Joséphine Bacon

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* 23.04.1947 in Kanada

Film :: "Call Me Human"

Film je-mappelle-humain dichten-damit-die-woerter-nicht-verloren-gehen==

WATCH FOR FREE a film "Call Me Human" directed by Kim O'BOMSAWIN

“Sauvage,” says Joséphine Bacon, “means to be wholly free.”

When elders leave us, a link to the past vanishes along with them. Innu writer Joséphine Bacon exemplifies a generation that is bearing witness to a time that will soon have passed away. With charm and diplomacy, she leads a charge against the loss of a language, a culture, and its traditions.

On the trail of Papakassik, the master of the caribou, Call Me Human proposes a foray into a people’s multimillennial history, in company with a woman of great spirit who has devoted her life to passing on her knowledge and that of her ancestors.

In her language, Innu means “human.”

This film will be available online for FREE from January 25 to January 31, 2021.


Buch: Uiesh -- Quelque-part

Uiesh = Quelque part by Joséphine Bacon


About the book

In Quelque part, ou Uiesh (“somewhere, or Uiesh”), I step away from my territory; sometimes I acknowledge it, because I could never be far away. I get anxious because I am a stranger in this place (the city) that keeps reminding me that it is the one writing these words. I would like to be a simple poet and believe in that. There are departures, there are déjà vus, there are somewheres I find myself in, and there are myself and my poems with their simple words.

About the author

Joséphine Bacon is an Innu poet from Pessamit, born in 1947. A director and lyricist, she is considered one of Quebec’s leading authors. She has worked as a translator-interpreter with Elders, traditional knowledge keepers, and, wisely, she has learned to listen to their words. Joséphine Bacon often says of herself that she is not a poet, but that in her nomadic and generous heart, she speaks a language filled with poetry that resonates with the echoes of the Elders who have marked her life.


josephine-bacon nomadin-der-tundra bewohnerin-der-stadt


Ein Literaturmagazin zeigt Kanadas »Einzigartige Vielfalt«===

Kanada ist zweimal Gastland der Frankfurter Buchmesse. In diesem Jahr hofft man auf echte Begegnungen, nachdem die Messe 2020 digital stattfinden musste. Ein jetzt erschienenes rund 100-seitiges Magazin stellt das Buch- und Literaturland Kanada vor. Die Publikation ist auch digital im Netz zu haben.

Hier klicken und weiterlesen »

1207 via mail ... Q3 2021

Seite 47 und 48 über Josephine Bacon


Die Innu-Dichterin Joséphine Bacon, Verfasserin und Koautorin mehrerer Bücher, veröffentlichte 2013 den zweisprachigen Gedichtband „Un thé dans la toundra / Nipishapui nete mushuat“ (dt.: „Tee in der Tundra“).