Citizen Science

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Interview zu Citizen Science

Dr. Katrin Vohland ist Citizen-Science-Expertin am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Sie ist unter anderem Teil der Projektleitung der deutschen Citizen-Science-Plattform „Bürger schaffen Wissen“ sowie Executive Chair der europäischen Allianz ECSA (European Citizen Science Association).

Im Interview erläutert sie die aktuelle und zukünftige Rolle von Citizen Science im Wissenschaftssystem und zeigt die Potentiale auf, die in der Partizipation der Zivilgesellschafft stecken, aber auch welche Barrieren noch zu überwinden sind.

European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)

The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a non-profit association set up to encourage the growth of the Citizen Science movement in Europe in order to enhance the participation of the general public in scientific processes, mainly by initiating and supporting citizen science projects as well as performing research on citizen science. ECSA is framing citizen science as an open and inclusive approach, for example by supporting and being part of the exploration, shaping and development the different aspects of the citizen science movement, its better understanding and use for the benefit of decision making.

ECSA draws on +200 individual and organizational members from over 28 countries across the European Union and beyond. Launched during the EU GREEN WEEK in June 2013, ECSA has grown from an informal network of researchers and communicators interested in Citizen Science into the European reference network of Citizen Science initiatives. ECSA offers the opportunity to interact among groups and disciplines that already have or want to build a relation to citizen science, through activities in H2020 projects, contributing to policy briefs, the open science policy platform and being part of the development of principles for good practice in citizen science.

Strategy Working Groups Activities & Projects Structure

ECSA is a legal entity registered as an NGO (‘eingetragener Verein’) under German law and open to individual and institutional members. It is governed by the General Assembly and an Executive Board along with a Board of Directors and a Steering Committee (which consists of the Chairs of the Working Groups), which develop the programmatic work of ECSA. These bodies and other active members are supported by a small secretariat (‘Headquarters’).