Tomas Transtroemer

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It grows, it takes my place.

It grows, it takes my place. It pushes me aside. It throws me out of the nest. The poem is ready.

― Tomas Tranströmer ... 26.03.2015

Großer und langsamer Wind

Großer und langsamer Wind== Aus der Bibliothek des Meeres Hier darf ich ruhen

Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015)


Granda kaj malrapida vento== el la biblioteko de la maro cxi tie mi permesas resti Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015) transl. dz version 1.0

Die Erinnerungen sehen mich

Tranströmer, Tomas Hanser, 1999 9783446196704 ... Der Kopf, das ist die Zeit des Heranwachsens. Der Kern ist die sehr frühe Kindheit, wo die wichtigsten Züge in unserem leben festgelegt werden. Weiter hinten verdünnt sich der Komet - das ist der längere Teil, die Zeit unseres Erwachsenenlebens. In seinem Buch versucht der schwedische Dichter sich dem Kern zu nähern, der Existenz.



The poem ‘Allegro' == is from the collection 'Den halvfärdiga himlen' (‘The Half-Finished Heaven’), written in 1962:

“I play Haydn after a black day and feel a simple warmth in my hands.

The keys are willing. Soft hammers strike. The resonance green, lively and calm.

The music says freedom exists and someone doesn't pay the emperor tax.

I push down my hands in my Haydnpockets and imitate a person looking on the world calmly.

I hoist the Haydnflag - it signifies: “We don't give in. But want peace.”

The music is a glass-house on the slope where the stones fly, the stones roll.

And the stones roll right through but each pane stays whole."

(Translated by Robin Fulton, New Collected Poems, Bloodaxe Books, 1997/2011)

Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015) is regarded as the leading Swedish poet of his generation even though his collected poems can be contained in one volume of only a couple of hundred pages. ‘17 dikter’ 1954 ('17 Poems’), ‘Östersjöar’, 1974 (‘Baltics’, 1980), ‘Mörkerseende’, 1970 ('Night Vision', 1972), and ‘Sanningsbarriären’, 1978 (‘Truth Barriers’, 1984) are among his most important collections of poetry. Tomas Tranströmer received the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 1990, the Swedish Academy Nordic Prize in 1991, the Griffin Lifetime Recognition Award (Canada) in 2007, and the Nobel Prize in 2011.
