John Cage

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(RULES: ====Nothing is a mistake.)
(“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.” ― John Cage + “I have no)
(Der Versionsvergleich bezieht 16 dazwischenliegende Versionen mit ein.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
== John Cage beim Unikom-treff in 2001==
== * 05.09.1912==
== 4'33" ==
== + 12.08.1992==
John Cage's most famous musical composition is called 4'33".
... #diedonthisday in 1992 ...
==10 Rules for Students, Teachers, and Life ==
by John Cage and Sister Corita Kent
== John Cage: 4'33" ==
== X: Writings '78-'82 (1983)==
Am ... 29. August 1952 betrat der Pianist David Tudor die Bühne der ... Maverick Concert Hall nahe ... Woodstock und nahm an einem ... Steinway-Flügel Platz. Auf dem Notenpult lag ein neues Stück des Komponisten John Cage ... 4 Minuten, 33 Sekunden stand auf dem Frontblatt. Die drei Sätze waren alle „Tacet“ also „Pause“ überschrieben. Mehr Handreichungen wollte der Komponist John Cage nicht preisgeben.
290822 via fb swr2
==John Cage: 103 ==
Hamburger Uraufführung des Werkes "103" von John Cage. ==
1 Orchester = 103 Solisten. Jeder der mitwirkenden Musiker entscheidet individuell, wie er die eigene Stimme gestaltet. Nur Tonhöhen und der Zeitrahmen, wann gespielt werden darf, sind vorgeben.
Zu hören am 18.01.2017 um 20 Uhr auf Kampnagel in HH
Das längste Stück der Musikgeschichte wird seit Jahren in der St.-Burchardi-Kirche Halberstadt aufgeführt. Das „verrückte“ Projekt, nämlich eine auf 639 Jahre angelegte Realisierung des Orgelstückes ORGAN²/ASLSP des amerikanischen Komponisten und Avantgardekünstlers John Cage (1912-1992) mit der Tempovorschrift "as slow as possible".
Im Jahr 2001 hat es begonnen, am 5. September 2640 wird es dann zu Ende gespielt sein.
== John Cage: Silence ==
Suhrkamp ...
John Cage was a pioneering American composer and philosopher whose work significantly influenced the development of modern music, art, and thought. Here are some of his main features and contributions:
### 1. **Emphasis on Silence**
  - **"4′33″"**: Cage's most famous work, "4′33″," is a composition where performers do not play their instruments for four minutes and thirty-three seconds. The "music" comes from the ambient sounds in the environment, emphasizing the idea that silence is never truly silent.
### 2. **Use of Chance and Indeterminacy**
  - Cage introduced elements of chance into his compositions, allowing random processes to determine aspects of the music, such as the duration, pitch, and order of notes. This approach was influenced by his study of Zen Buddhism and the I Ching (an ancient Chinese divination text).
### 3. **Prepared Piano**
  - Cage invented the "prepared piano," where objects like screws, rubber, and wood were placed between the strings of a piano to alter its sound. This created a percussive and otherworldly timbre, expanding the sonic possibilities of the instrument.
### 4. **Collaboration and Multimedia Works**
  - Cage collaborated with artists from various disciplines, including dance, visual arts, and theater. His work with choreographer Merce Cunningham, where music and dance were created independently yet performed together, was particularly groundbreaking.
### 5. **Non-Traditional Notation**
  - Cage experimented with non-standard forms of musical notation, such as graphic scores, which gave performers more interpretive freedom. This broke away from the strict conventions of Western classical music.
### 6. **Exploration of Sound and Noise**
  - Cage challenged the distinction between music and noise, believing that all sounds, whether traditionally musical or not, could be considered music. This was part of his broader philosophy that music is everywhere, and everything we hear can be appreciated as part of a musical experience.
### 7. **Philosophical Influence**
  - Cage’s work was heavily influenced by Eastern philosophies, particularly Zen Buddhism. He believed in letting go of ego and intention in the creative process, allowing art to happen naturally and spontaneously.
### 8. **Impact on Avant-Garde and Contemporary Music**
  - Cage’s ideas had a profound impact on the development of experimental and avant-garde music in the 20th century. He influenced a wide range of composers, performers, and artists, and his concepts continue to resonate in contemporary music and art practices.
John Cage's work redefined what music could be, encouraging a broader, more inclusive understanding of sound and artistic expression.
Get the John Cage: Complete Prepared Piano here
290824 via fb
"Our intention is to affirm this life, not to bring order out of chaos, nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply to wake up to the very life we're living, which is so excellent once one gets one's mind and desires out of its way and lets it act of it's own accord."--John Cage/“Silence: Lectures and Writings."
== John Cage: X: Writings ==
X: Writings '78-'82 (1983)==
X is part of a series of experimental texts that try "to find a way of writing
X is part of a series of experimental texts that try "to find a way of writing
which comes from ideas, is not about them, but which produces them," writes John
which comes from ideas, is not about them, but which produces them," writes John
Cage in the foreword. The content is political, personal, musical, and literary,
Cage in the foreword.  
The content is political, personal, musical, and literary,
while the form is visual, spatial, nonsyntactical, exploratory, and
while the form is visual, spatial, nonsyntactical, exploratory, and
idiosyncratic. In X [...]
idiosyncratic. In X [...]
Zeile 27: Zeile 85:
You are welcome to send your comments, scans, suggestions, or unsubscriptions to
==“Nothing is a mistake. ==
There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.”
'''You are welcome to send your comments, scans, suggestions, or unsubscriptions to'''
===RULE ONE: ===
Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for awhile.
===RULE TWO: ===
==10 RULES - for Students, Teachers, and Life by Sister Corita Kent==
General duties of a student — pull everything out of your teacher; pull everything out of your fellow students.
===RULE THREE: ===
General duties of a teacher — pull everything out of your students.
===RULE FOUR: ===
Consider everything an experiment.
Find a place you trust,
and then try trusting it for awhile.====
===RULE FIVE: ===
Be self-disciplined — this means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.
===RULE SIX: ===
====Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.====
General duties of a student ====
— pull everything out of your teacher;
pull everything out of your fellow students.
===RULE SEVEN: ===
The only rule is work. If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all of the time who eventually catch on to things.
===RULE EIGHT: ===
====Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time. They’re different processes.====
General duties of a teacher ====
— pull everything out of your students.
RULE NINE: Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.
RULE TEN: “We’re breaking all the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X quantities.” (John Cage)
Consider everything an experiment.====
Be self-disciplined ====
— this means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them.
To be disciplined is to follow in a good way.
To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.====
Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.====
The only rule is work. ====
If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all of the time who eventually catch on to things.====
Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time. They’re different processes.====
Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.====
“We’re breaking all the rules. ====
Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X quantities.” ====
HINTS: Always be around. Come or go to everything. Always go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully, often. Save everything — it might come in handy later.
HINTS: Always be around. Come or go to everything. Always go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully, often. Save everything — it might come in handy later.
==s.a. ==
one rule: no rules.  
smile. k. 040414
s.a. one rule: no rules. ==
“Buried in various corners of the web is a beautiful and poignant list titled Some Rules for Students and Teachers, attributed to John Cage. The list, however, is the work of the celebrated artist and educator Sister Corita Kent and was created as part of a project for a class she taught in 1967-1968. It was subsequently appropriated as the official art department rules at the college of LA’s Immaculate Heart Convent, her alma mater, but was commonly popularized by Cage, whom the tenth rule cites directly. Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham, Cage’s longtime partner and the love of his life, kept a copy of it in the studio where his company rehearsed until his death. It appears in Stewart Brand’s cult-classic Essential Whole Earth Catalog, published in 1986, the year Kent passed away.”
John Cage was a great artist and teacher, and he influenced Sister Kent, but the list is hers.
191123 via fb
Corita Kent: Die Pop-Nonne auf Arte ==
ab 20. Juli 2024
Corita Kent. Where have all the flowers gone
Die Sommerausstellung widmet sich der Künstlerin Corita Kent (1918–1986). Sie war nicht nur eine bahnbrechende Pop-Art-Künstlerin, sondern als ehemalige Nonne des amerikanischen Ordens Immaculate Heart of Mary auch eine gefeierte Kunstpädagogin und Verfechterin sozialer Gerechtigkeit.
Im Laufe ihres Schaffens entwickelte sich Corita Kents Kunst von der Verwendung figurativer und religiöser Bilder hin zu leuchtend farbigen Serigrafien, die mit Elementen aus Werbegrafik und Slogans, Supermarktlogos, Typografie von Fahndungsplakaten, populären Songtexten, Bibelversen sowie handschriftlichen Literaturzitaten eine zunehmend kritische Haltung gegenüber den bestehenden Missständen der amerikanischen Gesellschaft einnahmen. In ihrer Kunst und in gemeinschaftlichen Aktionen forderte sie dazu auf, sich mit Armut, Hunger, Rassismus, sozialem Leid und dem Vietnamkrieg auseinanderzusetzen.
Aktuelle Informationen zur Ausstellung und zum Rahmenprogramm hier.
01. September, 11 Uhr
Öffentliche Führung durch die Ausstellung "Corita Kent" mit Kunstvermittlerin Dr. Anette Völker-Rasor, ohne Anmeldung
05. September, 18 Uhr Kunst & Wein mit Führung von Kunstvermittlerin Sibylle Thebe, Anmeldung unter
==Kunst gleich Leben :: [[John Cage]]==
==Kunst = Leben. [[John Cage]]==
14. Juni bis 20. September 2009
14. Juni bis 20. September 2009
Galerie Stihl Waiblingen
Die städtische Galerie Stihl Waiblingen widmet John Cage (1912 – 1992),
dem bahnbrechenden Neuerer der Künste, eine multimediale Werkschau.
Die Ausstellung "Kunst = Leben. John Cage" ist eine Werkstatt, eine  
Die Ausstellung "Kunst = Leben. John Cage" ist eine Werkstatt, eine  
Zeile 105: Zeile 216:
den Arbeiten „River, Rocks and Smoke”, „New River Water Color“ und  
den Arbeiten „River, Rocks and Smoke”, „New River Water Color“ und  
“Variations” deutlich.
“Variations” deutlich.
“Imitating nature in her manner of operation”, also die Funktionsweise  
“Imitating nature in her manner of operation”, also die Funktionsweise  
der Natur nachzuvollziehen, dieses Postulat John Cage’s verkörpert in  
der Natur nachzuvollziehen, dieses Postulat John Cage’s verkörpert in  
Zeile 127: Zeile 239:
Vorträge) vertieft.
Vorträge) vertieft.
Leihgeber der /Cage/-Ausstellung sind die Bayerischen  
Leihgeber ... sind die Bayerischen  
Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Pinakothek der Moderne, Kolumba - Kunstmuseum  
Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Pinakothek der Moderne, Kolumba - Kunstmuseum  
des Erzbistums Köln, die Kunsthalle Bremen – Der Kunstverein Bremen, das  
des Erzbistums Köln, die Kunsthalle Bremen – Der Kunstverein Bremen, das  
Zeile 135: Zeile 247:
Programmheft zur Ausstellung "Kunst = Leben. John Cage" als PDF
- /uploads/pdf/John_Cage_Information.pdf ... 404 am 131112
==John Cage beim Unikom-treff in [[2001]]==
John Cage :: For Four Chess Players ==
“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.”
― John Cage
“I have nothing to say
and I am saying it
and that is poetry
as I need it.”
― John Cage

Aktuelle Version vom 6. September 2024, 03:17 Uhr


* 05.09.1912

+ 12.08.1992

... #diedonthisday in 1992 ...

John Cage: 4'33"

Am ... 29. August 1952 betrat der Pianist David Tudor die Bühne der ... Maverick Concert Hall nahe ... Woodstock und nahm an einem ... Steinway-Flügel Platz. Auf dem Notenpult lag ein neues Stück des Komponisten John Cage ... 4 Minuten, 33 Sekunden stand auf dem Frontblatt. Die drei Sätze waren alle „Tacet“ also „Pause“ überschrieben. Mehr Handreichungen wollte der Komponist John Cage nicht preisgeben.

290822 via fb swr2

John Cage: 103

Hamburger Uraufführung des Werkes "103" von John Cage. ==

1 Orchester = 103 Solisten. Jeder der mitwirkenden Musiker entscheidet individuell, wie er die eigene Stimme gestaltet. Nur Tonhöhen und der Zeitrahmen, wann gespielt werden darf, sind vorgeben.

Zu hören am 18.01.2017 um 20 Uhr auf Kampnagel in HH ...

Das längste Stück der Musikgeschichte wird seit Jahren in der St.-Burchardi-Kirche Halberstadt aufgeführt. Das „verrückte“ Projekt, nämlich eine auf 639 Jahre angelegte Realisierung des Orgelstückes ORGAN²/ASLSP des amerikanischen Komponisten und Avantgardekünstlers John Cage (1912-1992) mit der Tempovorschrift "as slow as possible". Im Jahr 2001 hat es begonnen, am 5. September 2640 wird es dann zu Ende gespielt sein.


John Cage: Silence

Suhrkamp ...


John Cage was a pioneering American composer and philosopher whose work significantly influenced the development of modern music, art, and thought. Here are some of his main features and contributions:

      1. 1. **Emphasis on Silence**
  - **"4′33″"**: Cage's most famous work, "4′33″," is a composition where performers do not play their instruments for four minutes and thirty-three seconds. The "music" comes from the ambient sounds in the environment, emphasizing the idea that silence is never truly silent.
      1. 2. **Use of Chance and Indeterminacy**
  - Cage introduced elements of chance into his compositions, allowing random processes to determine aspects of the music, such as the duration, pitch, and order of notes. This approach was influenced by his study of Zen Buddhism and the I Ching (an ancient Chinese divination text).
      1. 3. **Prepared Piano**
  - Cage invented the "prepared piano," where objects like screws, rubber, and wood were placed between the strings of a piano to alter its sound. This created a percussive and otherworldly timbre, expanding the sonic possibilities of the instrument.
      1. 4. **Collaboration and Multimedia Works**
  - Cage collaborated with artists from various disciplines, including dance, visual arts, and theater. His work with choreographer Merce Cunningham, where music and dance were created independently yet performed together, was particularly groundbreaking.
      1. 5. **Non-Traditional Notation**
  - Cage experimented with non-standard forms of musical notation, such as graphic scores, which gave performers more interpretive freedom. This broke away from the strict conventions of Western classical music.
      1. 6. **Exploration of Sound and Noise**
  - Cage challenged the distinction between music and noise, believing that all sounds, whether traditionally musical or not, could be considered music. This was part of his broader philosophy that music is everywhere, and everything we hear can be appreciated as part of a musical experience.
      1. 7. **Philosophical Influence**
  - Cage’s work was heavily influenced by Eastern philosophies, particularly Zen Buddhism. He believed in letting go of ego and intention in the creative process, allowing art to happen naturally and spontaneously.
      1. 8. **Impact on Avant-Garde and Contemporary Music**
  - Cage’s ideas had a profound impact on the development of experimental and avant-garde music in the 20th century. He influenced a wide range of composers, performers, and artists, and his concepts continue to resonate in contemporary music and art practices.

John Cage's work redefined what music could be, encouraging a broader, more inclusive understanding of sound and artistic expression. Get the John Cage: Complete Prepared Piano here

290824 via fb


"Our intention is to affirm this life, not to bring order out of chaos, nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply to wake up to the very life we're living, which is so excellent once one gets one's mind and desires out of its way and lets it act of it's own accord."--John Cage/“Silence: Lectures and Writings."

John Cage: X: Writings

X: Writings '78-'82 (1983)==

X is part of a series of experimental texts that try "to find a way of writing which comes from ideas, is not about them, but which produces them," writes John Cage in the foreword.

The content is political, personal, musical, and literary, while the form is visual, spatial, nonsyntactical, exploratory, and idiosyncratic. In X [...]

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You are welcome to send your comments, scans, suggestions, or unsubscriptions to

10 RULES - for Students, Teachers, and Life by Sister Corita Kent

RULE ONE: === Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for awhile.====

RULE TWO: === General duties of a student ==== — pull everything out of your teacher; pull everything out of your fellow students.

RULE THREE: === General duties of a teacher ==== — pull everything out of your students.

RULE FOUR: === Consider everything an experiment.====

RULE FIVE: === Be self-disciplined ==== — this means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.====

RULE SIX: === Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail, there’s only make.====

RULE SEVEN: === The only rule is work. ==== If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all of the time who eventually catch on to things.====

RULE EIGHT: === Don’t try to create and analyze at the same time. They’re different processes.====

RULE NINE: === Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.====

RULE TEN: === “We’re breaking all the rules. ==== Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X quantities.” ====

HINTS: Always be around. Come or go to everything. Always go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully, often. Save everything — it might come in handy later.


s.a. one rule: no rules. ==


“Buried in various corners of the web is a beautiful and poignant list titled Some Rules for Students and Teachers, attributed to John Cage. The list, however, is the work of the celebrated artist and educator Sister Corita Kent and was created as part of a project for a class she taught in 1967-1968. It was subsequently appropriated as the official art department rules at the college of LA’s Immaculate Heart Convent, her alma mater, but was commonly popularized by Cage, whom the tenth rule cites directly. Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham, Cage’s longtime partner and the love of his life, kept a copy of it in the studio where his company rehearsed until his death. It appears in Stewart Brand’s cult-classic Essential Whole Earth Catalog, published in 1986, the year Kent passed away.”

John Cage was a great artist and teacher, and he influenced Sister Kent, but the list is hers.

191123 via fb



Corita Kent: Die Pop-Nonne auf Arte ==



ab 20. Juli 2024

Corita Kent. Where have all the flowers gone

Die Sommerausstellung widmet sich der Künstlerin Corita Kent (1918–1986). Sie war nicht nur eine bahnbrechende Pop-Art-Künstlerin, sondern als ehemalige Nonne des amerikanischen Ordens Immaculate Heart of Mary auch eine gefeierte Kunstpädagogin und Verfechterin sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Im Laufe ihres Schaffens entwickelte sich Corita Kents Kunst von der Verwendung figurativer und religiöser Bilder hin zu leuchtend farbigen Serigrafien, die mit Elementen aus Werbegrafik und Slogans, Supermarktlogos, Typografie von Fahndungsplakaten, populären Songtexten, Bibelversen sowie handschriftlichen Literaturzitaten eine zunehmend kritische Haltung gegenüber den bestehenden Missständen der amerikanischen Gesellschaft einnahmen. In ihrer Kunst und in gemeinschaftlichen Aktionen forderte sie dazu auf, sich mit Armut, Hunger, Rassismus, sozialem Leid und dem Vietnamkrieg auseinanderzusetzen.

Aktuelle Informationen zur Ausstellung und zum Rahmenprogramm hier.

01. September, 11 Uhr

Öffentliche Führung durch die Ausstellung "Corita Kent" mit Kunstvermittlerin Dr. Anette Völker-Rasor, ohne Anmeldung 05. September, 18 Uhr Kunst & Wein mit Führung von Kunstvermittlerin Sibylle Thebe, Anmeldung unter

Kunst gleich Leben :: John Cage

14. Juni bis 20. September 2009 Galerie Stihl Waiblingen

Die Ausstellung "Kunst = Leben. John Cage" ist eine Werkstatt, eine Sammlung von Notizen, eine Collage. Sie folgt dem Gedanken John Cage's „Was ich suche, ist das Öffnen von allem, was möglich ist und für alles, was möglich ist“. Sie will jene Aufmerksamkeit bewirken, die er so umschrieb: „Die Kunst hat die Funktion, die Leute für das Leben in ihrem Umkreis wach zu machen“ oder auch „Wenn sich die Kunst dem täglichen Leben annähert, wird sie uns dessen Schönheit erschließen“. Sie ist als spartenübergreifendes Projekt konzipiert und vollzieht John Cages kreative Grenzüberschreitung zwischen den Bereichen Musik, Bildender Kunst, Tanz und Theater nach. Mit 72 Exponaten und einem vielfältigen Begleitprogramm zieht sie Kreise um einen radikalen Neulandsucher, sein Denken, seine Arbeitsweise und seine Impulse.

Die visuellen Arbeiten des Künstlers sind, wie viele seiner Kompositionen, durch „I Ging – Zufallsoperationen“ geprägt (I Ging - das chinesische Buch der Wandlungen). Eindrückliche Beispiele dafür bilden seine Ryoanji-Zeichnungen und -Radierungen. „Where R = Ryoanji“ bezieht sich auf den 1499 angelegten Steingarten des Klosters Ryoanji in Kyoto, den Cage im Jahr 1962 zum ersten Mal besuchte. Diese Serie ist in einer einnehmenden Art und Weise meditativ.

Eine sensible Wahrnehmung und zurückhaltender Respekt gegenüber der Natur und ihrer urwüchsigen, intentionslosen Gestaltungskraft wird in den Arbeiten „River, Rocks and Smoke”, „New River Water Color“ und “Variations” deutlich.

“Imitating nature in her manner of operation”, also die Funktionsweise der Natur nachzuvollziehen, dieses Postulat John Cage’s verkörpert in feinfühliger Weise die 35-teilige Serie von Farbradierungen „On the surface“.

Eine weitere Gruppe von Arbeiten beleuchtet John Cage’s Bezugspunkte zu anderen Künstlern. Die Lithographie und die Plexigramme „Not wanting to say anything about Marcel“ entstanden auf Grund seines langjährigen und prägenden Kontakts zu Marcel Duchamp. Seine produktive Arbeitsverbindung zu Robert Rauschenberg und Jasper Johns vermittelt sich u. a. in einem Blatt von Robert Rauschenberg und einem von Jasper Johns gestalteten Plakat. Mit beiden tourte er über mehrere Jahre mit der Merce Cunningham Dance Company nicht nur durch die USA. Ein Gemeinschaftsblatt von John Cage und Joseph Beuys für Merce Cunningham steht für eine weitere freundschaftliche Künstlerbeziehung.

Die Ausstellung widmet sich John Cage als einem Künstler, der die Trennung der Bereiche Musik, Bildende Kunst, Tanz und Theater kreativ aufhob und in all diesen Feldern einflussreich tätig war. Dieser Aspekt wird durch das Begleitprogramm "A John Cage Celebration" (Musik, Tanz, Vorträge) vertieft.

Leihgeber ... sind die Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Pinakothek der Moderne, Kolumba - Kunstmuseum des Erzbistums Köln, die Kunsthalle Bremen – Der Kunstverein Bremen, das Kunsthaus Zürich, John Cage Trust, New York, Margarete Roeder Gallery, New York, sowie weitere Galerien und private Leihgeber.


John Cage beim Unikom-treff in 2001


John Cage :: For Four Chess Players ==


“If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.” ― John Cage


“I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry as I need it.” ― John Cage

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