Jean Giono

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Jean Giono, 1895 in Manosque in der nördlichen Provence geboren, starb dort 1970

Er veröffentlichte zahlreiche Romane in denen er die Menschen seiner Region beschrieb und immer wieder die Einheit der Bergbauern und Hirten mit der ...

Written in French, in 1957 without copyright notice, the translation is unique to Wikisource

Dear sir,

Sorry to disappoint you, but Elzéard Bouffier is a fictional person. The goal was to make trees likeable, or more specifically, make planting trees likeable (this has always been one of my most fondest ideas). And if I judge based on the results, it seems to have been attained through this imaginary person. The text which you read in Trees and Life has been translated in Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German, Russian, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Yiddish and Polish.

I freely give away my rights, for all to publish. An American has come to me recently, to ask my permission to make 100,000 copies which he would distribute freely in America (which of course, I granted).

The University of Zagreb has created a Yugoslavian translation. It is one of my works of which I am most proud. It does not bring me a cent, and this is why it is able to achieve the goal for which it was written.

I would like to meet with you, if that would be possible, to discuss practical uses of the work. I think it's time we created "Tree Politics", though the work "Political" seems very out of place.

Cordially, Jean Giono

131217 via wikisource

Jean Giono: L'Homme qui plantait des arbres

Zeichentrickfilm, Canada 1987

franz. volltext via wikisource ... franz. volltext

neu illustriert von Quint Buchholz

Kurz vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg beginnt der Schäfer Elzéard Bouffier, in der verödeten, zerstörten Provence Bäume zu pflanzen. Einfach so, um die Welt wieder schön zu machen, pflanzt er Tag für Tag, jahrzehntelang. Und schafft es tatsächlich, dadurch vielen Menschen ein Stück Lebensfreude zu schenken. Die Bilder des preisgekrönten Malers und Illustrators Quint Buchholz unterstreichen die hochaktuelle Thematik, die in dieser Geschichte liegt: Ein Außenseiter, der es schafft, mittels Geduld und festem Willen ans Ziel zu kommen und die Natur nachhaltig zu verändern.