Dublin Core

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Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCMI http://dublincore.org/


DC-2011, the eleventh International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications The Hague from 21 through 23 September 2011 http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2011/schedConf/

Twitter hashtag for DC 2011 is #dcmi11


Metadata Konferenz am 3. Oktober 2006 in Manzanillo. Metadata for Knowledge and Learning - http://www.buzinkay.net/blog-de/2006/08/dublin-core-2006/ - via swiss-lib


Conferences and Workshops seit 1995, teilw. proceedings: http://dublincore.org/workshops/




Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1, engl.: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/ dt. Übers.: http://www.kim-forum.org/material/pdf/uebersetzung_dcmes_20070822.pdf


s.a. HTML


Dublin Core in Multiple Languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, or Pidgin?

Thomas Baker Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract The experience of artificial languages like Esperanto suggests they need good governance to control divergence in usage, but flexibility to evolve and grow. Language engineers have neglected to consider pidgins --- simplified hybrids invented spontaneously by speakers of different languages. If Dublin Core is pidgin metadata, perhaps it needs an interlingua --- a language-neutral set of elements mediating between richer sets --- for the collective negotiation of meanings and for managing the inevitable tension between simplicity and complexity. Adaptations of Dublin Core in languages other than English would not be mere translations of a canon, but equal participants in an ongoing revision of that canon.

Keywords Dublin Core, artificial languages, knowledge representation, metadata, multilinguality, ontologies, pidgins and creoles, thesauri.


Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1, interlingua: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/projects/iemsr/archive/DC-Elements-Interlingua.html


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http://www.verwaltung.fh-koeln.de/kalender/2012/03/verw_msg_04760.html Der Einsturz des Kölner Historischen Archivs - Katastrophe und Hoffnung. www.verwaltung.fh-koeln.de Eine Ausstellung erinnert an den Einsturz des Kölner Stadtarchivs. Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung spricht Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs (Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft) über die Fachhochschule Köln als Partner bei der Bergung und Restaurierung der Archivalien.

