Alois Eder

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(Prelego de dr-o Sabine Fiedler am 14.03. in HH)
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
===[[Alois Eder]]===
===[[Alois Eder]]===
[[Esperanto]]-aktivulo kaj BAVELO-prezidanto
[[Esperanto]]-aktivulo kaj BAVELO-prezidanto kiu logxas en [[BW]]
Zeile 12: Zeile 11:
===[[Alois Eder]]: Paroli pri paco apogas la pacon! - deutsch===
===[[Alois Eder]]: Paroli pri paco apogas la pacon! - deutsch===
Zeile 312: Zeile 312:
Zeile 336: Zeile 338:
==[[Tibor Sekelj]] -- 1912-1988 ==
==[[Tibor Sekelj]] -- 1912-1988 ==
==14. marto 2019 - Prelego de dr-o Sabine Fiedler: Esperanto - novaj esploroj pri lingvouzo kaj parolkomunumo ==
- en Hamburg, Germanio. La prelego donas superrigardon pri rezultoj de esplorprojekto pri la nuna uzo de la planlingvo. Ĝi prilumas Esperanto-komunikadon en plej diversaj situacioj (kiel ekz. ĉiutaga konversacio, sciencaj prelegoj, debatoj). Ĉefaj temoj de la prelegoj estas la rolo de humuro en Esperanto-komunikado kaj la pluevoluo de la lingvo. Organizas: Esperanto Hamburg e.V. - retadreso:

Version vom 13. Februar 2019, 10:22 Uhr


Alois Eder

Esperanto-aktivulo kaj BAVELO-prezidanto


Alois Eder: Paroli pri paco apogas la pacon! - deutsch

Unser Schicksal ist Frieden weltweit.

Lass uns die Worte behalten, die wir benutzen.

Alois Eder, 2.6.2017

  • translated by google am 01.09.2018 + korrekturen




Talking about peace supports peace!

Word boards lead our thoughts or to war or peace

(Lecture during the German Esperanto Congress 2017 in Freiburg)

Who of you in the room wants peace? - Everything. Who of you wants war? - No one. See, none of us wants war, everyone wants peace.

But not everyone wants peace as we do. Do not you believe that? - If you do not believe there are people who do not want peace, I ask you: Why are weapons being produced? - You will answer: to defend us.

See, now we are already on our theme.

We are victims of deceit. Those who want wars to hide their intentions are not talking about war, but about defense.

But why do some people want war? - for profit. The military production and the arms trade are lucrative, it gives a huge profit. Because weapons are expensive. Their producers earn a lot of money. The military industry has a large amount of money paid by the victims with their lives.

No war can occur without war effort. See, in this room there is nobody who wants war. So you could think that the war campaigning with us has no chance. - But the opposite will. In fact, the armillalobio reaches its goal. Because we do not notice the propaganda's trick. The lobby of the armarigo does not wrap up for war, but only for the "defense". But now, when the fugitives fled to our country, we were amazed: why are they fleeing to us? What is the war effort that we do not notice its purpose, although we do not want wars? How do we let us cheat?

In order to understand this task of the war effort, at present, we can use the knowledge of modern cognoscience that is based on neurology, as a result of the neutralization theory.

Neurology is called the science that explores the brain. The science that explores languages ​​is called linguistics. The combination of both is the neutralization. How do these investigations help us to understand the campaigns of the war effort? I explain this at five steps.

First: At the moment it is possible to observe the brain during its activation, during our thinking. Neurons are called the synaps, where the nerves are tied. While the synaps are active, the image of the brain can be seen by means of the imaginative technique. When I say for example the word "conflict", the scientist sees on the image icon, where the brain appears to be illuminated. In this way, the researcher can see what words in the brain are linked to, forming a mean bomb.

Second: It's a well-known fact that muscle is often used to grow. Inverse muscle, which is never used, shakes up until it finally disappears. Each muscle is represented in our brain. With muscles we run for example. And by words we think. Also all words are represented in our brain. The same thing in our brain is like muscles: the space to present muscle with synaps in the brain grows through exercise and scratches by non-exercise.

Trie: As has been said, words exist in our brain not isolated, but in context, so linked with other words. The neurological linguistics speaks of a word signing (also called a frame, an angle "frame"). If for example you hear or say the word "flower", you also think about colors, smells, maybe of summer, or of festivals, of joy and so on. The simple word of speech wakes up in my experiences gathered during my life in relation to this word. At the university professor, this happens as well as at a primary school. We all can not escape that effect of the meaning. Even if I say: Do not think of a flower, you'll think of a flower. Do not you believe? Then let's experiment: I say: Do not think of a colorful elephant now! - What happened? You thought of a colorful elephant! The word is not the brain neglected.

Kvare: This meaning of a word, as if the surroundings or landscapes of the word, include related or linked word signs. And other words, whose meaning is not linked or related, does not exclude the meaning. Within this meaning, there are significantly related words linked to and outside that meaning are words whose meaning is not related to the word signature. Outside the meaning of the word flower, for example there are words like snow or dust or dark and so on.

Fifth: As stated, we can not escape from the meaning of the game. If I use false words, these are words with no intended meanings, I call out false, not intended thoughts. In order to take another example: If we talk about "imposting", we inevitably think of a poor fugitive that an enemy persecutes. In the signing of the word impositioning the state is bad, because it "pursues", and the monetary is poor, because he or she must "flee". Included in the word "flight" is the meaning "poor". It is excluded that the rate is necessary for the functioning of the state. Tax is a contribution of all member states involved in jointly financing the necessary services of the state for the sake of the members.

The state deserves empathy, the monetary rebellion, not vice versa, as the false word suggests. The coin holder is a "tax truck" or "tax relay".

Words guide our thoughts. By words we think.

Now we return to the words "peace" and "war". Which one of the two words we use more often? - Unfortunately the word war or words from its significance. So not openly, but hiding often speaks of war with the words "terror", "terrorists", "threatening", "defense", "security" and so forth.

The ministry, who is involved in military and military affairs, was once called a military office. Today no longer. Why? Because we do not want war. The same "defense briefing" ministry is now called. But if we are talking about a defense statement, the impact of the meaning of the meaning of the war is still waking up in war. Why? Because defense belongs to the significance of an attack. Without an attack, no defense would be necessary.

The frequent repetition of the word terrorists extends in our brain the representation of the "danger" meaning, although we live in one of the safest countries in the world. Those who want us to spend much more money for weapons must continue to talk about terrorists and danger. In our brains, the space for military significance is superproporcically large. Our head is filled with thoughts of "danger". The relation to the reality is lost. The arm producers are glad.

Now the question is: Can it be the case of thinking our world without the "enemies" category?

When the USSR collapsed, Mihail Gorbaĉof talked about the need to build a common European house. This is an image in the peace framework. Gorbaĉof had a vision of peaceful Europe. There were armies who fought against Gorbaĉof, because they did not stop thinking about a peaceful world. And there was NATO, a western "defense" pact, which, contrary to his promise, placed the border from the territory of his pact to Russia's "home".

We could speak more pacifically in our political conversations about our world and our residents on Earth, than we are used to. We could use pacifical metaphors instead of military. Cohabitants, neighbors, associations, partners instead of strangers, enemies, rivals. Neighborhood is, for example, a word whose signaling is related. What we are talking about is growing in our brain as if it were to a giant super-dimensional "muscle", so that we can not normally go on at the end. However, we have talked about: We talk so much in terms of war, danger and defense, until we can no longer think of peace.

How to escape the deception of the "brainbrowing" with the militarized intelligence bundles? We can learn to "brush all the messages against the skin", to use a German speech message. Learn critical questions. What are the critical questions? For example: - To who uses this information? - What other information does this message scall? - What feelings does this message feed for and for what purpose? Judge in court obedience to the rule: Listen to the other side.

Initially, the Internet has promised unlimited access to the world's information. But since the year 2008 each of us in gugloserĉado receives another answer. At the same question the search engines select those answers that match the interests of the search engine. The search engine knows its interests with its issues, its address, its age, its purchases, their political opinions, and so on.

We have the tendency to live in the "filtrocycle" itself, which means that I only receive messages that I like. To release me from this danger, it helps, if I'm looking for the information of media differing. If anyone speaks or writes against my convictions, I can search for information on the background of that opinion.

We now know that through words we are manipulative. We also know that in-productivity is to repeat the words of the different-Americans. Because, by repetition, we oppose only the representation of these words and thoughts in the brains that we do not want to expand. The word "no" our brain simply neglects.

We can expand the space in our brain for peaceful words and thoughts. What we talk about is that we support. We can support peace with peaceful words.

I finish with a text of the literature of the Jewish wisdom strategy:

Take ++ care of ++ your thoughts, because they will become words. Take care of your words, for they will become works. Take care of your deeds, because they will become customary. Take care of your habits, because they will become your character. Take care of your character, for it will become your fate.

Our fate is peace worldwide. Let's keep the words we use.

Alois Eder, 2.6.2017

  • translated by google am 01.09.2018






En la aprila numero de la revuo "Esperanto" aperos la oficiala statistiko pri la membraro de UEA en 2014. Laŭ ĝi estis entute 5027 individuaj membroj, t.e. 124 pli multe ol en 2013. Plej multe da individuaj membroj liveris Germanio (462), Brazilo (454), Francio (429), Japanio (326), Usono (269) kaj Nederlando (206).

La plej granda kresko okazis en Brazilo (+77), evidente dank’ al la UK en la najbara Argentino, kie la kongresa efiko estis +27. El la modela varbado fare de la estraranoj Lee Jungkee kaj Martin Schäffer rezultis grava kresko respektive en Korea Respubliko (+60) kaj Meksiko (+39). Same okazis ankaŭ en Ĉinio (+36), kie Trezoro Huang Yinbao ekfunkciis kiel nova energia kotizperanto. Menciindan falon, kvankam nur incidentan pro la fora UK, notis Francio (-40), Rusio (-24) kaj Pollando (-19).

La aligitaj membroj -- t.e. tiuj membroj de la landaj asocioj, kiuj ne estis samtempe individuaj membroj de UEA -- nombris 9789 (-230). Sekve la tuta membraro de UEA, kiu konsistas el la individuaj kaj aligitaj membroj kune, estis 14816 (-106).

449 individuaj membroj de UEA estis samtempe individuaj membroj de ĝia junulara sekcio TEJO. Tio estas 119 pli ol en 2014, tiel ke la kresko de la nombro de individuaj membroj de UEA okazis preskaŭ tute pro la plimultiĝo de junaj membroj. La nombro de junaj aligitaj membroj estis 1477 (-183). La tuta membraro de TEJO do iom ŝrumpis kaj estis 1926 (-64).

La revuo Esperanto havis 2898 pagitajn abonojn (-70) kaj la junulara revuo Kontakto 690 (+89).

Gazetaraj Komunikoj de UEA N-ro 574 2015-03-25

Tibor Sekelj -- 1912-1988

14. marto 2019 - Prelego de dr-o Sabine Fiedler: Esperanto - novaj esploroj pri lingvouzo kaj parolkomunumo

- en Hamburg, Germanio. La prelego donas superrigardon pri rezultoj de esplorprojekto pri la nuna uzo de la planlingvo. Ĝi prilumas Esperanto-komunikadon en plej diversaj situacioj (kiel ekz. ĉiutaga konversacio, sciencaj prelegoj, debatoj). Ĉefaj temoj de la prelegoj estas la rolo de humuro en Esperanto-komunikado kaj la pluevoluo de la lingvo. Organizas: Esperanto Hamburg e.V. - retadreso: