as a man and then to be born in a harder childbirth, which consists of being born in relation to others, to women, like all the men born in this country who, one by one, try to learn without roots and without faith, and today all of them are threatened with eternal anonymity and the loss of the only consecrated traces of their passage on this earth, the illegible slabs in the cemetery that the night has now covered over; they had to learn how to live in relation to others, to the immense host of the conquerors, now dispossessed, who had preceded them on this land and in whom they now had to recognise the brotherhood of race and destiny.”  
who would continue to sleep over there, his face for ever lost in the ashes. There was a mystery about that man, a mystery he had wanted to penetrate. But after all there was only the mystery of poverty that creates beings without names and without a past, that sends them into the vast throng of the nameless dead who made the world while they themselves were destroyed for ever. For it was just that that his father had in common with the men of the Labrador. The Mahon people of the Sahel, the Alsatians on the high plateaus, with this immense island between sand and sea, which the enormous silence was now beginning to envelop: the silence of anonymity; it enveloped blood and courage and work and instinct, it was at once cruel and compassionate. And he who had wanted to escape from the country without name, from the crowd and from a family without a name, but in whom something had gone on craving darkness and anonymity - he too was a member of the tribe, marching blindly into the night near the old doctor who was panting at his right, listening to the gusts of music coming from the square, seeing once more the hard inscrutable faces of the Arabs around the bandstands, Veillard's laughter and his stubborn face - also seeing with a sweetness and a sorrow that wrung his heart the deathly look on his mother's face at the time of the bombing - wandering though the night of the years in the land of oblivion where each one is the first man, where he had to bring himself up, without a father, having never known those moments when a father would call his son, after waiting for him to reach the age of listening, to tell him the family's secret, or a sorrow of long ago, or the experience of his life, those moments when even the ridiculous and hateful Polonius all of a sudden becomes great when he is speaking to Laertes; and he was sixteen, then he was twenty, and no one had spoken to him, and he had to learn by himself, to grow alone, in fortitude, in strength, find his own morality and truth, at last to be born as a man and then to be born in a harder childbirth, which consists of being born in relation to others, to women, like all the men born in this country who, one by one, try to learn without roots and without faith, and today all of them are threatened with eternal anonymity and the loss of the only consecrated traces of their passage on this earth, the illegible slabs in the cemetery that the night has now covered over; they had to learn how to live in relation to others, to the immense host of the conquerors, now dispossessed, who had preceded them on this land and in whom they now had to recognise the brotherhood of race and destiny.”  
― [[Albert Camus]], The First Man
― [[Albert Camus]], The First Man
Zeile 50: Zeile 55:
==Die Pest –
==Die Pest ==
Nach fünf Jahren langer Arbeit stellte Albert Camus am Ende des ersten Nachkriegsjahres 1946 seinen Roman „Die Pest“ fertig. Bereits kurz nach der Veröffentlichung im Juni 1947 wurde das Werk ein großer Erfolg.
Nach fünf Jahren langer Arbeit stellte Albert Camus am Ende des ersten Nachkriegsjahres 1946 seinen Roman „Die Pest“ fertig. Bereits kurz nach der Veröffentlichung im Juni 1947 wurde das Werk ein großer Erfolg.
[[Albert Camus]]====
, born 102 years ago today,
on happiness and our search for meaning
7. Nov. 2015, 08:01

Version vom 1. Juni 2016, 15:53 Uhr


Das Leben hinnehmen

, so wie es ist? Dumm. Mittel, es anders zu machen? Wir sind weit entfernt davon, das Leben zu beherrschen, das Leben ist es, das uns beherrscht und uns bei jeder Gelegenheit das Maul stopft. Das menschliche Schicksal hinnehmen? Im Gegenteil, ich glaube, dass die Revolte zur menschlichen Natur gehört. Es ist eine finstre Komödie, so zu tun, als ob man bereit wäre, das zu akzeptieren, was uns auferlegt ist. Es geht vor allem darum zu leben. So viele Dinge sind es wert geliebt zu werden und es ist lächerlich, so zu tun, als ob man nur den Schmerz lieben könnte. Komödie. Verstellung. Man muss aufrichtig sein. Aufrichtig um jeden Preis, auch wenn es uns schadet ..."

Undatiertes Blatt == von Albert Camus, == mit Bleistift geschrieben. Kurz vor seinem Unfalltod:

In: Iris Radisch: Camus: Das Ideal der Einfachheit. Eine Biographie. Rowohlt. 352 Seiten ISBN 978-3-498-05789-3

Man steht auf, man duscht, man liest Zeitung,

In welchen Büchern und Bildern, in welcher Musik findest Du den Sinn des Lebens? Darüber schreibt in der aktuellen ZEIT Wissen-Ausgabe DIE ZEIT-Feuilleton-Redaktion. Das sagt Feuilleton-Chefin Iris Radisch:

"Man steht auf, man duscht, man liest Zeitung, fährt zur Arbeit, und plötzlich, von einer Sekunde zur anderen, versteht man nicht mehr, warum man das alles macht. Was soll der Quatsch eigentlich? Wenn der Sinnlosigkeitsanfall leicht ist, hilft einem vielleicht eine starke Tasse Kaffee weiter. Wenn er anhält, lese ich Camus. Er ist der ehrlichste Philosoph der Welt. Er sagt nicht, das Leben ist sinnvoll, weil irgendwer oder irgendwas uns beisteht. Er findet das Leben völlig absurd. Und es ist ihm auch völlig egal, ob er im Leben glücklich oder unglücklich ist. Das gefällt mir. Denn das ganze Glücks- und Lebenssinngequatsche geht mir im Grunde ziemlich auf die Nerven. Ständig soll man glücklich sein. Als wenn es nicht reichen würde, dass man lebendig ist. Solange man lebt, also richtig lebt, spielt die Sinnlosigkeit keine Rolle. Camus mochte sie gerne, er hielt sie für etwas ganz Großes. Nachts schaute er in den Himmel und freute sich über die »zärtliche Gleichgültigkeit der Welt«. Ich glaube, Camus hat recht. Der Sinn des Lebens besteht darin, seine Sinnlosigkeit zu ertragen, ohne ein riesiges Theater darum zu machen." — ... 160116 via fb



fr ... "Pauvre et libre plutôt que riche et asservi. Bien entendu les hommes veulent être et riches et libres et c’est ce qui les conduit quelquefois à être pauvres et esclaves."

en ... "Poor and free rather than rich and enslaved. Of course, men want to be both rich and free, and this is what leads them at times to be poor and enslaved."

de ...

eo ... Malricxa kaj libre ...

--Notebooks (1942-1951)

“No, he would never know his father,

who would continue to sleep over there, his face for ever lost in the ashes. There was a mystery about that man, a mystery he had wanted to penetrate. But after all there was only the mystery of poverty that creates beings without names and without a past, that sends them into the vast throng of the nameless dead who made the world while they themselves were destroyed for ever. For it was just that that his father had in common with the men of the Labrador. The Mahon people of the Sahel, the Alsatians on the high plateaus, with this immense island between sand and sea, which the enormous silence was now beginning to envelop: the silence of anonymity; it enveloped blood and courage and work and instinct, it was at once cruel and compassionate. And he who had wanted to escape from the country without name, from the crowd and from a family without a name, but in whom something had gone on craving darkness and anonymity - he too was a member of the tribe, marching blindly into the night near the old doctor who was panting at his right, listening to the gusts of music coming from the square, seeing once more the hard inscrutable faces of the Arabs around the bandstands, Veillard's laughter and his stubborn face - also seeing with a sweetness and a sorrow that wrung his heart the deathly look on his mother's face at the time of the bombing - wandering though the night of the years in the land of oblivion where each one is the first man, where he had to bring himself up, without a father, having never known those moments when a father would call his son, after waiting for him to reach the age of listening, to tell him the family's secret, or a sorrow of long ago, or the experience of his life, those moments when even the ridiculous and hateful Polonius all of a sudden becomes great when he is speaking to Laertes; and he was sixteen, then he was twenty, and no one had spoken to him, and he had to learn by himself, to grow alone, in fortitude, in strength, find his own morality and truth, at last to be born as a man and then to be born in a harder childbirth, which consists of being born in relation to others, to women, like all the men born in this country who, one by one, try to learn without roots and without faith, and today all of them are threatened with eternal anonymity and the loss of the only consecrated traces of their passage on this earth, the illegible slabs in the cemetery that the night has now covered over; they had to learn how to live in relation to others, to the immense host of the conquerors, now dispossessed, who had preceded them on this land and in whom they now had to recognise the brotherhood of race and destiny.” ― Albert Camus, The First Man

Albert Camus: "Die Pest"

im DLR : #Hörbuch

Die Pest

– Nach fünf Jahren langer Arbeit stellte Albert Camus am Ende des ersten Nachkriegsjahres 1946 seinen Roman „Die Pest“ fertig. Bereits kurz nach der Veröffentlichung im Juni 1947 wurde das Werk ein großer Erfolg.

Albert Camus==== , born 102 years ago today, on happiness and our search for meaning 7. Nov. 2015, 08:01