British Library

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(==Early at the Library at 06.02.)
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==British Library==
==British Library==
==Early at the Library: Meditation, Music and Buddhism==
Including early entry to the exhibition
Enjoy the British Library at dawn at a special event beginning with a chanting session hosted by Robert Harrap of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International), and featuring a shakuhachi flute performance by Kiku Day.
Access to the Buddhism exhibition is included in the ticket price.
07.30 doors open
07.45 chanting session
08.05 shakuhachi flute performance and exhibition opening
Kiku Day is a shakuhachi player and ethnomusicologist, born in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan and now a world traveller based in Copenhagen. She is a master of the bamboo shakuhachi flute, an instrument with 1,300 year heritage as a tool for zen Buddhist meditation as well as playing classical, jazz and traditional Japanese music. Kiku studied shakuhachi with Okuda Atsuya – one of the foremost performers of jinashi shakuhachi in Tokyo – for 11 years, and has gone to become an internationally renowned performer working with leading contemporary composers. She was a founding member and former chair of the European Shakuhachi Society (ESS) and the World Shakuhachi Festival 2018 held at Goldsmiths, University of London, the largest gathering of shakuhachi players in the world.
Robert Harrap is General Director of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International), a Buddhist organisation based on the empowering philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism, a humanistic network for peace existing in 192 countries and territories. Robert regularly conducts lectures on Daisaku Ikeda's (leader of SGI Worldwide) annual Peace Proposal to the United Nations, which provides a Buddhist view of how to eliminate misery from the Earth. Robert is also a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause For Thought. For 16 years Robert worked as a barrister based in chambers in London’s Inner Temple. In December 2013, he left his legal practice in order to be able to contribute full time to peace, culture and education as the General Director of SGI-UK. He is delighted to be able to encourage people based on the philosophy of hope taught through Nichiren Buddhism.
Image: Kiku Day photographed by Steve Double
Name: Early at the Library: Meditation, Music and Buddhism
Entrance Hall
The British Library
96 Euston Road
Show Map      How to get to the Library
When: Thu 6 Feb 2020, 07:30 - 09:00
Price: Full Price: £16.00
Student: £8.00
Registered Unemployed: £8.00
Disabled: £8.00
Under 18: £8.00
Senior (60+): £14.00
Young Person (18-25): £8.00
Enquiries: +44 (0)1937 546546
2401 via newsletter

Version vom 24. Januar 2020, 18:30 Uhr


British Library

Early at the Library: Meditation, Music and Buddhism

Including early entry to the exhibition

Enjoy the British Library at dawn at a special event beginning with a chanting session hosted by Robert Harrap of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International), and featuring a shakuhachi flute performance by Kiku Day.

Access to the Buddhism exhibition is included in the ticket price.

07.30 doors open

07.45 chanting session

08.05 shakuhachi flute performance and exhibition opening

Kiku Day is a shakuhachi player and ethnomusicologist, born in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan and now a world traveller based in Copenhagen. She is a master of the bamboo shakuhachi flute, an instrument with 1,300 year heritage as a tool for zen Buddhist meditation as well as playing classical, jazz and traditional Japanese music. Kiku studied shakuhachi with Okuda Atsuya – one of the foremost performers of jinashi shakuhachi in Tokyo – for 11 years, and has gone to become an internationally renowned performer working with leading contemporary composers. She was a founding member and former chair of the European Shakuhachi Society (ESS) and the World Shakuhachi Festival 2018 held at Goldsmiths, University of London, the largest gathering of shakuhachi players in the world.

Robert Harrap is General Director of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International), a Buddhist organisation based on the empowering philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism, a humanistic network for peace existing in 192 countries and territories. Robert regularly conducts lectures on Daisaku Ikeda's (leader of SGI Worldwide) annual Peace Proposal to the United Nations, which provides a Buddhist view of how to eliminate misery from the Earth. Robert is also a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause For Thought. For 16 years Robert worked as a barrister based in chambers in London’s Inner Temple. In December 2013, he left his legal practice in order to be able to contribute full time to peace, culture and education as the General Director of SGI-UK. He is delighted to be able to encourage people based on the philosophy of hope taught through Nichiren Buddhism. Image: Kiku Day photographed by Steve Double


Name: Early at the Library: Meditation, Music and Buddhism


Entrance Hall The British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB

Show Map How to get to the Library

When: Thu 6 Feb 2020, 07:30 - 09:00

Price: Full Price: £16.00 Student: £8.00 Registered Unemployed: £8.00 Disabled: £8.00 Under 18: £8.00 Senior (60+): £14.00 Young Person (18-25): £8.00

Enquiries: +44 (0)1937 546546

2401 via newsletter

Virtual books

"Within the British Library's Online Gallery exists a gem called Virtual Books. Here, readers will find a collection of great books that can be viewed online using the library's own award-winning "Turning the Pages" software. A great place to start is by scoping out the six works displayed on the landing page, which include selections from the great Indian epic, The Ramayana, draft scores of Handel's Messiah, a handful of Leonardo da Vinci's sketches, and other masterpieces. From there, readers may like to explore the Most Viewed and Recent Additions sections. To explore items, simply click on a title. The book then takes a moment to load, but the Turning the Pages format lets you read, listen, rotate, zoom, and view the original writing next to modern, easily viewable font transliterations" (via Scout Report Volume 21, Number 34).

Unter den "Virtuellen Büchern" befinden sich ... Händels Messias, der Codex Sinaiticus, Jane Austens Frühwerk, Auszüge aus Scotts Tagebuch seiner Antarktis-Expedition, eine Bibel-Ausgabe aus Äthiopien und eine hebräische Bibel ...

via zkbw

Virtual Books in the British Library

Readers will find a collection of great books that can be viewed online using the library's own award-winning "Turning the Pages" software. A great place to start is by scoping out a handful of Leonardo da Vinci's sketches.

Scholarly Communications Lead

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

möchten Sie Einfluss auf die Strategie einer renomierten Nationalbibliothek nehmen und die Open Access-Landschaft international beinflussen? Dann interessiert Sie vielleicht unsere Stellenausschreibung für die neugeschaffene Position als Scholarly Communications Lead an der British Library.

Bevor Sie wegen Brexit die E-Mail gleich wieder löschen: Die British Library ist immer noch eine Organisation mit einem internationalen Auftrag und internationalem Team, und daran wird sich auch nichts ändern. London ist immer noch eine sehr weltoffene Stadt – in meinem Ortsteil wurden 78.6% der Stimmen für die EU abgegeben. Zudem zeichnet sich ab, dass EU-Staatsbürger, die 2019 im Land sind, das unbefristete Aufenthaltsrecht behalten werden. Also lesen Sie bitte weiter und bewerben sich gegebenenfalls– schlimmstenfalls können Sie UK nach ein paar Jahren mit guter Auslandserfahrung wieder verlassen.

Die British Library stellt sich gerade als (digitaler) Forschungsdienstleister neu auf, mit einem Fokus auf Open Science. Dazu habe ich in meiner Abteilung eine Research Infrastructure Services-Einheit eingerichtet, die sich auf Data-, Discovery-, Repository- und Scholarly Communications-Services spezialisiert. Als Scholarly Communications Lead würden Sie eng mit mir zusammenarbeiten, um die OA Policy und Strategie der BL weiterzuentwickeln, aktuelle Services zu verbessern und neue zu planen und einzuführen. Das umfasst Pläne für Open Access Discovery Services, Langzeitarchivierung und nationale Repositorieninfrastruktur. Ich suche auch jemand, der die Bibliothek in nationalen und internationalen Gremien vertreten kann. Einen Überblick über unsere Pläne finden Sie hier:


Dr Torsten Reimer Head of Research Services

THE BRITISH LIBRARY St Pancras 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB United Kingdom <>

T +44 (0)20 7412 7670 Twitter : @torstenreimer<> ORCID : 0000-0001-8357-9422<><>


Experience the British Library online at<> The British Library’s latest Annual Report and Accounts :<> Help the British Library conserve the world's knowledge. Adopt a Book.<> The Library's St Pancras site is WiFi - enabled


2908 via i.

British Library: Bibliotheken können das Internet überdauern

Roy Keating, der Direktor der British Library, äußerte in einem Interview mit dem britischen „Tele-graph“ sein Erstaunen darüber, wie viele „smarte Menschen“ immer noch hinterfragen, ob Biblio-theken im digitalen Zeitalter Bestand haben werden. Bibliotheken zu bewahren sei mit zahllosen Werten verbunden, die es zu verteidigen gälte. Dazu zählte insbesondere Vertrauen, denn Biblio-theken könnten beweisen, dass sie über das mächtigste und belastbarste Netzwerk überhaupt verfügten. Diese Werte seien dem Internet vorausgegangen und würden es - so Keating – „wenn wir es richtig machen, auch überdauern“. ... „Wenn wir über Bibliotheken sprechen, dann wird mir von ihren alten und traditionellen Werten berichtet. Einige denken nun, diese werden von neuen Werten wie mehr Offenheit, Vernetzung und Virtualität ersetzt. Unsere leidenschaftliche Überzeugung in der British Library ist es jedoch, an beides zu glauben. Und dies ist der großartige Reichtum der Bibliotheken und was sie künftig sein können“, so Keating. Er führte weiter aus, dass Bibliotheken im Zeitalter des Internet für Freiheit, Schutz der Privatsphäre sowie Schutz der Suche und des Ausdrucks, für Sicherheit und bei Bedarf auch für Zurückgezogenheit stünden. Wichtig seien insbesondere auch Angebote in Kommunen mit einem hohen Anteil von Armut. ...

Maybe you’re an expert in research, reference, curation or preservation. Perhaps you’re an IT professional, marketing specialist or skilled in digital/audio. Or it could just be that human resources, finance, business development, administration or estates and facilities is your thing. Whatever your background or ambition, the British Library could have more to offer you in terms of a career than you think.

Have a look around this site and you’ll be able to find out what it's like to work here from the people themselves. You’ll also be able to read about our vision and values and how six distinct purposes enable us to ensure we fulfil our mission to make our intellectual heritage accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment. And, you’ll be able to see exactly what’s on offer for you, should you join us.