Tim Berners-Lee

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(Das World Wide Web (WWW) wird 30)
(World Wide Web was invented at CERN)
Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
120319 via fb
120319 via fb
Exactly 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was invented at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau. It has doubtlessly been one of the most impactful innovations in the history of telecommunications, though it only reaches 50% of the world’s population at present. To mark the milestone, Berners-Lee went on March 12-13 on a conference tour, speaking in Geneva (“where it all began”), London and Lagos.
The World Wide Web Foundation, which fights to “advance the open web as a public good and a basic right”, seized the opportunity to kickstart their “For The Web” campaign, which includes building a crowdfunded timeline of the web’s thirty year history and creating a “Contract for the Web“. This contract will act as a guiding set of principles for states, companies and individuals who shape and contribute to the Web. It is currently in development, with work so far highlighting freedom of speech, security, individual privacy and equality of access. Among the Contract’s supporters are Germany’s Federal Government, Google, Change.org and the Open Rights Group, as well as inviduals like American congressman Ro Khanna, billionaire Richard Branson, Internet law expert Jonathan Zittrain and Tim Berners-Lee himself.
On the anniversary, the Web’s inventor published an optimistic open letter celebrating the technology’s achievements, as well as addressing concerns about the web. In the letter, Berners-Lee discusses recent problems including malicious digital actors, the exploitative design of commercial online platforms and lack of accountability in cyberspace. He also argues that the 50% of the world’s population without internet access must not be left behind. Ultimately, he concludes that “given how much the web has changed in the past 30 years, it would be defeatist and unimaginative to assume that the web as we know it can’t be changed for the better in the next 30. If we give up on building a better web now, then the web will not have failed us. We will have failed the web.“.
Tim Berners-Lee on Twitter
It’s up to us: https://t.co/cw39fNVZoM #Web30 #ForTheWeb
170319 via wiki t

Version vom 17. März 2019, 12:40 Uhr


Das Web wird 29 in 2018===

“This year marks a milestone in the web’s history: for the first time, we will cross the tipping point when more than half of the world’s population will be online.” -- Tim Berners-Lee

130318 via peter glaser


Das World Wide Web (WWW) wird 30 Jahre alt und auch Google feiert das Jubiläum mit einem speziellen Doodle. Ohne diese Erfindung könntet ihr unsere Facebookseite nicht aufrufen, geschweige denn diesen Beitrag lesen. Anlässlich des Geburtstages des Internets widmet Google seinen Erfindern Robert Cailliau und Sir Tim Berners-Lee ein ganz spezielles Google Doodle. Am 12. März 1989 stellte Tim Berners-Lee seine Idee eines weltumspannenden Hypertext-Systems vor. Das Internet, wie wir es heute kennen, entstand erst 1993, als der erste grafikfähige Webbrowser auf den Markt kam. Und bis zum Web 2.0 mit seinen Social-Media-Plattformen dauerte es nochmals bis zum Anfang der 2000er Jahre. Kaum zu glauben, dass die Ausreifung der heute allgegenwärtigen Technik noch so jung ist. Die Stadtbibücherei Waldenbuch gratuliert dem World Wide Web zum 30. Geburtstag! 💐

120319 via fb


Exactly 30 years ago, the World Wide Web was invented at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau. It has doubtlessly been one of the most impactful innovations in the history of telecommunications, though it only reaches 50% of the world’s population at present. To mark the milestone, Berners-Lee went on March 12-13 on a conference tour, speaking in Geneva (“where it all began”), London and Lagos.

The World Wide Web Foundation, which fights to “advance the open web as a public good and a basic right”, seized the opportunity to kickstart their “For The Web” campaign, which includes building a crowdfunded timeline of the web’s thirty year history and creating a “Contract for the Web“. This contract will act as a guiding set of principles for states, companies and individuals who shape and contribute to the Web. It is currently in development, with work so far highlighting freedom of speech, security, individual privacy and equality of access. Among the Contract’s supporters are Germany’s Federal Government, Google, Change.org and the Open Rights Group, as well as inviduals like American congressman Ro Khanna, billionaire Richard Branson, Internet law expert Jonathan Zittrain and Tim Berners-Lee himself.

On the anniversary, the Web’s inventor published an optimistic open letter celebrating the technology’s achievements, as well as addressing concerns about the web. In the letter, Berners-Lee discusses recent problems including malicious digital actors, the exploitative design of commercial online platforms and lack of accountability in cyberspace. He also argues that the 50% of the world’s population without internet access must not be left behind. Ultimately, he concludes that “given how much the web has changed in the past 30 years, it would be defeatist and unimaginative to assume that the web as we know it can’t be changed for the better in the next 30. If we give up on building a better web now, then the web will not have failed us. We will have failed the web.“.

Tim Berners-Lee on Twitter It’s up to us: https://t.co/cw39fNVZoM #Web30 #ForTheWeb

170319 via wiki t