Steven Pelcman

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STEVEN PELCMAN is a writer of poetry and short stories. He has been published in a number of magazines including The Windsor Review, Paris/Atlantic, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, Vox Humana Magazine, Nomad's Choir, The Fourth River, Caffeine Magazine, and River Oak Review. He has spent the last thirteen years residing in Germany; and the last five in Karlsruhe, where he is a language communications trainer and teacher.

Steven Pelcman: Anne Frank Speaks


Do not weep for the faceless Are beyond thinking Of their daily work Standing like skinless trees Swaying black against the sun Swinging me beside the moist earth

On top of still-moving flesh And then shovels Turning, turning Among the jigsaw pieces of torn skin And bleached bones Some eaten away

In the midst of their waste Yet for those that survive It is good to know That daughters and sons Can be born from the agony Of golden teeth pulled from the dead

But do not weep for me For I am proud to have grown Into this discipline And in truth It was not an unknown darkness That I joined

But a familiar belonging As I slipped next to Margot And felt the memory of her face And though the earth swallowed us Sound runs deep And there are shared voices in the dark.

Do not weep Even though you knew The end From the very beginning This is not such an uncommon experience After all

An argument can end in hatred A kiss, in love And though I did not believe at first, I found God And though I did not live You found me.

Steven Pelcman

war zuerst auf:

15.4.2012, 17 Uhr • Vorführung von Ausschnitten aus dem Interview, das Morris Pelcman 1998 für die Shoah-Foundation gab (engl. mit dt. Untertiteln) • Lesung Steven Pelcman Der „Hailfinger” Häftling Morris Pelcman und seine Frau Jeanette hatten zwei Kinder, eine Tochter, die 1994 verstarb, und einen Sohn: Steven Pelcman studierte Englisch und unterrichtet u. a. zeitgenössische Lyrik an der PH Karlsruhe und Business-Englisch. Er schreibt Gedichte, aus denen er an diesem Abend lesen wird. Wir freuen uns auf seinen Besuch. Als Beispiel finden Sie hier ein Gedicht über seine Mutter: „UNKNOWN FACES” (ursprünglich veröffentlicht im Innisfree magazine).

1404 am 15.04.2012, 17h, rathaus tailfingen. Steven Pelcman liest aus seinen Gedichten | d.a.i. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen Steven Pelcmans Vater, Morris Pelcman, kam im November 1944 ins KZ Hailfingen/Tailfingen. Nach dem Krieg ging er in die USA. Über seine Erfahrungen berichtet er in einem Video-Interview, aus demAusschnitte gezeigt werden.

English Language Trainer/Communications and ... Karslruhe - English Language Trainer/Communications and Correspondont specialst Steven Pelcman, Karslruhe, Bildungswesen, professionally published author.