Sandra Ingerman

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(How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community)
(Sandra Ingerman Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy I love reading your posts. The beautiful field of energy we are creating is so transformative. I love to read your names. I hope you feel the lo)
(Der Versionsvergleich bezieht 14 dazwischenliegende Versionen mit ein.)
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
==Sandra Ingerman==
==Sandra Ingerman *13.01.19xx ==
, MA, is an award winning author of ten books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins, Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life and Speaking with Nature (co-authored with Llyn Roberts). She is the presenter of seven audio programs produced by Sounds True, and she is the creator of the Transmutation App. Sandra is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
, MA, is an award winning author of ten books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins, Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life and Speaking with Nature (co-authored with Llyn Roberts). She is the presenter of seven audio programs produced by Sounds True, and she is the creator of the Transmutation App. Sandra is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
Zeile 39: Zeile 39:
Damini draws from her extensive background in Art and healing work to create the next evolution of Process Painting. This book will truly ignite your creative spark and heal your soul.
Damini draws from her extensive background in Art and healing work to create the next evolution of Process Painting. This book will truly ignite your creative spark and heal your soul.
Painting the Landscape of Your Soul engages and reawakens your innate creativity as a path to self-discovery.  
Painting the Landscape of Your Soul engages and reawakens your innate creativity as a path to self-discovery.  
Zeile 48: Zeile 49:
==The Book of Ceremony==
==The Book of Ceremony : Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred into Everyday Life ==
: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred into Everyday Life published by Sounds True.
This book was birthed from my love of ceremony and will be available on October 1, 2018. Pre-ordering is now available if you want to reserve a copy.
published by Sounds True.
This book was birthed from my love of ceremony and will be available on October 1, 2018. Pre-ordering is now available if you want to reserve a copy.
I would like to offer to you a bonus excerpt from The Book of Ceremony. To access it, click on:
I would like to offer to you a bonus excerpt from The Book of Ceremony. To access it, click on:
Here is a short description:
Here is a short description:
Zeile 64: Zeile 66:
In this practical guidebook, Ingerman shares essential instruction for ceremonies that combine the power of your intention, the support of family and community, and the aid of the spirit world. Join her for this invaluable guide for adapting traditional wisdom to create ceremonies for modern practitioners—including rites of adulthood, sacred marriages, honoring death and burial ceremonies, blessing a house, garden, returning the soul of land and a community, and many more."
In this practical guidebook, Ingerman shares essential instruction for ceremonies that combine the power of your intention, the support of family and community, and the aid of the spirit world. Join her for this invaluable guide for adapting traditional wisdom to create ceremonies for modern practitioners—including rites of adulthood, sacred marriages, honoring death and burial ceremonies, blessing a house, garden, returning the soul of land and a community, and many more."
To order from, click here.
To order from, click here.
Zeile 73: Zeile 76:
The Hidden Worlds published by Moon Books.
==The Hidden Worlds published by Moon Books ==
"Were those people in Isaiah's dream the same people from school? Popular soccer star Magda? George, who he'd never heard speak because he always left classes for special services help? Angry Rose, who was always in trouble for fighting? And why were there dead birds and fish everywhere? When the four encounter one another the next day by the same pond from the dream, they realize they've shared a dream and there really are dead birds and fish covering the ground! This leads to real-life adventures and more dreams as they discover a toxic waste plant disposing of poisons illegally. Not friends in the beginning, romance blossoms as they work together with their Power Animals to close down the plant."
"Were those people in Isaiah's dream the same people from school? Popular soccer star Magda? George, who he'd never heard speak because he always left classes for special services help? Angry Rose, who was always in trouble for fighting? And why were there dead birds and fish everywhere? When the four encounter one another the next day by the same pond from the dream, they realize they've shared a dream and there really are dead birds and fish covering the ground! This leads to real-life adventures and more dreams as they discover a toxic waste plant disposing of poisons illegally. Not friends in the beginning, romance blossoms as they work together with their Power Animals to close down the plant."
Zeile 81: Zeile 85:
Zeile 172: Zeile 175:
3003 via mail
3003 via mail
== The Shamanic Journey ==
The Shamanic Journey
is the art of using rhythm and intention to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.
This six-session on-demand online video course will provide you with the essentials for integrating the spiritual insights and techniques of shamanism into your life, including:
The shamanic journey-how to enter a new state of awareness and open your perceptions to the spirit world
Guidelines for interpreting the information you receive, improving your recall, and deepening your experience
Your spiritual allies-guided journeys for making contact with your power animals, ancestors, and guardian spirits
The Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds-experience journeys into each of the three divisions of non-ordinary reality
The shamanic approach to healing-how to make yourself a conduit for universal healing energy to benefit yourself and others "Seeing through the heart"-expanding your perceptions in real-world situations by connecting with the universal field
Dealing with the ego-guidance for navigating the most common pitfalls of doubt and self-sabotage
Your own journey style-how to dispel unhelpful preconceptions and learn to trust your unique way of receiving guidance and energy from the spirits
Embodying wisdom-bringing your practice into your relationships, community, and every aspect of your life.
Experiencing the Shamanic Journey brings you in-depth online training in shamanic practice from Sandra Ingerman -with video instruction and guided journeys along with written materials to help you deepen your understanding.
This 6-week online course begins on September 8th and includes two live Q&A sessions with Sandra Ingerman on September 17th and October 8th.
Click here to enroll in this course from Sounds True.
020920 via mail sandra
==As many of you know I have been in an intense initiation ==
which is a time to find one’s own spiritual strength without the help of hte spirits.
During these times the spirits watch from the sidelines and cheer you on. But they can’t help. For you need to show your spirit can carry you through.
The spirits are there when I teach and journey for clients but they are not available to me on a personal level.
This has been a long initiation for me and if the world of astrology is correct I have more than a year to go. But I am 6 1/2 years through so I am walking forward.
Now my spirits are back talking to me and guiding me.
I received a great message from Isis yesterday, and I thought it might be helpful for some of you.
She said follow your energy. This means only do things that  your physical, mental, and spiritual are empassioned about. Otherwise you are getting drained. And this is one reason people are so tired. They are not following their energy rather than trying to fit into the energy of the collective and others.
I have used the metaphor of the flow of the river since I wrote A Fall to Grace in 1997. This one metaphor can get you through any challenge of life. For a river’s flow is filled with the energetic states we have to deal with but the river shows us how effortless following the flow really is.
And Isis said do your spiritual paractices to find inner peace. The lack of inner peace is holding many of us back.
This is such an incredible time to focus on our spiritual work as a lot of the illusion of this world is dissolving before us. The unseen realms is where we can find stability and healing right now.
130921 via fb
==Please join me ==
in wishing our circle a beautiful equinox filled with the power of love, hope, and optimism ==
for new things to be born and to let go of what needs to be composted back to the earth. For this is what nature is doing right now.
Please join our circle in a simple but powerful journey to welcome in the equinox. I recorded a short session where you can show up with a drum, rattle, or other instrument to make some shamanic music with. You can even use two sticks to click together, or tap on a book, or create a rattle using stones or seeds and putting them in a bottle. By drumming, rattling, and making music together we will focus on asking the helping spirits to empower our circle and of course through this act be an active participant in radiating love to everyone in our group.
We will do a spirit boat journey together to the sun.
Click on this link or the video below to join in our equinox celebration.
I have not been reminding you about our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page. It is a wonderful way to be in service to our community by posting inspiring words stories, and images. Also I hope you are inspired by visiting the page and feeling uplifted. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”.
This is the page I am posting on mostly now.
200322 via fb
I have been having a new experience over the last few months. ==
I am starting to meet a new Teacher in my journeys. I won’t say more about her yet for we are just taking our time in learning about each other.
I basically go sit with her in her village in the glorious snow and ice which I always crave to be in. I love the silence of the snow and ice.
Anyway last night I went to visit her and brought her a gift. I looked into her eyes and I saw she had the whole of the universe in her eyes and moving within her.
I realized we all that the universe in our eyes and the entire universe is dancing within us.
It is something new I have to work with for awhile. But I look forward to what will be born working with this new Teacher.
190822 via fb
A known fact is that teachers and writers teach and write about what they need to learn. ==
And I am certainly an example of that. Every book I wrote I really wrote for myself and was happy that anyone else wanted to read them.
So as you know one of my core teachings of Medicine for the Earth is everything in the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. As above so below as within so without.
I saw that with my new Teacher who showed me her eyes which has the whole world swirling within them.
I have been reading a little more news which is not really my style. I get triggered so easily by all the suffering I read about.
So this morning I started to think about the civil wars going on in the world.
And at that point I got clearly that the most important action needed to take was to explore the big war going inside of me by my mind challenging my spirit and vice versa.
If is a very interesting exploration of how we can really come back to the truth of what we need to do- plant a beautiful inner landscape, say loving words to yourself and believe them, and always trust the power of sprit. When we are truly filled with golden light and self love along with a magical inner landscape of the beauty of nature that is what we become and that is what we call into our lives.
151022 via fb
I have to say I am having quite the experience of feeling the speeding up of time. I can’t believe I am doing the end of the year work for 2022 as it feels like it started yesterday. My equinox and solstice ceremonies seem like they are days apart.
But it has been another wild and chaotic year filled with a great deal of challenges and suffering. For some it has been a great year.  I know for myself I have never done so much work uncovering my hidden fears and anxieties that led to certain life long behaviors. I have done so much work to say goodbye to my past traumas knowing they sculpted me into who I am now. I even woke up one day recently saying there is not one person in the world I am mad at. And it was a true genuine feeling.
So many of you have been doing the same deep journeys,  meditations, therapy, really digging into what has burdened you in life that you don’t want to take into 2023. Why take more pain and suffering into a New Year? It is simply a burden like wearing a hundred pound rock on your back. Let it go!
The pandemic and different events brought us into a true shamanic journey of dismemberment. Dismemberment is to allow ourselves to be sculpted into the beings we came here to be. Dismemberment brings us to our authentic self and allows us to remember our connection to the power of love and light and the true power of the universe.
Then over time we are remembered meaning birthed again in this lifetime as new beings with a new consciousness and leaving old ways of living that don’t work anymore.
I believe that right now we are in the in between times. The dismemberment is not quite over and the rememberment has not happened yet.
Take some time as we welcome in a new time with new opportunities and possibilities. And really decide what you want your inner landscape to be filled with – trauma or memories of joy, beauty, and passion for life. And fill your inner landscape with colors, textures, images, fragrances, sounds, and tastes.
And imagine all of us living in a world where we walk with love on the Earth. Feel it, breathe it in, see it, hear it as if it happening now. Step into your dream and live it as if it happening right now. And make it so by doing this. We have to create an invisible world of substance before our dreams are born in the Earthly realm.
We are in an in between time. But this is a potent time to do your creation work with all your senses engaged to experience the world we wish to live in once the rememberment does happen.
This is an important time to thank Earth, Air, Water, Fire (as the sun) for the life the elements bring to you. You cannot live without them so honor them every day and watch how life changes. Be grateful for your life. I know that is a hard one for many. And with everything I have gone through during my challenges I guess I finally got the healing power of loving oneself.  When you can love yourself then you are remembered.
Make your time meaningful and you will have a meaningful year.
May we all join together to wish each other the best that life can bring for the New Year! On New Year’s Day have some fun and blow blessings to all of life and shine your authentic light.
The photo I chose was a miracle that nature left me under my ritual tree. Miracles are always possible.
040123 via fb
But today is the first day of spring! And this is a good reminder to take time on this sacred day to do some important journeys and ceremonies.
The equinox like all sacred times is a good time to reflect on the spiritual work you have been doing to change your inner and outer world.  I have been really focusing on how deeply I have continued all the Medicine for the Earth practices myself. They are my life and I do live them. But I get distracted and find myself not focusing on the frequency my words, thoughts, and daydreams. For whatever frequency I am communicating from either to myself or others is instantly manifesting. That is what the ancients have been trying to teach us.
For the equinox  you can journey or meditate just using the intention that you wish to meet the Mistress or Master of Dreams. And once there sit in a beautiful landscape in nature and with these kind, loving spirits talk about what you are creating from the frequencies you communicate with. What are you instantly manifesting into your life? And then discuss ways you can change this.
For the equinox I recorded a journey you can perform on the equinox or when it works for you to be clear and do the work with your full intention and heart. I can tell you this will change your life and the world in positive ways if everyone does the work.
Here is the link for the recording to join in our journey:
I join together with our fabulous circle of courageous beings who keep doing their work ad pushing out the darkness so more light can pour in.
In this enlightening episode, Angell Deer converses with Sandra Ingerman, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, about the profound journey through darkness and how suffering, loss, and pain can serve as powerful vehicles for transformative growth. With decades of wisdom distilled into her latest book, "Walking Through Darkness," Sandra shares her insights and personal experiences on navigating the difficult terrains of life.
**Main Topics Discussed:**
- **Origins of "Walking Through Darkness"**: Sandra opens up about her inspiration for writing the book, rooted in her own life filled with initiations and transformative experiences. Growing up amidst suffering and witnessing the hardships of others led her to explore how pain and loss can act as rites of passage for spiritual awakening.
- **Personal Journey and Initiations**: Sandra recounts her own harrowing experiences, from being struck by lightning to grappling with a rare brain disorder. These events pushed her into the depths of despair, teaching her the tough lessons of ego dissolution and the power of the spirit to navigate through the darkness.
- **The Role of Elders and Spiritual Teachings**: Highlighting the absence of guiding elders in modern times, Sandra emphasizes the importance of having roadmaps provided by wisdom keepers to navigate life's challenges. She shares how past cultures embraced the teachings of elders to move through tough times with grace.
- **Healing Through Nature and Self-Discoveries**: Sandra finds solace and guidance in nature, teaching her the importance of small, forward-moving steps, and the significance of self-love and worth in the healing journey. Her work reflects the need for connection with the natural world and the practice of sacred reciprocity.
- **Navigating Collective Suffering**: Addressing the current global challenges, Sandra discusses the collective suffering and loss the world is facing. She believes in the power of individual actions and spiritual practice to contribute positively to the collective, highlighting the importance of appreciating life's simple joys and the beauty of the planet.
- **Advice for Those Walking Through Darkness**: Offering practical advice, Sandra emphasizes starting with small, manageable steps towards healing. Whether it's performing simple ceremonies, connecting with the elements of nature, or practicing gratitude, these actions can significantly alleviate the burden of suffering.
Throughout the interview, Sandra Ingerman's insights serve as a beacon of hope and healing, encouraging listeners to find strength in their spirit and the natural world. Her book, "Walking Through Darkness," not only offers a comprehensive guide through personal and collective suffering but also illuminates the path towards a more connected and spiritually awakened life.
For anyone navigating their dark night of the soul or seeking deeper understanding of life's trials, this episode is a must-listen, offering practical tools, wisdom, and the assurance that transformation is within reach.
200324 via fb
Walking Through Darkness is more than just a book — it's a journey through the most challenging periods of our lives, those dark nights of the soul where we feel lost, directionless, and alone. This guide will inspire you to embrace your journey, trusting that the light will always return. Have you read it? I'd love to hear your favorite takeaway! Please share your thoughts, and let's inspire each other.
140824 via fb
Hi everyone!
As you know I keep trying to direct people to talking about our podcast the Shamans Cave.
I know many of you like to chat about shamanism on FB.  I have devoted and sacrificed 43 years of my life to practicing shamanism every day 365 days a year.
There is no way that without practice and actually learning about what the practice of shamanism entails that you will grow into the work.
This is a universal practice that dates back over 100,000 years. How much do you believe you can learn over FB?
I just encourage you to read a book or take a course. If you are really serious check out Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy by Mircea Eliade. It is like an encyclopedia. But if you really want to know what the practice entails you have to read this book.
And it is really important to know that to really get help from the helping spirits you are going to be asked to make big sacrifices in your life. So be ready for that!! Shamanism has never been an easy path.
And traditional shamans can’t understand why a modern day culture would want to step into such a path that has so many initiations attached to the work. They believe we  are crazy.
Well the benefits are many as Renee and I share on the Shamans Cave podcast. So I invite you to join our Shamans Cave Podcast FB page where we can talk about our shows and the big questions in shamanism. And we will have each show up to discuss.
The link is below.
==Hi everyone!==
I have shared many times that this FB page was created  to inspire us to the beauty of this amazing planet, feeding our gratitude, uplifting us, remembering why we came here.
Some of us can no longer travel to so many places in the world.
And this page has been healing for so many of us.
But to start posting AI generated photos was not the community I have hoping to form with this page of sharing the natural wonders of the world so our own inner landscape can absorb the beauty and create that same beauty within.
I don’t want AI in my inner landscape. I am sorry. I don’t know if an image is AI. So if enough people know it is AI I will take it down.
We want to be in awe of Planet Earth not AI.
I love you all!
I really appreciate your comments on my last post about FB. For reasons of my own I am leaving the post up.
But as I don’t want it to be the last post seen on my Friends page I will say I will stay on FB. I will be on FB for my Authors Page that has inspirational posts to keep us all feeling uplifted.
And I will stay on Shamans are Gardeners of Energy where we share photos of the beauty of this great Earth as well as inspirational poems and beauty spoken from peoples’ hearts. If you ever feel like joining that page the test word to get in is “transfiguration”.
I felt when I first went on email (and I was one of the last ones to get an email address) that my life would be over. But for the first years I had stellar boundaries and rarely answered an email. Then came along social media.
I have found that being on the internet really damaged my health in ways that I am finding it hard to heal from. Being online 7 days a week 365 days a year was not good for me on any level. So now with the changes going on I am taking the opportunity to make a change in my priorities.
So all the controversy over FB is giving me an opportunity to take a much needed break to really go internal. I am feeling as an elder my next step is the inner work I can do. I am excited to finally have the time for this deep exploration.
In the late 1960s I was an extreme activist. Now it is time for a new generation to step up and I will do the inner work I need to do to help the work going on in the outer world with combining my work with the unseen.
It is just time for me to go within.
270125 via fb
A gentle reminder from Isis: ✨ "Don't get too much into the future because how you are acting in the present right this second is what's creating the future."
How often do we find ourselves lost in the maze of tomorrow, planning, worrying, and trying to control what hasn't yet come to pass? While our minds wander through countless 'what-ifs,' life unfolds right here, right now, in this sacred moment.
Each breath we take, each choice we make, and each act of kindness or moment of presence are the seeds we plant in our future garden. When we release the weight of tomorrow's uncertainties, we free ourselves to dance fully with today's possibilities.
Perhaps the greatest act of faith is trusting that as we tend to our present with love and intention, tomorrow will bloom exactly as it should. The future isn't somewhere out there waiting for us, our hands are weaving it in this very moment.
Take this as your invitation to come home now. Feel the earth beneath your feet, notice the light playing through the leaves, and embrace the magic of this moment, for this is where your power truly lies. 🌿
#SacredWisdom #Mindfulness #SpiritualJourney #AncientWisdom #InnerGuidance
[[Sandra Ingerman]]
Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy
I love reading your posts. The beautiful field of energy we are creating is so transformative.
I love  to read your names. I hope you feel the love I send back.
With cutting down on my time on the internet I can finally spend my days in ceremony.
As I have shared I am getting quite sensitive. Now when I read your posts I can feel the energy of the words in my body.
I am slowing down my typing so I can feel the energy in what I write.
With too much noise we no longer feel the effects of the energy in all we communicate.
An interesting exercise to try is after you write something to feel the energy it brings into your life.
This is such a simple practice yet profound.
I wish you all a beautiful holiday!
251220 via fb

Aktuelle Version vom 15. Februar 2025, 21:41 Uhr


Sandra Ingerman *13.01.19xx

, MA, is an award winning author of ten books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins, Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life and Speaking with Nature (co-authored with Llyn Roberts). She is the presenter of seven audio programs produced by Sounds True, and she is the creator of the Transmutation App. Sandra is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.

Sandra is devoted to teaching people how we can work together as a global community to bring about positive change for the planet. She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature.

Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist and professional mental health counselor. She is also a board-certified expert on traumatic stress. She was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine.

Sandra was chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality and Health Magazine.

Transmutation News I don’t usually let you know when my Transmutation News is posted. But I feel that you might be inspired by some of the information I shared this month about feeling new positive Earth energies that are entering into our collective field. ... 020417 via fb

For tens of thousands of years

, shamans have performed a wealth of ceremonies — to access divine information, to invoke blessings, perform rites of passage, address spiritual aspects of illness and facilitate “crossover” at the end of life. Join world-renowned teacher and award-winning author, Sandra Ingerman, as she shares how shamans interact directly with compassionate spirits to conduct ritual and heal members of their community. From The Shamanism Global Summit 2016.

The Power of Shamanic Healing

10.07.2018 ... With Sandra Ingerman

Damini Celebre: Painting the Landscape of Your Soul: A Journey of Self Discovery

Damini draws from her extensive background in Art and healing work to create the next evolution of Process Painting. This book will truly ignite your creative spark and heal your soul.

Painting the Landscape of Your Soul engages and reawakens your innate creativity as a path to self-discovery.

This book is a step-by-step journey of empowerment, reclaiming your inner self with paint and paper. It incorporates trusting your intuitive voice with deep, underlying principles of healing, such as energy medicine and shamanism. No artistic skill is required! ... Sandra Ingerman via transmutation news 12/2015

The Book of Ceremony : Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred into Everyday Life

published by Sounds True.

This book was birthed from my love of ceremony and will be available on October 1, 2018. Pre-ordering is now available if you want to reserve a copy. I would like to offer to you a bonus excerpt from The Book of Ceremony. To access it, click on:

Here is a short description:

"Ceremony is a central part of human life and spiritual practice, yet in today’s world, many of our ceremonies have become rote or superficial. That’s why shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman has created The Book of Ceremony—to help us recover the sense of deeper meaning and sacred connection that makes ceremony a powerful tool for transformation and healing.

"Ceremonies have always been used to create transformation,” writes Ingerman. “Performing ceremonies creates a bridge between the material world we live in and the world of the unseen, the divine, the power of the universe.”

In this practical guidebook, Ingerman shares essential instruction for ceremonies that combine the power of your intention, the support of family and community, and the aid of the spirit world. Join her for this invaluable guide for adapting traditional wisdom to create ceremonies for modern practitioners—including rites of adulthood, sacred marriages, honoring death and burial ceremonies, blessing a house, garden, returning the soul of land and a community, and many more."

To order from, click here.

To order from Barnes & Noble, click here.

The second book is one I co-wrote with Katherine Wood, a brilliant shamanic teacher and practitioner, and was released July 27th. This shamanic book was written for young adults.

The Hidden Worlds published by Moon Books

"Were those people in Isaiah's dream the same people from school? Popular soccer star Magda? George, who he'd never heard speak because he always left classes for special services help? Angry Rose, who was always in trouble for fighting? And why were there dead birds and fish everywhere? When the four encounter one another the next day by the same pond from the dream, they realize they've shared a dream and there really are dead birds and fish covering the ground! This leads to real-life adventures and more dreams as they discover a toxic waste plant disposing of poisons illegally. Not friends in the beginning, romance blossoms as they work together with their Power Animals to close down the plant."

050818 via mail

In many ways society has created a sense of disconnection to a real sense of time

"In many ways society has created a sense of disconnection to a real sense of time. We live in an illusion of where we are in history and in the evolution of the planet. This artificial way of observing time and life creates more illness as what we need to do is once again enter the flow of life instead of separating ourselves from it. "

270918 via newsletter

Power is the ability to transform energy

I just returned from teaching in Arizona. It was such a beautiful training in such a powerful place. The ancient energy in the land is so palpable!

Before I left for Arizona I wrote a post about singing love songs to the collective, Our group sang out on the land daily. We reached our hands up to the sky and sang our unique souls songs to the collective and to all life on Earth.

We received some amazing omens. One afternoon a rainbow formed around the sun with some orbs around it. There was not a cloud in the sky!

I did receive a strong message from the collective of spirits I am working with. They said I talk about power a lot. They reflected back to me the definition of power that I use in my trainings: “Power is the ability to transform energy”.

They said a power has entered into the collective causing destruction. If we want to do our true shamanic work then we must use our songs and dances as a power filled with a vibration of love and light that can transform and wake up the collective so that we once again honor life!

I hope you have been singing to the collective and being filled with beauty, love, light, and joy by doing this. For if so you are filling our collective with beauty!

221118 via facebook

Learn more about courses with Sandra

Everything living has a soul and we need to walk on this great Earth with love and respect to honor the soul that lives in all things. - Sandra Ingerman

Learn more about courses with Sandra 👉

110120 via fb ... 60 min sandra via web

How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

Hi everyone!

The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work is so important to work with daily. When I first started studying shamanism I learned that viruses are created from negative thought forms. Think of all the negativity being flooded into our collective due to anger over world politics, the fires in the Amazon, and the fires in Australia.

The Amazon is seen as the lungs of the Earth. And now we have a virus impacting lungs.

Everything is truly connected. I think the changes we are seeing will continue until people not just wake up but shift priorities to life being more important than money.

We have great ability to maintain our health, support our communities with transfiguration work, and do our practices together to transform negative states of consciousness.

I am teaching a special course for The Shift Network where I am taking the most powerful practices of The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work and created a seven week course.

The course will have three levels. We will work on maintaining our personal health physically, mentally, and spiritually. We will perform transfiguration and other healing ceremonies to keep our global circle strong, and we will perform ceremonies for all of life. And of course we will look at how to share this work in our local communities if this of interest to you.

Not all the material will be new to you. But this course is a way to keep up our practices together keeping them alive and vibrant feeding their power to keep us safe, opening to bigger teachings, expanding our perspective, and joining together for ceremonial work. I will be guiding all the exercises and there are no prerequisites for this course.

The free introductory call will be on April 1 and the course will begin April 14 on Tuesday nights for 7 weeks. The sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

You can register here for 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community:

In times of collective challenge and fear, we actually have far more resources than we realize. I will help you find them and tap into powerful wisdom beyond the physical — to guide each of us in right action for our personal wellbeing, to navigate emotional storms, and to energetically strengthen frayed community bonds.

I will share some powerful shamanic practices to help us to be pillars of light and strength, empowering us to weather emotional storms and creating protection for ourselves and those we love. The urgency to gain access to these ancient practices has never been greater.

Over 90 minutes, I will share with you how to:

Tap into the knowledge of our ancestors and descendants to give us essential wisdom for navigating our present crises Open to a transfiguration practice to radiate healing light for yourself, your loved ones and out into the world Receive a practice to heal and transmute toxic thoughts such as fear, anger, grief, and betrayal Plus... Participate in a global ceremony that’s already brought comfort and energetic healing to thousands — increasing the power and effectiveness of working in community with others who are committed to healing and positive change. Reserve your space now for this free online event 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community…

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The Shamanic Journey

The Shamanic Journey is the art of using rhythm and intention to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.

This six-session on-demand online video course will provide you with the essentials for integrating the spiritual insights and techniques of shamanism into your life, including:

The shamanic journey-how to enter a new state of awareness and open your perceptions to the spirit world Guidelines for interpreting the information you receive, improving your recall, and deepening your experience Your spiritual allies-guided journeys for making contact with your power animals, ancestors, and guardian spirits

The Upper, Lower, and Middle Worlds-experience journeys into each of the three divisions of non-ordinary reality The shamanic approach to healing-how to make yourself a conduit for universal healing energy to benefit yourself and others "Seeing through the heart"-expanding your perceptions in real-world situations by connecting with the universal field

Dealing with the ego-guidance for navigating the most common pitfalls of doubt and self-sabotage Your own journey style-how to dispel unhelpful preconceptions and learn to trust your unique way of receiving guidance and energy from the spirits

Embodying wisdom-bringing your practice into your relationships, community, and every aspect of your life. Experiencing the Shamanic Journey brings you in-depth online training in shamanic practice from Sandra Ingerman -with video instruction and guided journeys along with written materials to help you deepen your understanding.

This 6-week online course begins on September 8th and includes two live Q&A sessions with Sandra Ingerman on September 17th and October 8th. Click here to enroll in this course from Sounds True.

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As many of you know I have been in an intense initiation

which is a time to find one’s own spiritual strength without the help of hte spirits. During these times the spirits watch from the sidelines and cheer you on. But they can’t help. For you need to show your spirit can carry you through. The spirits are there when I teach and journey for clients but they are not available to me on a personal level. This has been a long initiation for me and if the world of astrology is correct I have more than a year to go. But I am 6 1/2 years through so I am walking forward. Now my spirits are back talking to me and guiding me. I received a great message from Isis yesterday, and I thought it might be helpful for some of you. She said follow your energy. This means only do things that your physical, mental, and spiritual are empassioned about. Otherwise you are getting drained. And this is one reason people are so tired. They are not following their energy rather than trying to fit into the energy of the collective and others. I have used the metaphor of the flow of the river since I wrote A Fall to Grace in 1997. This one metaphor can get you through any challenge of life. For a river’s flow is filled with the energetic states we have to deal with but the river shows us how effortless following the flow really is. And Isis said do your spiritual paractices to find inner peace. The lack of inner peace is holding many of us back. This is such an incredible time to focus on our spiritual work as a lot of the illusion of this world is dissolving before us. The unseen realms is where we can find stability and healing right now.

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Please join me

in wishing our circle a beautiful equinox filled with the power of love, hope, and optimism == for new things to be born and to let go of what needs to be composted back to the earth. For this is what nature is doing right now. Please join our circle in a simple but powerful journey to welcome in the equinox. I recorded a short session where you can show up with a drum, rattle, or other instrument to make some shamanic music with. You can even use two sticks to click together, or tap on a book, or create a rattle using stones or seeds and putting them in a bottle. By drumming, rattling, and making music together we will focus on asking the helping spirits to empower our circle and of course through this act be an active participant in radiating love to everyone in our group. We will do a spirit boat journey together to the sun. Click on this link or the video below to join in our equinox celebration. I have not been reminding you about our Shamans are Gardeners of Energy Facebook page. It is a wonderful way to be in service to our community by posting inspiring words stories, and images. Also I hope you are inspired by visiting the page and feeling uplifted. To join the Facebook group Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy, go to: The password is “Transfiguration”. This is the page I am posting on mostly now.

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I have been having a new experience over the last few months. ==

I am starting to meet a new Teacher in my journeys. I won’t say more about her yet for we are just taking our time in learning about each other. I basically go sit with her in her village in the glorious snow and ice which I always crave to be in. I love the silence of the snow and ice. Anyway last night I went to visit her and brought her a gift. I looked into her eyes and I saw she had the whole of the universe in her eyes and moving within her. I realized we all that the universe in our eyes and the entire universe is dancing within us. It is something new I have to work with for awhile. But I look forward to what will be born working with this new Teacher.

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A known fact is that teachers and writers teach and write about what they need to learn. ==

And I am certainly an example of that. Every book I wrote I really wrote for myself and was happy that anyone else wanted to read them. So as you know one of my core teachings of Medicine for the Earth is everything in the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. As above so below as within so without. I saw that with my new Teacher who showed me her eyes which has the whole world swirling within them. I have been reading a little more news which is not really my style. I get triggered so easily by all the suffering I read about. So this morning I started to think about the civil wars going on in the world. And at that point I got clearly that the most important action needed to take was to explore the big war going inside of me by my mind challenging my spirit and vice versa. If is a very interesting exploration of how we can really come back to the truth of what we need to do- plant a beautiful inner landscape, say loving words to yourself and believe them, and always trust the power of sprit. When we are truly filled with golden light and self love along with a magical inner landscape of the beauty of nature that is what we become and that is what we call into our lives.

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I have to say I am having quite the experience of feeling the speeding up of time. I can’t believe I am doing the end of the year work for 2022 as it feels like it started yesterday. My equinox and solstice ceremonies seem like they are days apart. But it has been another wild and chaotic year filled with a great deal of challenges and suffering. For some it has been a great year. I know for myself I have never done so much work uncovering my hidden fears and anxieties that led to certain life long behaviors. I have done so much work to say goodbye to my past traumas knowing they sculpted me into who I am now. I even woke up one day recently saying there is not one person in the world I am mad at. And it was a true genuine feeling. So many of you have been doing the same deep journeys, meditations, therapy, really digging into what has burdened you in life that you don’t want to take into 2023. Why take more pain and suffering into a New Year? It is simply a burden like wearing a hundred pound rock on your back. Let it go! The pandemic and different events brought us into a true shamanic journey of dismemberment. Dismemberment is to allow ourselves to be sculpted into the beings we came here to be. Dismemberment brings us to our authentic self and allows us to remember our connection to the power of love and light and the true power of the universe. Then over time we are remembered meaning birthed again in this lifetime as new beings with a new consciousness and leaving old ways of living that don’t work anymore. I believe that right now we are in the in between times. The dismemberment is not quite over and the rememberment has not happened yet. Take some time as we welcome in a new time with new opportunities and possibilities. And really decide what you want your inner landscape to be filled with – trauma or memories of joy, beauty, and passion for life. And fill your inner landscape with colors, textures, images, fragrances, sounds, and tastes. And imagine all of us living in a world where we walk with love on the Earth. Feel it, breathe it in, see it, hear it as if it happening now. Step into your dream and live it as if it happening right now. And make it so by doing this. We have to create an invisible world of substance before our dreams are born in the Earthly realm. We are in an in between time. But this is a potent time to do your creation work with all your senses engaged to experience the world we wish to live in once the rememberment does happen. This is an important time to thank Earth, Air, Water, Fire (as the sun) for the life the elements bring to you. You cannot live without them so honor them every day and watch how life changes. Be grateful for your life. I know that is a hard one for many. And with everything I have gone through during my challenges I guess I finally got the healing power of loving oneself. When you can love yourself then you are remembered. Make your time meaningful and you will have a meaningful year. May we all join together to wish each other the best that life can bring for the New Year! On New Year’s Day have some fun and blow blessings to all of life and shine your authentic light. The photo I chose was a miracle that nature left me under my ritual tree. Miracles are always possible.

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But today is the first day of spring! And this is a good reminder to take time on this sacred day to do some important journeys and ceremonies. The equinox like all sacred times is a good time to reflect on the spiritual work you have been doing to change your inner and outer world. I have been really focusing on how deeply I have continued all the Medicine for the Earth practices myself. They are my life and I do live them. But I get distracted and find myself not focusing on the frequency my words, thoughts, and daydreams. For whatever frequency I am communicating from either to myself or others is instantly manifesting. That is what the ancients have been trying to teach us. For the equinox you can journey or meditate just using the intention that you wish to meet the Mistress or Master of Dreams. And once there sit in a beautiful landscape in nature and with these kind, loving spirits talk about what you are creating from the frequencies you communicate with. What are you instantly manifesting into your life? And then discuss ways you can change this. For the equinox I recorded a journey you can perform on the equinox or when it works for you to be clear and do the work with your full intention and heart. I can tell you this will change your life and the world in positive ways if everyone does the work. Here is the link for the recording to join in our journey: I join together with our fabulous circle of courageous beings who keep doing their work ad pushing out the darkness so more light can pour in.




In this enlightening episode, Angell Deer converses with Sandra Ingerman, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, about the profound journey through darkness and how suffering, loss, and pain can serve as powerful vehicles for transformative growth. With decades of wisdom distilled into her latest book, "Walking Through Darkness," Sandra shares her insights and personal experiences on navigating the difficult terrains of life.

    • Main Topics Discussed:**

- **Origins of "Walking Through Darkness"**: Sandra opens up about her inspiration for writing the book, rooted in her own life filled with initiations and transformative experiences. Growing up amidst suffering and witnessing the hardships of others led her to explore how pain and loss can act as rites of passage for spiritual awakening. - **Personal Journey and Initiations**: Sandra recounts her own harrowing experiences, from being struck by lightning to grappling with a rare brain disorder. These events pushed her into the depths of despair, teaching her the tough lessons of ego dissolution and the power of the spirit to navigate through the darkness. - **The Role of Elders and Spiritual Teachings**: Highlighting the absence of guiding elders in modern times, Sandra emphasizes the importance of having roadmaps provided by wisdom keepers to navigate life's challenges. She shares how past cultures embraced the teachings of elders to move through tough times with grace. - **Healing Through Nature and Self-Discoveries**: Sandra finds solace and guidance in nature, teaching her the importance of small, forward-moving steps, and the significance of self-love and worth in the healing journey. Her work reflects the need for connection with the natural world and the practice of sacred reciprocity. - **Navigating Collective Suffering**: Addressing the current global challenges, Sandra discusses the collective suffering and loss the world is facing. She believes in the power of individual actions and spiritual practice to contribute positively to the collective, highlighting the importance of appreciating life's simple joys and the beauty of the planet. - **Advice for Those Walking Through Darkness**: Offering practical advice, Sandra emphasizes starting with small, manageable steps towards healing. Whether it's performing simple ceremonies, connecting with the elements of nature, or practicing gratitude, these actions can significantly alleviate the burden of suffering. Throughout the interview, Sandra Ingerman's insights serve as a beacon of hope and healing, encouraging listeners to find strength in their spirit and the natural world. Her book, "Walking Through Darkness," not only offers a comprehensive guide through personal and collective suffering but also illuminates the path towards a more connected and spiritually awakened life. For anyone navigating their dark night of the soul or seeking deeper understanding of life's trials, this episode is a must-listen, offering practical tools, wisdom, and the assurance that transformation is within reach.



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Walking Through Darkness is more than just a book — it's a journey through the most challenging periods of our lives, those dark nights of the soul where we feel lost, directionless, and alone. This guide will inspire you to embrace your journey, trusting that the light will always return. Have you read it? I'd love to hear your favorite takeaway! Please share your thoughts, and let's inspire each other.

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Hi everyone!

As you know I keep trying to direct people to talking about our podcast the Shamans Cave. I know many of you like to chat about shamanism on FB. I have devoted and sacrificed 43 years of my life to practicing shamanism every day 365 days a year. There is no way that without practice and actually learning about what the practice of shamanism entails that you will grow into the work. This is a universal practice that dates back over 100,000 years. How much do you believe you can learn over FB? I just encourage you to read a book or take a course. If you are really serious check out Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy by Mircea Eliade. It is like an encyclopedia. But if you really want to know what the practice entails you have to read this book. And it is really important to know that to really get help from the helping spirits you are going to be asked to make big sacrifices in your life. So be ready for that!! Shamanism has never been an easy path. And traditional shamans can’t understand why a modern day culture would want to step into such a path that has so many initiations attached to the work. They believe we are crazy. Well the benefits are many as Renee and I share on the Shamans Cave podcast. So I invite you to join our Shamans Cave Podcast FB page where we can talk about our shows and the big questions in shamanism. And we will have each show up to discuss. The link is below.


Hi everyone!

I have shared many times that this FB page was created to inspire us to the beauty of this amazing planet, feeding our gratitude, uplifting us, remembering why we came here. Some of us can no longer travel to so many places in the world. And this page has been healing for so many of us. But to start posting AI generated photos was not the community I have hoping to form with this page of sharing the natural wonders of the world so our own inner landscape can absorb the beauty and create that same beauty within. I don’t want AI in my inner landscape. I am sorry. I don’t know if an image is AI. So if enough people know it is AI I will take it down. We want to be in awe of Planet Earth not AI. I love you all!


I really appreciate your comments on my last post about FB. For reasons of my own I am leaving the post up. But as I don’t want it to be the last post seen on my Friends page I will say I will stay on FB. I will be on FB for my Authors Page that has inspirational posts to keep us all feeling uplifted. And I will stay on Shamans are Gardeners of Energy where we share photos of the beauty of this great Earth as well as inspirational poems and beauty spoken from peoples’ hearts. If you ever feel like joining that page the test word to get in is “transfiguration”. I felt when I first went on email (and I was one of the last ones to get an email address) that my life would be over. But for the first years I had stellar boundaries and rarely answered an email. Then came along social media. I have found that being on the internet really damaged my health in ways that I am finding it hard to heal from. Being online 7 days a week 365 days a year was not good for me on any level. So now with the changes going on I am taking the opportunity to make a change in my priorities. So all the controversy over FB is giving me an opportunity to take a much needed break to really go internal. I am feeling as an elder my next step is the inner work I can do. I am excited to finally have the time for this deep exploration. In the late 1960s I was an extreme activist. Now it is time for a new generation to step up and I will do the inner work I need to do to help the work going on in the outer world with combining my work with the unseen. It is just time for me to go within.

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A gentle reminder from Isis: ✨ "Don't get too much into the future because how you are acting in the present right this second is what's creating the future." How often do we find ourselves lost in the maze of tomorrow, planning, worrying, and trying to control what hasn't yet come to pass? While our minds wander through countless 'what-ifs,' life unfolds right here, right now, in this sacred moment. Each breath we take, each choice we make, and each act of kindness or moment of presence are the seeds we plant in our future garden. When we release the weight of tomorrow's uncertainties, we free ourselves to dance fully with today's possibilities. Perhaps the greatest act of faith is trusting that as we tend to our present with love and intention, tomorrow will bloom exactly as it should. The future isn't somewhere out there waiting for us, our hands are weaving it in this very moment. Take this as your invitation to come home now. Feel the earth beneath your feet, notice the light playing through the leaves, and embrace the magic of this moment, for this is where your power truly lies. 🌿

  1. SacredWisdom #Mindfulness #SpiritualJourney #AncientWisdom #InnerGuidance


Sandra Ingerman

Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy

I love reading your posts. The beautiful field of energy we are creating is so transformative. I love to read your names. I hope you feel the love I send back. With cutting down on my time on the internet I can finally spend my days in ceremony. As I have shared I am getting quite sensitive. Now when I read your posts I can feel the energy of the words in my body. I am slowing down my typing so I can feel the energy in what I write. With too much noise we no longer feel the effects of the energy in all we communicate. An interesting exercise to try is after you write something to feel the energy it brings into your life. This is such a simple practice yet profound. I wish you all a beautiful holiday!

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