Jimmy Wales

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Gründer der Wikipedia in 2001

  • einer von zwei ==

cilip.org.uk on Jimmy Wales== https://www.cilip.org.uk/search/all.asp?bst=jimmy+wales

Wikipedia artikel bewerten by jf== https://github.com/schneeschmelze/wikipedia-lehren/blob/master/handout-wikipedia-artikel-bewerten.pdf


To all our readers in Germany.

It's a little awkward, so we'll get straight to the point: on this Monday we humbly ask you to protect Wikipedia's independence. This is the 8th day of our campaign. We depend on donations averaging about € 23.83, but 99% of our readers don't give. Our fundraising appeal is displayed over 8 million times a day, but currently only 97.967 people have donated. If everyone reading this gave a small amount, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. The price of your Monday coffee is all we need. When we made Wikipedia a non-profit, people warned us we'd regret it. But if Wikipedia became commercial, it would be a great loss to the world. Wikipedia is a place to learn, not a place for advertising. It unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers and the donors who keep us thriving. The heart and soul of Wikipedia is a community of people working to bring you unlimited access to reliable, neutral information. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia growing. Thank you!


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, bitte verzeihen Sie die Störung. Es ist ein bisschen unangenehm, daher kommen wir gleich zur Sache. An diesem Montag sind Sie in Deutschland gefragt:

Heute ist der 8. Tag unserer Spendenkampagne. Wikipedia wird durch Spenden von durchschnittlich 23,83 € finanziert, aber 99 % der Leserinnen und Leser spenden nicht. Wenn alle, die das jetzt lesen, einen kleinen Beitrag leisten, wäre unser Spendenziel bereits am heutigen Montag erreicht. Schon der Preis einer Tasse Kaffee würde genügen. Über 8 Millionen Mal wird unser Spendenaufruf täglich angezeigt, aber nur 97.970 Menschen haben bisher gespendet. Sicher könnten wir mit Werbung eine Menge Geld verdienen. Aber dann wäre Wikipedia komplett anders. Wir könnten ihr nicht vertrauen. Es ist leicht, diese Nachricht zu ignorieren und die meisten werden das wohl tun. Wenn Sie Wikipedia nützlich finden, nehmen Sie sich an diesem Montag bitte eine Minute Zeit und geben Wikipedia mit Ihrer Spende etwas zurück. Vielen Dank!


Gründer von WikiTribune bzw. WT:social

Jimmy Wales: WT wird WT:social in 2019


251119 via site

Infos zu WikiTribune

Mathew ingram on wikitribune

Wikipedia’s co-founder wanted to let readers edit the news.

What went wrong?

By Mathew Ingram

While Wales says it’s fair to say that WikiTribune “hasn’t been wildly successful,” he remains a strong believer in the idea that journalists and community members alike can play an important role in the overall process of crowdsourcing news. “I can’t guarantee this is going to be a raging success, but I have passionately pursued all the things we’ve promised to pursue and I will continue to do so,” he says.


281118 via vab

1 year wikitribune: What we have learned so far

Letter from Jimmy and Orit: What we have learned so far

Dear community,

It has been just over a year since the launch of the WikiTribune pilot, and we’ve learned a lot. Our goal is to stay in “pilot” for another 6 months to a year and then move to “beta”. These are subjective descriptions, but they are important as an indicator of how we are thinking about our progress so far.

Essentially what we have seen is that the quality from the community is extremely high – the quality of the dialogue between us all is high, and the quality of the output is high. We are making staffing changes to invest more in community by following two directions: (1) technology and community support; (2) changing the mix of journalists to more directly suit their role as supporters of the community.

One of the most challenging things has been to get the software and culture right to encourage participation. As longtime community members will remember, we launched with a very beautiful site that had all the signifiers to suggest that you could read but not participate. Orit Kopel led the redesign process to get to where we are now – with lots and lots of edit links everywhere – which has resulted in a great improvement in participation.

We are still working through the site and finding vestiges of the clearly wrong perception that the journalists are ‘above’ the community, supervising their work. This was never the intention and it is something we got wrong in the early design. Despite the best efforts of staff, the overall structure and design didn’t let the community genuinely flourish.

This past week, we made a major improvement (which has resulted in a big spike in logins and edits from community members) by allowing far more people to make the decision to click on “publish” when a story is ready. We encourage you to login and make an edit soon to see how much easier it is now.

Within the next couple of weeks we will be rolling out a new homepage that makes “pending edits” (those which have been made but not yet published) much more prominent, so that the community can actually find each other more efficiently to jump in and collaborate more effectively – the way a true wiki works.

As you may have heard, we’ve made some major personnel changes. We are looking to hire new journalists – our old staff was great, but we are now focussing much more on community support, and so we are looking for journalists with extensive wiki experience, and journalists with fact checking passion. Effectively, what we are doing is inverting completely how people normally think about communities and journalists – the community is not here to merely help the journalists. Rather the journalists will be here to work for the community.

We are excited to lead WikiTribune in a new way and welcome you all to join us.

Jimmy Wales Founder, WikiTribune

Orit Kopel Co-founder, WikiTribune

https://www.wikitribune.com/project/what-we-have-learned-so-far/ https://www.wikitribune.com/project/what-we-have-learned-so-far/?revisionID=91770

(Vers. 2018-10-21 14:57:44)

221018 via vab

WikiTribune is hiring fact checkers in 2018

Jimmy Wales is looking for ... fact checkers to join him in his quest to change the world (again!) with WikiTribune. Jimmy is seeking to hire brilliant fact-checking journalists with substantial understanding of the collaborative wiki world in order to fix the news.

280818 via wikitribune

Jimmy wales im interview mit zeit.de in 2018


WikiTribune: In Principio Erat Signum

On Tue, May 7, 2019

DRAFT: Interview with Jimmy Wales and Jorge Marinho -

This interview seeks to address cooperation between WikiTribune and academic research of curricular units in Semiotics of Communication and Publics and Audiences as part of the Communication Sciences Study Program at the University of Porto, while highlighting the role of said cooperation in preparing the launch of WikiTribune in Portuguese.

  • eben gesehen. es tut sich in englisch schon nicht mehr arg viel ... my2cents

GDPR bzw DSGVO - Understanding territorial scope under GDPR

Broader reach, and heavier fines for misbehavior: these are two significant changes to Europe’s new data privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on May 25.

The GDPR is a far-reaching set of rules focused on shielding an individual’s privacy and exchange of data across borders. All companies operating across the European Union, and doing business with its 500 million people, must abide by it.

Imposing new rules for a new era of the digital economy, the GDPR replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive, and is a recognition of how much the internet has changed.

Read WikiTribune’s analysis on how GDPR could change the internet.

Territorial expansion is one of GDPR’s more important changes to existing regulations. By reframing GDPR around the “data subject” – defined by GDPR as an “identifiable natural person” – the new regulation will impact many businesses regardless of geographic location.

Below are some of the circumstances under which enterprises are subject to GDPR. Help add to it.

Main impact of GDPR’s increased territorial scope The GDPR’s section on territorial scope can be found in Article 3 of the regulation. Here it’s made clear that the regulation applies wherever processing of data takes place, be it within or outside the European Union.

A list of GDPR definitions can be found in Article 4 of the regulation.

2505 via newsletter


Wikitribune: Facebook may promise privacy but business model is built on its absence

Facebook users who Mark Zuckerberg once referred to as “dumb fucks” in early 2004 are now facing up to the reality behind that insult.

With admissions from the company that almost all its 2 billion users probably had their data harvested by “malicious actors,” and that 87 million – not 50 million – profiles were probably used by Cambridge Analytica, the business model powering Facebook is being laid bare.



WikiTribune: The news we trust

When our launch editor put together a list of "preferred news sources," it was a guide for new WikiTribune staff. We weren't necessarily planning to circulate it beyond WikiTribune HQ.

But one of our supporters asked on Twitter if we could provide a list of trustworthy sources. Well, we wouldn't recommend you anything we wouldn't use ourselves, so we've published the full internal source list on our blog and our reasons for using these sources.

131017 via wt blog

The Problem With WikiTribune

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’s new journalism site may be too ambitious for its own good. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/04/wikipedia-the-newspaper/524211/

Does WikiTribune Even Stand a Chance?

The Wikipedian. 12. Mai. Beutler, William. 2017. http://thewikipedian.net/2017/05/12/wikitribune-wikinews-local-journalism/

Jimmy Wales gründet faktenbasiertes News-Wiki

5. Mai 2017 von Ingrid Strauch====

Mit „Wikitribune“ https://www.wikitribune.com ... will Wales gegen Fakenews vorgehen.

Zehn bezahlte Journalisten und – wie bei der Wikipedia – die Netzgemeinschaft sollen gemeinsam und gleichberechtigt fact-checked Artikel schreiben. Zur Finanzierung läuft eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne.

Der Netzgemeinschaft soll eine Schlüsselrolle zukommen, indem sie Zusatzinformationen zu den Artikeln beiträgt. Durch die Beigabe von vollständigen Transkripten und Interview-Mitschnitten soll Transparenz hergestellt werden.

Einige Presseartikel: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/apr/25/wikipedia-founder-jimmy-wales-to-fight-fake-news-with-new-wikitribune-site http://zdnet.de/88293763/wikitribune-will-fake-news-bekaempfen/ https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/04/wikipedia-the-newspaper/524211/ https://www.computerbase.de/2017-04/wikitribune-gegen-fake-news/ http://newslines.org/blog/wikitribune-will-sink/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikitribune

Nachtrag 06.05.2017 Interview: Jimmy Wales on Wikitribune’s business model and why it might cover not just politics but also dog breeding http://www.niemanlab.org/2017/05/jimmy-wales-on-wikitribunes-business-model-and-why-it-might-cover-not-just-politics-but-also-dog-breeding/

Wikitribune nach vier Monaten Pilot-Betrieb in 02.2018

27. Februar 2018 von Ingrid Strauch====

„‘Wikitribune‘: Kann man so das Vertrauen in die Medien zurückgewinnen?“ fragt Christoph Fuchs in der SZ http://www.sueddeutsche.de/medien/online-nachrichtenportal-kann-man-so-das-vertrauen-in-die-medien-wiedergewinnen-1.3878261, berichtet dann, u. a. gestützt auf Aussagen des

Chefredakteurs, Peter Bale, https://www.wikitribune.com/user/peter-bale/ über Anspruch, Konzept und bisherige Praxis des Projekts.

Die Zukunft des „Experiments“ (Bale), dessen Charme das hybride Betriebsmodell mit journalistischem Stammpersonal und Community-Beteiligung ausmacht, liegt schließlich nicht zuletzt in der Hand der – weltweiten – Crowd. Ergänzend zu obigem Artikel einige Hinweise aus Mitmacher-Sicht inkl. Sicht von Information Professionals:

Die Website https://www.wikitribune.com besteht aus dem zentral präsentierten Artikel- und einem Projektbereich.

Aktueller Bedarf an Mitarbeit seitens (angemeldeter!) Nutzer an Artikeln wird auf mehreren Wegen explizit angezeigt:

in einer täglich erscheinenden Rubrik „Current Affairs“ [1],

in einer „Daily news agenda“ [2],

durch Kennzeichnung entsprechender Artikel mit den Format-Tags „Emergjng“ bzw. „Developing“ [3].

Davon unbenommen können Externe natürlich neue Artikel beitragen und vorhandene korrigieren, erweitern oder fortschreiben.

An Artikelformaten habe ich bisher getaggt gefunden: „Analysis“, (tägliches) „Briefing“, „Essay“, „Explainer“ und „Report“. Es gibt die Formen Interview, Chronik, auch Artikelserien.

Damit, dass die „Wikitribune“ bereits in einem frühen Entwicklungsstadium online gegangen ist, wird die Community frühzeitig in die Projektentwicklung einbezogen.

Dafür wurde der Bereich „WikiProjects“ eingerichtet, in der neben dem Forum „Feedback on everything please!“ zu einer ständig wachsenden Zahl an Themen Arbeitshilfen für die journalistische Praxis entstehen. Dazu gehören u. a.:

„Open data“ („This project documents different aspects of open data, their providers, the licences and the discussions on the pros and cons of open data“), „News sources“ (nach Ländern), „Fact checking“, „Freedom of information requests“,

Hilfen zur Abdeckung bestimmter Themen wie z. B. „Open science“, „Culture“, „Law“, „Cryptocurrencies“, „U.S. politics“, „Global affairs“.

Die Projektseiten sind, soweit es sich anbietet, nach einem mehr oder weniger einheitlichen Schema gegliedert, zu dem – Information Professionals mögen aufmerken – auch ein Abschnitt „Suggested resources“ zu gehören pflegt.

Wikinews vs. Wikitribune

Hinsichtlich der nach dem Launch des Projekts aufgeworfenen Frage „Wikinews ist gescheitert, wieso sollte es Wikitribune anders gehen?“ archivalia.hypotheses.org/68302 dürfte nach den ersten vier Monaten Pilot-Betrieb deutlich geworden sein:

„Wikinews“ https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Hauptseite und „Wikitribune“ haben weder konzeptionell noch im Ergebnis genug gemein, um aus dem Scheitern des einen auf das des anderen schließen zu können.

FEB19 - Von Jimmmy Wales initiertes brain storming zu WT== https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95969/?talk https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95969/

Nachtrag: Die WT-Community nutzt hauptsächlich eine Chatplattform (Discord) zur Diskussion. Dort gibt es u. a. einen Channel "Brainstorming". ISt, 2019-03-21

Kleine Provokation: https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95769/?talk https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95769/

Von Jean-Jacques Subrenat, initiiert: https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95917/ https://www.wikitribune.com/article/95917/?talk

draft proposal ISt: https://www.wikitribune.com/project/developing-a-wt-standard-article-structure/

fakehunter-praxisarbeitshilfematerialien ... download = 18 MB https://www.bz-sh.de/index.php/downloadbereich/download/139-bibliothekspaedagogische-konzepte/1017-die-fakehunter-praxisarbeitshilfematerialien

WT.social== https://wt.social/u/ingrid-strauch ... 251119