Murray Bookchin

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"Kommunikation ist das Wesen der Freiheit." Murray Bookchin (19xx-2006)

s.a. Yona Friedman

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Li verkis diversajn librojn, inter kiuj troviĝas la jenaj:

   * (1962). Our Synthetic Environment. New York: Knopf (published under the pseudonymn 'Lewis Herber).
   * (1964). "Ecology and Revolutionary Thought". New Directions in Libertarian Thought. September.
   * (1965). "Toward a Liberatory Technology." Comment.
   * (1970). Ecology and revolutionary thought, with the ecology action east manifesto and Toward and ecological solution. New York: Times Change Press.
   * (1965). Crisis in Our Cities. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall.
   * (1969). "Listen, Marxist!" Anarchos brochure.
   * (1970). Ecology and Revolutionary Thought, with the Ecology Action East Manifesto and Toward an Ecological Solution. New York: Times Change Press.
   * (1971). Post-Scarcity Anarchism. Berkeley: Ramparts Press.
   * (1972). "On Spontaneity and Organization." Anarchos.
   * (1974). "Toward an Ecological Society." Roots.
   * (1974). "Reflections on Spanish Anarchism. Our Generation.
   * (1974). The limits of the city. New York: Harper & Row.
   * (1975). "Energy, Ecotechnology, and Ecology." Liberation.
   * (1977). The Spanish Anarchists. New York: Harper and Row.
   * (1978). "Beyond Neo-Marxism". Telos. no. 36, pp. 5-28.
   * (1979). "Marxism as Bourgeois Sociology." Comment.
   * (1979). "Self-Magement and the New Technology." Telos.
   * (1980, 1985). "Murray Bookchin reads Time". Public Access TV: Paper Tiger Television. (1 videocassette)
   * (1980). "An Open Letter to the Ecology Movement." Comment.
   * (1980). Toward an Ecological Society. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
   * (1982). Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy. Palo Alto, CA: Cheshire Books.
   * (1983). "Sociobiology or Social Ecology." Harbinger.
   * (1983). "The Last Chance: An Appeal for Social and Ecological Sanity." Comment.
   * (1984) Re-Enchanting Humanity: A Defense of the Human Spirit against Antihumanism, Mysticism and Primitivism. New York: Black Rose Books,
   * (1984). "Theses on Libertarian Municipalism." Our Generation.
   * (1984). "What Is Radical Social Ecology?" Harbinger.
   * (1985). "Radicalizing democracy: a timely interview with Murray Bookchin conducted by the editors of Kick It Over Magazine." Toronto, Ont.: Northern Lights Press.
   * (1986). Modern Crisis. Philadelphia: New Society.
   * (1986). "Radicalizing democracy: a timely interview with Murray Bookchin conducted by the editors of Kick It Over Magazine". Toronto, Ontario: Northern Lights Press.
   * (1987). Philosophy of Social Ecology. New York: Black Rose Books.
   * (1987). The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship. San Francisco: Sierra Club.
   * (1987). "Social Ecology versus 'Deep Ecology'". Green Perspectives. 4-5.
   * (1987). "Thinking Ecologically: a Dialectical Approach", Our Generation. 18, 2.
   * (1989). "New social movements: the anarchic dimension".in For Anarchism: History, Theory, and Practice. Goodway, D., ed. London: and New York: Routledge. pp. 259-274.
   * (1990). Remaking Society. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
   * (1990). The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
   * (1992). Urbanization without Cities: The Rise and Decline of Citizenship. Montreal: Black Rose Press.
   * (1993). "What is Social Ecology?", Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology, Zimmerman, M.E. (ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
   * (1993). "The Ghost of Anarcho-syndicalism". Anarchist Studies.Vol. 1, Number 1.
   * (1993). "Visions of a new society, an interview with Murray Bookchin".St. Albans, Vt.: Turning the Tide. (2 videocassettes).
   * (1993). Deep Ecology & Anarchism: A Polemic. London: FreedomPress.
   * (1993). Which Way for the Ecology Movement? Edinburgh and San Francisco: A.K. Press.
   * (1994). To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936. Edinburgh and San Francisco: A.K. Press.
   * (1994). "The sixties myths, realities, lessons". Wilton, NH: Turning the Tide. (2 videocassettes)
   * (1995). From Urbanization to Cities : Toward a New Politics of Citizenship. London; New York: Cassell.
   * (1995). Re-enchanting humanity: a defense of the human spirit against antihumanism, misanthropy, mysticism, and primitivism. London; New York: Cassell.
   * (1995). Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: Unbridgeable Chasm. Edinburgh and San Francisco: A.K. Press.
   * (1996). The Third Revolution, vol. 1. London: Cassell.
   * (1998). The Third Revolution, vol. 2. London: Cassell.
   * (1999). Anarchism, Marxism, and the Future of the Left: Interviews and Essays, 1993-1998. Edinburgh and San Francisco: A.K. Press.
   * (2002). "The Communalist Project." Harbinger; Communalism.
   * (2004). The Third Revolution, vol. 3. London: Continuum.
   * (2005). The Third Revolution, vol. 4. London: Continuum. Bookchin, M. and Foreman, D. (1991). Defending the Earth: A Dialog Between Murray Bookchin and Dave Foreman.



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Auf dem Cover der ersten Ausgabe des “Whole Earth Catalogs” prangte ein Foto der Erde, aufgenommen aus dem All. Wir sitzen alle in einem Boot, war die Botschaft. Im Katalog fanden sich Anleitungen zum Bau geodätischer Kuppeln und elektronischer Rechenmaschinen neben Literatur von Buckminster Fuller bis Gregory Bateson. Apple-Gründer Steve Jobs verglich die Rolle des Katalogs mit Google, bevor es Google gab. Für Zehntausende von Aussteigern, die Ende der 60er-Jahre in den USA aufs Land zogen und Kommunen gründeten, war der Katalog wie eine Bibel. Und die Verkündigung lautete: Zur Veränderung von Mensch und Gesellschaft bedarf es keiner politischen Aktionen, sondern neuer Technologien. Manche haben diesen Glauben bis heute nicht verloren …

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