Mark Zuckerberg

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Version vom 20. September 2017, 12:19 Uhr


This is a sad day for our country.

The decision to end DACA is not just wrong. It is particularly cruel to offer young people the American Dream, encourage them to come out of the shadows and trust our government, and then punish them for it. The young people covered by DACA are our friends and neighbors. They contribute to our communities and to the economy. I've gotten to know some Dreamers over the past few years, and I've always been impressed by their strength and sense of purpose. They don't deserve to live in fear. DACA protects 800,000 Dreamers -- young people brought to this country by their parents. Six months from today, new DACA recipients will start to lose their ability to work legally and will risk immediate deportation every day. It's time for Congress to act to pass the bipartisan Dream Act or another legislative solution that gives Dreamers a pathway to citizenship. For years, leaders from both parties have been talking about protecting Dreamers. Now it's time to back those words up with action. Show us that you can lead. No bill is perfect, but inaction now is unacceptable. Our team at has been working alongside Dreamers in this fight, and we'll be doing even more in the weeks ahead to make sure Dreamers have the protections they deserve. If you live in the US, call your members of Congress and tell them to do the right thing. We have always been a nation of immigrants, and immigrants have always made our nation stronger. You can learn more and get connected at


We aren't born hating each other.

We aren't born with such extreme views. We may not be able to solve every problem, but we all have a responsibility to do what we can. I believe we can do something about the parts of our culture that teach a person to hate someone else. It's important that Facebook is a place where people with different views can share their ideas. Debate is part of a healthy society. But when someone tries to silence others or attacks them based on who they are or what they believe, that hurts us all and is unacceptable. There is no place for hate in our community. That's why we've always taken down any post that promotes or celebrates hate crimes or acts of terrorism -- including what happened in Charlottesville. With the potential for more rallies, we're watching the situation closely and will take down threats of physical harm. We won't always be perfect, but you have my commitment that we'll keep working to make Facebook a place where everyone can feel safe. The last few days have been hard to process. I know a lot of us have been asking where this hate comes from. As a Jew, it's something I've wondered much of my life. It's a disgrace that we still need to say that neo-Nazis and white supremacists are wrong -- as if this is somehow not obvious. My thoughts are with the victims of hate around the world, and everyone who has the courage to stand up to it every day. There may always be some evil in the world, and maybe we can't do anything about that. But there's too much polarization in our culture, and we can do something about that. There's not enough balance, nuance, and depth in our public discourse, and I believe we can do something about that. We need to bring people closer together, and I know we can make progress at that.

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Over the last few weeks,

we've seen people hurting themselves and others on Facebook -- either live or in video posted later. It's heartbreaking, and I've been reflecting on how we can do better for our community. If we're going to build a safe community, we need to respond quickly. We're working to make these videos easier to report so we can take the right action sooner -- whether that's responding quickly when someone needs help or taking a post down.

Over the next year, we'll be adding 3,000 people to our community operations team around the world -- on top of the 4,500 we have today -- to review the millions of reports we get every week, and improve the process for doing it quickly.

These reviewers will also help us get better at removing things we don't allow on Facebook like hate speech and child exploitation. And we'll keep working with local community groups and law enforcement who are in the best position to help someone if they need it -- either because they're about to harm themselves, or because they're in danger from someone else.

In addition to investing in more people, we're also building better tools to keep our community safe. We’re going to make it simpler to report problems to us, faster for our reviewers to determine which posts violate our standards and easier for them to contact law enforcement if someone needs help. As these become available they should help make our community safer.

This is important. Just last week, we got a report that someone on Live was considering suicide. We immediately reached out to law enforcement, and they were able to prevent him from hurting himself. In other cases, we weren't so fortunate. No one should be in this situation in the first place, but if they are, then we should build a safe community that gets them the help they need.

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Today is Facebook's 13th birthday

We take this moment to reflect on friendship and bringing people together. The world needs more of that right now. Lately I've been reflecting on how we can do even more to bring people together. We've mostly focused on connecting you with friends and family so far. Friendship is one of the greatest sources of meaning and happiness in our lives. But there is more we must build to help people come together. We need communities. Our communities -- whether they're churches, sports teams or other local groups -- are an important part of our social fabric. They provide us with a sense of purpose and hope, knowing we are part of something bigger than ourselves. They take care of us and look out for our social, emotional and spiritual needs. They reinforce our values.

We need safety. We come together to support each other when times are tough. There is more we can all do to help keep our community safe -- to prevent disasters, help during them or rebuild afterwards. Whether that's Safety Check in emergencies or Amber Alerts to find missing children, we can help our community come together to keep each other safe. We need an informed society. We can only have a shared discourse if we have common ground. Giving everyone a voice increases diversity of perspectives, but there is more we can do to build a shared perspective -- to reduce polarization, sensationalism and misinformation. This is an important social function for enabling people to come together.

We need civic engagement. Our society and governments reflect our values when we all participate in this process. This is an important institution to bring people together to decide what we will do together. Our community has helped millions of people vote, connect with elected leaders, and march to demonstrate their values. We can help even more people come together. Friends Day is especially meaningful for me as I reflect on all the friendships and the community that have sustained me since I started Facebook 13 years ago. It has been an incredible period, yet we have so much work ahead to bring people together.

On this Friends Day, I hope you take a minute today and reach out to someone -- no matter where they are -- and tell them how much they mean to you. I'm grateful for every person who has been a part of this journey and cares as much as I do about connecting people. Have a great Friends Day.

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Facebook reports Q4 revenue of $8.81B,

vs $8.51B expected, as MAUs grow to 1.86B, up 17% YoY, and DAUs rise to 1.23B for December 2016, up 18% YoY (Josh Constine / TechCrunch)

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I'm excited that Hugo Barra is joining Facebook

to lead all of our virtual reality efforts, including our Oculus team. Hugo's in China right now, so here we are together in VR. It seems fitting. I've known Hugo for a long time, starting when he helped develop the Android operating system, to the last few years he's worked at Xiaomi in Beijing bringing innovative devices to millions of people. Hugo shares my belief that virtual and augmented reality will be the next major computing platform. They'll enable us to experience completely new things and be more creative than ever before. Hugo is going to help build that future, and I'm looking forward to having him on our team. ... Mark Zuckerberg 25. Januar um 20:02

The first state I'm visiting this year is Texas.

I'm here in Dallas for work, but I'm also taking time to meet members of our Texas community over the next few days as part of my Year of Travel challenge. Today I helped plant a garden with members of the Oak Cliff community in Dallas as part of their Day of Service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Oak Cliff is a food desert, so the garden we worked on is going to be a source of fresh fruits and vegetables for the community. As part of the service project, I met some students who go the TAG Magnet School in Oak Cliff -- one of the best public high schools in the country. Every freshman at TAG is required to take computer science, and some of the students I talked to have already gotten into schools like MIT. Thanks to Taylor Toynes for inviting me, and to all the members of the community for sharing their stories. Service events like this are a great reflection of Dr. King's spirit and his life's work. And thanks to all of you who participated in a Day of Service in your community.

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A few weeks ago,

I outlined some projects we're working on to build a more informed community and fight misinformation. Today, I want to share an update on work we're starting to roll out. We have a responsibility to make sure Facebook has the greatest positive impact on the world. This update is just one of many steps forward, and there will be more work beyond this. Facebook is a new kind of platform different from anything before it. I think of Facebook as a technology company, but I recognize we have a greater responsibility than just building technology that information flows through. While we don't write the news stories you read and share, we also recognize we're more than just a distributor of news. We're a new kind of platform for public discourse -- and that means we have a new kind of responsibility to enable people to have the most meaningful conversations, and to build a space where people can be informed. With any changes we make, we must fight to give all people a voice and resist the path of becoming arbiters of truth ourselves. I believe we can build a more informed community and uphold these principles. Here's what we're doing: Today we're making it easier to report hoaxes, and if many people report a story, then we'll send it to third-party fact checking organizations. If the fact checkers agree a story is a hoax, you'll see a flag on the story saying it has been disputed, and that story may be less likely to show up in News Feed. You'll still be able to read and share the story, but you'll now have more information about whether fact checkers believe it's accurate. No one will be able to make a disputed story into an ad or promote it on our platform. We've also found that if people who read an article are significantly less likely to share it than people who just read the headline, that may be a sign it's misleading. We're going to start incorporating this signal into News Feed ranking. These steps will help make spreading misinformation less profitable for spammers who make money by getting more people to visit their sites. And we're also going to crack down on spammers who masquerade as well-known news organizations. You can read more about all of these updates here: This is just one of many steps we'll make to keep improving the quality of our service. Thanks to everyone for your feedback on this, and check back here for more updates to come.

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This Thanksgiving,

I want to take a moment to thank everyone in our community.

I'm thankful for all of you who are part of this journey to connect the world. This has been a challenging year and at times it has felt like we're moving apart more than coming together. But then I think of how you are all personally bringing people together and building this community of more than 1.8 billion people. You've shared your happy moments and your sad ones, you've kept your friends and families closer together, and you've made the world feel a little smaller and little warmer.

I'm thankful I get to be part of this. I wake up every day and get to work on helping more people connect. It's incredibly special. I'm thankful you trust me to keep improving our services to meet your needs and unlock our community's potential. I'm thankful you give me the opportunity to grow and do even more to serve this community over time.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and thank you for all you do to make the world more open and connected.


Mark Z on change

People often ask me what advice I'd give someone who wants to start their own company.

My answer is that every good company that I can think of started with someone caring about changing something, not someone deciding to start a company. Instead of trying to build a company, focus on the change you want to see in the world and just keep pushing forward.

Here's a clip from a conversation I had about entrepreneurship with Sam Altman, who runs the startup incubator called Y Combinator. You can watch the full interview on their Facebook page.

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Today we’re launching a special campaign

to help raise funds for those affected by the Nepal earthquake. At the top of your News Feed, you may see an option to donate money to the International Medical Corps who are on the ground helping people in the affected areas. Facebook will match every dollar donated up to $2 million. Matching funds will be distributed to local relief and rescue organizations working to provide immediate and ongoing relief. Together we can help urgent care reach the people who need it. Thinking of all of you who are there and all of you who have relatives and friends in the affected areas.

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