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TAO.card ==

Eine TAO.card = AKI-card ermöglicht die kostenlose Tln. im E-learning von Karl Dietz und bietet weitere Optionen.



“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive!” - Hafiz



TAO in 2025


TAO.termine sind termine zu den themen im E-learning / Personal training / ... und was sonst noch aktuell ansteht. Ab und an und immer öfter auch in koop mit AKI.


Information retrieval & management :: E-learning mit Karl Dietz ====

Google-n wie ein Profi :: E-learning mit Karl Dietz ====

Beyond Google :: E-learning mit Karl Dietz ====

Extreme searching :: E-learning mit Karl Dietz ====


Right Now

We’re not doomed in any way because whatever happens, we can begin, right now, to do our very best. There’s always something small we can do to alter our habitual response, even a little bit. It could be taking a few conscious breaths, or stepping back for a moment, or walking around the block to change the energy. It could be anything, as long as it interrupts the process of escalating our suffering in the exact same habitual way, over and over and over.

Welcoming the Unwelcome by Pema Chödrön, pages 17–18


Widening the Circle of Compassion

"It’s daring not to shut anyone out of our hearts, not to make anyone an enemy. If we begin to live like this, we’ll find that we actually can’t define someone as completely right or completely wrong anymore. Life is more slippery and playful than that. Trying to find absolute rights and wrongs is a trick we play on ourselves to feel secure and comfortable."

From her book Comfortable With Uncertainty https://pemachodronfoundation.org

Thank you to Shambhala Publications for the great weekly quotes by Pema. To receive them in your inbox: http://shambhala.com/heartadvice/

160821 via fb pema


"We are not trying to solve a problem. We are not striving to make pain go away or to become a better person. We are giving up control altogether and letting concepts and ideals fall apart. We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don't really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy." ~ Pema Chodron 🙏🌷

I never heard that anyone

I never heard that anyone had results without studying or achieved achievement without practicing.



“Body like a Mountain. Heart like the Ocean. Mind like the Sky.” ~ Dogen



keine-noten-keine-klassen-richard-david-precht-will-die-schule-revolutionieren https://www.derwesten.de/kultur/keine-noten-keine-klassen-richard-david-precht-will-die-schule-revolutionieren-id7859285.html

100320 via fb

“This body is not me, I am not caught in this body. I am life without boundaries. I have never been born, and I shall never die. Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars, manifestations of my wondrous true mind. Since before time, I have been free. Birth and death are only doors through which we pass, sacred thresholds on our journey. Birth and death are just a game of hide and seek. So laugh with me, hold my hand, let us say goodbye, say goodbye, to meet again soon. We meet today. We will meet again tomorrow. We will meet at the source at every moment. We meet each other in all forms of life. The”

Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment

being lost in thoughts == is one of the things that prevents us from making true contact with life. If you are ruled by worry, frustration, anxiety, anger, or jealousy, you will lose the chance to make real contact with all the wonders of life.

Thich Nhat Hanh, Old Path White Clouds: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha

>>>> >>>> http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/dfg/content/pageview/1114263 >>>> der rhein. feine karte. >>>>

>>> Singet leise, leise, leise, >>> Singt ein flüsternd Wiegenlied, >>> Von dem Monde lernt die Weise, >>> Der so still am Himmel zieht. >>> >>> Denn es schlummern in dem Rheine >>> Jetzt die lieben Kindlein klein, >>> Ameleya wacht alleine >>> Weinend in dem Mondenschein. >>> >>> Singt ein Lied so süß gelinde, >>> Wie die Quellen auf den Kieseln, >>> Wie die Bienen um die Linde >>> Summen, murmeln, flüstern, rieseln. >>> >>> Clemens Brentano

conni biesalski ... "Find your Magic" ... "...doch es gibt keine magische Abkürzung! Wir müssen erst krabbeln lernen, bevor wir laufen können, und laufen, bevor wir rennen können. Unsere konditionierte Sucht nach schnellen Ergebnissen (wir wollen schnell fit werden, schnell Gewicht verlieren, schnell glücklich werden, schnell Geld verdienen...) steht uns oft im Weg zu einem wirklich bedeutsamen Leben."

270920 via fb

Smithsonian :: 2.8 Mio Bilder via CC0==

„The Smithsonian now has a unified open-access picture library online, primed with an initial 2.8 million hi-res images. The licencing appears to be uniformly CC0. Another 200,000 images will reportedly be added through 2020, with more in future years.“ https://blog.digithek.ch/smithsonian-open-access/

2702 via zkbw

The Celtic Wheel of Life ===

The Celtic Wheel of Life === honours the seasonal changes in nature in eight festivals. The two Equinoxes, two Solstices and four fire festivals, which are situated right in the middle between each Solstice and Equinox. In the Celtic tradition the changes in nature are relating to the changes that take place in our own lives throughout the year. Celebrating and marking these points of noticeable shifts in nature helps us honour and integrate these transitions into our own lives and bring body, mind and spirit into harmony with the rhythms of nature.

Someone once asked a librarian where the books on "How To Commit Suicide" were. She responded by saying that the library didn't have any because previous people who had borrowed them failed to return them!

JURN is a unique search tool, helping you to find free academic articles and books. ==

JURN harnesses all the power of Google, but focusses your search through a hand-crafted and curated index. Established in 2009 to comprehensively cover the arts and humanities, in 2014 JURN expanded in scope. JURN now also covers selected university full-text repositories and many additional ejournals in science, biomedical, business and law. In 2015/6 JURN expanded again, adding over 600 ejournals on aspects of the natural world.



Konfliktmanagement: von hate speech zu gewaltfreier Kommunikation in E-Mails=== 16.11. - 18.11.2020 Kursleitung Heike Hoffmann

E-Mails und Social Media gehören zu unserem Alltag und vereinfachen einiges - aber? Wie kommuniziere ich respektvoll oder gebe respektvoll Feedback? Welchen Kommunikationskanal nutze ich für was und welcher passt? Wie gehe ich mit hate speech und verbaler Aggression um? Die Seminarleiterin und Ausbilderin für Mediation wird mit Ihnen üben, entspannt, klar, angstfrei und wertschätzend schriftlich zu kommunizieren - auch und gerade in schwierigen oder Konfliktsituationen. Sie gewinnen Einsichten, die Sie ganz praktisch im Alltag nutzen können, und leisten einen Beitrag zu gewaltfreier Kommunikation im Beruf oder zuhause. Seminar auch für Lehrer/-innen und Multiplikator/-innen. Das Seminar ist als Bildungsurlaub (3 Tage) anerkannt.

07.2020 via vhs-list


Gedicht von Heimrad Bäcker: Zahlen verbergen


interview mit nahko-bear


Returning to the Ordinary

What is the most precious part of Chinese philosophy, which I find much more palatable to me than the otherworldly and esoteric philosophies of various religions? I think it is this emphasis of returning to what is ordinary and mundane. Meditation teacher, Jack Kornfield, has a beautiful way of expressing it. He says, "After the ecstasy, the laundry."

In Zen circles, there is a widespread belief that there is an ultimate Enlightenment, after which everything becomes pure bliss. This is a serious fallacy. First, there is no ultimate enlightenment, although there may be multiple enlightenments or epiphanies which help you see things more clearly and put everything in perspective. Second, the notion that life will become problem-free is a fantasy. Do you think that Zen masters don't have to be concerned with paying a big bill that is coming due? Or that s/he does not have problems with his/her own children? This is magical thinking.

In the Zen tradition, there is what is called the Ten Ox Herding Pictures, which is an illustration of the enlightenment process. The stages are:

1. Searching for the bull 2. Discovering the tracks 3. Seeing the bull 4. Catching the bull 5. Taming it 6. Riding the bull home 7. Forgetting and transcending the bull 8. Transcending both self and bull 9. Reaching the Source 10. Returning to society

Note that the process does not end at Taming the Bull. It does not even end with "Transcending both Bull and Self", which is a state of non-duality. Rather, after the ecstasy and euphoria, one returns to society and becomes ordinary again. This is returning to simplicity. I like the following poem associated with stage 10:

Return to Society

Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world. My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful. I use no magic to extend my life; Now, before me, the dead trees become alive.

[Demolish] the distinction between thought and feeling

, which is really the basis of all anti-intellectual views, the heart and the head, thinking and feeling, fantasy and judgement. Thinking is a form of feeling; feeling is a form of thinking.

SUSAN SONTAG - The Complete Rolling Stone Interview

The Great Barrier Reef: Stunning 19th-Century Illustrations from the World’s First Encyclopedia of One of Earth’s Most Vibrant and Delicate Ecosystems https://t.co/pRf5WWtq4r

According to Buddhism

According to Buddhism== , the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor of sadness nor even of meaninglessness.

Rather, the real root of suffering is this never-ending and pointless pursuit of ephemeral feelings, which causes us to be in a constant state of tension, restlessness, and dissatisfaction.

Due to this pursuit, the mind is never satisfied. Even when experiencing pleasure, it is not content, because it fears this feeling might soon disappear and craves that this feeling should stay and intensify.

People are liberated from suffering not when they experience this or that feeling pleasure, but rather when they understand the impermanent nature of all their feelings and stop craving them. This is the aim of Buddhist meditation practices.


"We have all betrayed and hurt others, just as we have knowingly or unknowingly been harmed by them. It is inevitable in this human realm. Sometimes our betrayals are small, sometime terrible. Extending and receiving forgiveness is essential for redemption from our past. To forgive does not mean we condone the misdeeds of another. We can dedicate ourselves to make sure they never happen again. But without forgiveness the world can never be released from sorrows of the past. Someone quipped, 'Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.' Forgiveness is a way to move on."

~ Jack Kornfield

“When you are calm, when you are still, you see things as they truly are.

You don’t distort things.

When you are not calm, it’s easy to get confused and angry. All of us make a lot of mistakes and create a lot of suffering when we are not calm.”

Thích Nhất Hạnh, A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles

HAP Grieshaber ==

If we have too many worries, fears, and doubts, we have no room for living and loving. We need to practice letting go.

Thich Nhat Hanh


Alfred Lutz * 21.11.1919 === + 04.08.2013

Graphic Novels == 29. Sept. 2018 bis 6. Jan. 2019 http://galerie-stihl-waiblingen.de

Kate Evans: Rosa Graphic Novel über Rosa Luxemburg. Karl-Dietz-Verlag, Berlin 2018, übersetzt von Jan Ole Arps, 180 Seiten

191018 via g alerts


11.09.2020, 15–16 Uhr, Öschelbronn ... Irgendwie Anders


Tao Te Ching - a Graphic Novel

By Sean Michael Wilson Translated by William Scott Wilson

This bold, visually surprising, and completely unique interpretation of theTao Te Ching—the poetic classic that is the philosophical and religious basis of Taoism—brings its teachings into a modern light in an entirely fresh way.


tiger-on-buddha-head - fine foto ... 050619 im DZ-blog https://buddhismnow.com/2014/03/08/tiger-on-buddha-head/

taz vom Montag, 1.2. (Seite 16) Ohne aufgeregten Enthüllungsgestus von Gaby Hartel ?Nach uns die Sintflut?: Die aktuelle Ausstellung im Kunst Haus Wien versammelt Einblicke in die Verhandlung der Klimakrise aus künstlerischer Sicht https://www.taz.de/!5745997

020221 via mu-t

www.outdoor-magazin.com === ... regenjacken-test-2019 ... 0706 via google https://www.outdoor-magazin.com/test/jacken/regenjacken-test-2019.2004376.3.htm

Inipi kommt aus der Sprache der Lakota-Indianer und bedeutet Schwitzhütte ... 301020 via alerts

Zero Waste kitchen===

"Suppose someone says something that angers you. Your old pathway wants to say something to punish him. But that makes us victims of our habit energy. Instead, you can breathe in and say, “Unhappiness is in me, suffering is in me, anger is in me, irritation is in me.”

That is already helpful, recognizing your feelings and helping you not to respond right away. So you accept that anger and irritation in you, and smile to it.

With mindfulness, you look at the other person and become aware of the suffering in him or in her. He may have spoken like that to try to get relief from his suffering. He may think that speaking out like that will help him suffer less, but in fact he will suffer more.

With just one or two seconds of looking and seeing the suffering in him, compassion is born. When compassion is born, you don’t suffer any more, and you may find something to say that will help him.

With the practice, we can always open new neural pathways like that. When they become a habit, we call it the habit of happiness."

~Thich Nhat Hanh ~

gewuerzmanufaktur-craft-spices== https://www.topp-kreativ.de/gewuerzmanufaktur-craft-spices-8062?c=517


Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. ~Lao Tzu (Book: Tao Te Ching https://amzn.to/3zEBtp3)





POPS - privately owned public spaces==

Well, wir alle bewegen uns in den digitalen POPS zb facebook. eben las ich via wikitribune zu den realen POPS

How are privately owned public spaces changing how cities function? From Jul '18: The number of privately owned public spaces , commonly known as POPS, is growing in cities across the world. These apparently public squares and streets are accessible to the public, but owned by private developers, who operate them according to their own rules enforced by private security. Should city residents resist or welcome POPS?

Generell finde ich wikitribune eine gute sache. der newsletter informiert mit einem non-german point of view.

mehr zu wikitribune auch im AKI-wiki auf der seite zu jimmy wales.

160818 via fb


6.5.1904 Moshé Feldenkrais wird in eine streng-jüdische Familie in Slavuta in der heutigen Ukraine (ca 300km westlich von Kiew) geboren. Er erlebt eine bildungsbetonte und traditionelle jüdische Erziehung.

1918/1919 Als 14-Jähriger wandert er nach Palästina aus, um am Aufbau des Staates Israel mitzuwirken. In Tel-Aviv arbeitet er tagsüber als Bauarbeiter und Privatlehrer, spielt leidenschaftlich gern Fußball und kämpft häufig nachts im Straßenkampf. Er lernt Jiu-Jitsu und es entstehen seine ersten Überlegungen und Aufzeichnungen von Nahkampfverhalten.

1927 Abitur in Tel-Aviv

1930 geht Feldenkrais nach Paris (Frankreich) und studiert an der ESTP (École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du bâtiment et de l’industrie) Elektrotechnik und Mechanik. Er beginnt ein Studium zum Ingenieur an der Universität Sorbonne.

In Paris kann Feldenkrais mithilfe seiner Aufzeichnungen zum Nahkampfverhalten zum berühmten japanischen Begründer des Judo, Jigiro Kano, Kontakt aufnehmen. Dieser ist interessiert, Feldenkrais kennenzulernen und in Judo auszubilden. Feldenkrais trainiert sehr viel und erreicht 1936 als erster Europäer den Grad des "Schwarzen Gürtels". Von Paris aus wird eine Judo-Welle ausgelöst, die durch ganz Europa zieht.

1933 bis 1940 arbeitet Feldenkrais als Ingenieur im Forschungslabor von Irene Joliot-Curie und Frédéric Joliot, u.a. an der Kernspaltung.

1940 bis 1946 lebt Feldenkrais mit anderen Wissenschaftlern als Emigrant in Schottland und arbeitet für die britische Admiralität in einem Forschungslabor der Marine in Fairlie, u.a. im Bereich der Sonartechnik zur Erkennung von U-Booten.

Eine alte Knieverletzung macht ihm in dieser Zeit zu schaffen und da die Ärzte nicht wirklich helfen können, versucht er sich selbst zu helfen. Er verbindet sein Forschungsdenken aus Physik, Mechanik, Elektronik und Bewegung – und beschäftigte sich intensiv mit funktionaler Anatomie.

1947 wird Feldenkrais von der Sorbonne die Würde "Ingénieur Docteur" für seine Arbeit "Contribution à la mesure des hautes tensions" verliehen.

1949 zog es Feldenkrais zurück in den inzwischen gegründeten Staat Israel. Zunächst leitete er dort noch die Elektronikabteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums.

1952 beginnt er sich ausschließlich mit seinen eigenen Theorien zu Bewegung und Lernen und deren praktischen Umsetzungen zu beschäftigen.

Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais entwickelt noch über Jahrzehnte hinweg die heute nach ihm benannte Feldenkrais-Methode. Er unterrichtet sie an der Universität von Tel Aviv und hält Vorträge in Europa und den USA. Auch berühmte Persönlichkeiten vertrauen sich ihm an, so u.a. der Begründer des Staates Israel David Ben Gurion, der Geiger Yehudi Menuhin oder der Dirigent Igor Markevitch.

1981 Moshé Feldenkrais wird von Schlaganfällen heim gesucht.

1. Juli 1984 stirbt Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais in Tel Aviv.

070521 via fb mof group


Pubmed Central has free medical related articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?cmd=search&term ... And then there is Pubmed.gov which is a citation database maintained by the medical librarians at the National Library of Medicine.

040222 via fb


T3N zu online

Warum der Begriff „online“ inzwischen Unsinn ist

Die Jüngeren unter 30 Jahren sind der Untersuchung zufolge im Schnitt knapp sechs Stunden am Tag online (5:53 Stunden).

Die Älteren ab 70 Jahre nutzen im Mittel das Internet weniger als eine Stunde.

Doch die Aufteilung der Zeit in online und offline passt in die heutige Always-on-Welt der Smartphones so wenig wie noch nie. Wenn ich beispielsweise morgens den Deutschlandfunk über die Smartphone-App höre, bin ich dann „online“, obwohl ich auf keinen Bildschirm schaue? Wäre ich offline, wenn ich exakt dasselbe Programm über einen UKW-Radio-Empfänger in meinem Handy hören würde? Höre ich Podcasts oder Musik über einen Streaming-Dienst, gilt das als Online-Zeit – heruntergeladene Songs dagegen sind offline? Und was ist mit Songs und Filmen, die ich in Streaming-Apps wie Spotify und Netflix heruntergeladen habe und offline nutzen kann?

Unser Smartphone ist immer online und jederzeit empfangsbereit für die nächste Whatsapp-Nachricht, die viele binnen Sekunden lesen, wenn wir den Ping vom Handy bekommen.

Es ist daher Zeit, sich vom Begriff „online“ zu trennen. Er gehört in dieselbe Mottenkiste wie die nostalgischen Gefühle, die ein Modem-Geräusch in manchen von uns auslöst. Zur aktuellen, soziologisch sauber fassbaren Kategorie eignet sich der Begriff nicht.


151018 via dimmb

Kankyo Tannier lebt in einem ZEN-kloster

und hat ca. 5.000 Facebook-Freunde Sie ist mit Natur und Netz verbunden ... https://www.srf.ch/kultur/gesellschaft-religion/spiritualitaet-im-netz-nonne-2-0-wie-geht-zen-sein-im-internet


Jour férié. Il pleut. :-(

Au lieu de déprimer tout seul dans son coin, le petit Bouddha en devenir fait de sa journée un havre de spiritualité et de pratique : - il médite et inverse le sens du sablier. - il médite et fait don du Silence au monde - il médite et réduit son empreinte carbone - il médite et laisse les ailes du temps lui caresser la joue - il médite et entre dans un espace introuvable, inconnaissable, inoui... dont il reviendra sur la pointe des pieds, et le sourire aux lèvres.

080519 via fb


Urlaub Es regnet :-(

Anstatt in seiner Ecke alleine zu deprimieren, macht der kleine Buddha, der gerade dabei ist, seinen Tag zu einer Oase der Spiritualität und Praxis: - Er meditiert und kehrt die Bedeutung der Sanduhr um - Er meditiert und gibt der Welt die Stille - er meditiert und reduziert seinen CO2-Fußabdruck - er meditiert und lässt die Flügel der Zeit seine Wange streicheln - er meditiert und betritt einen nicht nachvollziehbaren, unerkennbaren, unerhörten Raum ... mit dem er auf Zehenspitzen zurückkommt und lächelt Lippen.

translated by fb


hat die Entscheidung getroffen, Benutzern nicht mehr zu ermöglichen, Inhalte auf die Yahoo Groups Website hochzuladen.

Ab am 28. Oktober haben Sie nicht mehr die Möglichkeit, Inhalte auf die Website hochzuladen.

Zum 14. Dezember werden sämtliche zuvor auf der Website veröffentlichten Inhalte dauerhaft gelöscht. Bis zu diesem Datum haben Sie die Möglichkeit, hochgeladene Inhalte zu speichern.


Citizen Circle

Community Managerin Marta Rechul berichtet hier von ihren Erfahrungen und Strategien, um mit diesem Problem umzugehen. https://www.citizencircle.de/selbststaendig-und-einsam/

211018 via fb


was first published on this day in 1945.

"All the habits of Man are evil. And, above all, no animal must ever tyrannise over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal." --from ANIMAL FARM (1945)

ANIMAL FARM is the most famous by far of all twentieth-century political allegories. Its account of a group of barnyard animals who revolt against their vicious human master, only to submit to a tyranny erected by their own kind, can fairly be said to have become a universal drama. Orwell is one of the very few modern satirists comparable to Jonathan Swift in power, artistry, and moral authority; in animal farm his spare prose and the logic of his dark comedy brilliantly highlight his stark message. Taking as his starting point the betrayed promise of the Russian Revolution, Orwell lays out a vision that, in its bitter wisdom, gives us the clearest understanding we possess of the possible consequences of our social and political acts. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com

170818 via fb

Eine Tüte Zwiebelsuppe

... in 2 Becher Schmand rühren und etwas ziehen lassen, DER ultimative Dipp zu Rohkost, Taccos zum aufpeppen von fast allem.

060222 via fb


Ein Party Klassiker ... Thunfischcreme = Thunfisch in Doppelrahmfrischkäse

060222 via fb

easy cookin'


Bohnen säubern in Stücke schneiden. Die enden weg schneiden. 3 Zwiebeln eine Knolle knoblauch, ein paar Zehen gepresst die anderen im ganzen ,und andünsten in Olivenöl. Bohnen dazu mit schwitzen lassen. 3 gehäutete frische Tomaten in Stücke dazu. Ein guter esslöffel tomatenmark und mit etwas Wasser aufgießen. Salz pfeffer und wer mag etwas Thymian und ein wenig Zucker nach eigenem gusto. Habs ca ne Std. Bei geringer Hitze köcheln lassen. Wer es noch knackig mag lässt halt weniger kochen

140322 via fb gr. rez.

Here are 5 lessons from Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (Author)

1. Embrace Simplicity: Lao Tzu teaches the value of simplicity and humility in life. He encourages individuals to let go of excessive desires, attachments, and complexities, and instead embrace simplicity and contentment. By simplifying our lives and letting go of unnecessary burdens, we can find inner peace and harmony with the natural flow of the Tao. 2. Practice Wu Wei (Non-Action): Wu Wei, or non-action, is a central concept in Taoism that emphasizes effortless action and spontaneous living. Lao Tzu teaches that by aligning ourselves with the natural rhythm of the Tao and acting without attachment or resistance, we can achieve greater effectiveness and harmony in our actions. By letting go of the need to control and allowing things to unfold naturally, we can flow with the currents of life and achieve optimal outcomes. 3. Embrace Yin and Yang: The Tao Te Ching teaches the balance of yin and yang, the complementary forces that make up the universe. Lao Tzu emphasizes the importance of embracing both the feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) aspects of existence, and finding harmony between opposing forces. By embracing the interplay of yin and yang in our lives, we can achieve balance, wholeness, and harmony with the Tao. 4. Cultivate Compassion and Humility: Lao Tzu teaches the importance of cultivating virtues such as compassion, humility, and kindness. He emphasizes the value of treating others with empathy and respect, and practicing humility in our interactions with the world. By embodying these virtues, we can foster harmonious relationships, promote peace, and contribute to the well-being of all beings. 5. Live in Harmony with Nature: The Tao Te Ching extols the virtue of living in harmony with nature and the natural world. Lao Tzu encourages individuals to observe the cycles of nature and draw inspiration from its wisdom. By aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature and honoring its principles, we can cultivate a deeper connection to the Tao and experience greater peace, vitality, and fulfillment. BOOK: https://amzn.to/49U774h

090424 via fb

January 22, 2022

“So sad to hear about the passing of the great spiritual teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, at the age of 95. He was a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Zen master, peace activist, and writer with a rare ability to speak with so much spiritual-integrity and soul-clarity. Here is one of his many meditations I read in his book "The Miracle of Mindfulness" that you might also find meaningful to try: "Sit in a dark room by yourself, or alone by a river at night, or anywhere else where there is solitude. Begin to take hold of your breath. Give rise to the thought, "I will use my finger to point at myself," and then instead of pointing at your body, point away in the opposite direction. Contemplate seeing yourself outside of your bodily form. Contemplate seeing your bodily form present before you--in the threes, the grass and leaves, the river. Be mindful that you are in the universe and the universe is in you: if the universe is, you are; if you are, the universe is. There is no birth. There is no death. There is no coming. There is no going. Maintain the half smile. Take hold of your breath. Contemplate for 10 to 20 minutes." Rabbi Dr Yanklowits

Mindfulness is something we can believe in.

To believe in mindfulness is safe, and not at all abstract. When we drink a glass of water and know that we are drinking a glass of water, mindfulness is there. When we sit, walk, stand, or breathe, and know that we are sitting, walking, standing, or breathing, we touch the seed of mindfulness in us, and after a few days, our mindfulness will grow quite strong. " ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

When we’ve accumulated so much knowledge inside, we don’t have the capacity to digest it. It’s like when we eat too much food, we can’t digest it and we become constipated. When we don’t understand what we’ve learned and can’t apply it in our practice, in our daily life, then our knowledge can block our bodies and minds.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace

"From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax, to be peaceful, we may wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness when we can walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth. This is not a retreat, it is a treat. During walking meditation, during kitchen and garden work, during sitting meditation, all day long, we can practice smiling. At first, you may find it difficult to smile, and we have to think about why. Smiling means that we are ourselves, that we have sovereignty over ourselves, that we are not drowned in forgetfulness. This kind of smile can be seen on the faces of Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

I would like to offer one short poem you can recite from time to time, while breathing and smiling:

Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment.

"Breathing in, I calm my body." Reciting this line is like drinking a glass of ice water-you feel the cold, the freshness, permeate your body. When I breathe in and recite this line, I actually feel the breathing calming my body, calming my mind.

"Breathing out, I smile." You know the effect of a smile. A smile can relax hundreds of muscles in your face, and relax your nervous system. A smile makes you master of yourself. That is why the Buddhas and bodhisattvas are always smiling. When you smile, you realize the wonder of the smile.

"Dwelling in the present moment." While I sit here, I don't think of somewhere else, of the future or the past. I sit here and I know where I am. This is very important. We tend to be alive in the future, not now. We say, "Wait until I finish school and get my Ph.D. degree, and then I will be really alive." When we have it, and it wasn't easy to get, we say to ourselves, "I have to wait until I have a job in order to be really alive." And then after the job, a car. After the car, a house. We are not capable of being alive in the present moment. We tend to postpone being alive to the future, the distant future, we don't know when. Now is not the moment to be alive. We may never be alive at all in our entire life. Therefore, the technique, if we have to speak of a technique, is to be in the present moment, to be aware that we are here and now, and the only moment to be alive is the present moment.

"I know this is a wonderful moment." This is the only moment that is real. To be here and now, and enjoy the present moment is our most important task. "Calming, Smiling. Present moment, Wonderful moment." I hope you will try it. "

~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace

The Sun In My Heart ~~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The other afternoon, when I returned to my hermitage, I had to close all the doors and windows because of the strong wind. This morning, on the other hand, I have the window open and I can see the cold and green Forest. The sun shines and a bird sings beautifully. It is not always necessary to close our doors-senses to concentrate. The Novice meditators may find it helpful to close their windows to images and sounds so that it is easier for them to concentrate on breathing or on some object, but it is also possible to do it with the windows wide open. Buddhism talks about three kinds of feelings: the pleasant, the unpleasant and the neutral. Actually, the calls Neutral can be very pleasant, if we are conscious. The internal sensations of the body make up an uninterrupted current, when we are conscious of them, in such a way that "closing our senses-doors" is really impossible. Although we could raise a barricade around them, but the mind and the consciousness would continue their work, and we would have images, concepts and thoughts emanating from memory. Some believe that meditating is separating us from the world of thoughts and feelings and return to a kind of pure state in which the mind is it contemplates itself and becomes "the true mind". It's a lovely idea, but basically deceptive Since the mind is not isolated from the world of thoughts and feelings, how can you withdraw and retreat into yourself? When I look at these trees I have before me, my mind does not leave me to enter the forest, nor does it open a door for the trees to enter. My mind is fixed on the trees, but these are not they constitute a differentiated object. My mind and the trees are one. The trees are no more that one of the miraculous manifestations of the mind. Forest. Thousands of tree bodies and mine. The leaves are shaken, The ears hear the call of the current, The eyes look at the sky of the mind, A half smile emerges from each sheet. There is a forest here Because I am here. But the mind follows it to the forest And he dresses in green. When the sage enters samadhi, he does not know if there is an "external world" that should remain outside or an "internal world" in which it must penetrate. The world reveals itself, for more that the eyes are closed. The world is not internal or external. It is vital and complete in every object that is contemplated; the breath, the tip of the nose, a kung-an, something so tiny as a pinch of dust or as gigantic as a great mountain. Whichever If it is the object, it is not a fragment of some supreme reality. In truth, it contains all the vast amount of reality. I invite you to meditate with me. Sit down, please, in a position that is comfortable for you and fix your attention on your breathing, letting it become soft and light. After about moments, shift your attention to the feelings of your body. If you feel discomfort or pain, if you feel something pleasant, take your attention there and live or enjoy that feeling with all your consciousness wakes up Stay like that for a while; then begin to observe the functioning of your organs: the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the apparatus digestive ... Normally these organs run smoothly and do not attract our Attention except when we feel a pain. Notice the blood, which runs through your body as a river runs through the countryside, nourishing the meadows with fresh water. As you know, this river of blood nourishes all the cells of your body, your prayers and your organs, composed of cells, enrich that blood (digestive system), purify it (liver, kidneys) and drive (heart). All the organs of the body, including the system nervous and glands, depend on each other for their existence. The lungs are necessary for the blood, and therefore belong to him. Blood is necessary for lungs, and therefore it belongs to them. In the same way, we can say that the lungs belong to the heart, the liver belongs to the lungs, etc. In each organ is implicit the existence of all others. What I mean is that the presence of each one implies the presence of all the others, since it can not exist independently or separately from them. A Vietnamese Zen teacher said certain Once: "If this pinch of dust did not exist, the universe could not exist". The person wakes up see the universe just by observing a pinch of dust...

Wie Gott in Frankreich – Picasso kulinarisch!=== 12. Oktober 2019 - 19. Januar 2020==== Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster ====

Frischgefangene Fische, die in der Pfanne braten, aromatischer Rotwein aus der Provence und dem Languedoc, delikate Langusten, schmackhafte Artischocken und erfrischender Pastis – Picassos kulinarische Bildwelten laden zum Genuss ein. Die Ausstellung widmet sich mit Linolschnitten, Lithografien, Keramiken und Gemälden aus dem Eigenbestand des Museums Picassos künstlerischer Auseinandersetzung mit gutem Essen und Trinken. Die Schau beleuchtet darüber hinaus seinen kenntnisreichen Dialog mit der Kunstgeschichte und seine Inspiration durch die spanischen und flämischen Küchenstilleben des Barock. Abgerundet wird die Präsentation durch zeitgenössische Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien von David Douglas Duncan, die Picasso in seiner am Mittelmeer gelegenen Villa „La Californie“ bei dem mittäglichen Genuss von Wein und Fisch zeigen, die Leichtigkeit des Daseins auskostend „wie Gott in Frankreich“.

"We are all visitors to this time,

this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow... and then we return home."

Jahrbuch "Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2019"

In diesen Tagen neu erschienen ist das Jahrbuch "Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2019", das vom Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart in Verbindung mit der Gesellschaft für Archäologie in Württemberg und Hohenzollern und dem Förderkreis Archäologie in Baden und herausgegeben wird. Der Band enthält Berichte zu allen wichtigen Ausgrabungen des vergangenen Jahres. In Ostwürttemberg werden unter anderem Neufunde aus Donzdorf, Geislingen an der Steige, Heubach, Aalen-Unterkochen, Steinheim am Albuch und Niederstotzingen-Lontal vorgestellt. Allein zehn Beiträge des Buches entfallen auf das Frühmittelalter, die Zeit der Alamannen. Das 336-seitige, stabil gebundene Jahrbuch mit über 200 farbigen Fotos, Plänen und Zeichnungen ist bei der Wissenschaftlichen Buchgesellschaft in Darmstadt erschienen und kann ab sofort zum Preis von 22,00 Euro im Alamannenmuseum erworben werden. Mehr dazu hier: http://www.ellwangen.de/index.php?id=332&publish[id]=413721

070820 via mail gut

The Green Library - Die Grüne Bibliothek === Hrsg. v. P. Hauke, K. Latimer & K. U. Werner. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Saur, 2013. VIII, 433 S., Ill. (IFLA Publications, 161 <http://www.ifla.org/publications/ifla-publications-series-161>) ISBN 978-3-11-030972-0 https://www.ibi.hu-berlin.de/de/studium/studprojekte/buchidee/bi12

Nachrichten aus der Wissenschaft ===

... IDW liefert sie individuell filterbar und aus mehr als tausend Wissenschaftseinrichtungen. Heute konnten wir den 40.000. Abonnenten begrüßen. Wir freuen uns sehr über das große Interesse! ... https://bit.ly/2zcHiRm

080620 via fb idw

Butter von Asako Yuzuki

Rika, eine junge Journalistin in Tokio, recherchiert für eine Reportage über die Serienmöderin Manako Kajii, die Männer mit ihren Kochkünsten verführt und anschließend umgebracht haben soll. Manako behauptet, sie verabscheut nichts mehr als "Margarine und Feministinnen" und hat eine ausgeprägte Leidenschaft für hemmungslosen Genuss und insbesondere Butter. Jetzt, wo sie im Gefängnis sitzt, empfängt sie Rika, unter der Bedingung, nur über ihre Kochkünste zu reden. Für Rika werden die Begegnungen mit Manako zu einer Meisterklasse der Lebenskunst.

180222 via mail divibib


Carl R. Rogers==


Der Fall Maurizius von Jakob Wassermann == 542 Seiten == Seit 18 Jahren sitzt Leonhart im Zuchthaus Kressa. Er soll seine deutlich ältere und vermögendere Frau ermordet haben. Durch Zufall erfährt der 16-jährige Sohn des Staatsanwalts, der damals das Urteil sprach, vom Fall – und strengt eigene Ermittlungen an.

1928 erschienen ... 260218 via lesen.net


"The Buddha always told his disciples not to waste their time and energy in metaphysical speculation. Whenever he was asked a metaphysical question, he remained silent. Instead, he directed his disciples toward practical efforts. Questioned one day about the problem of the infinity of the world, the Buddha said, "Whether the world is finite or infinite, limited or unlimited, the problem of your liberation remains the same." Another time he said, "Suppose a man is struck by a poisoned arrow and the doctor wishes to take out the arrow immediately. Suppose the man does not want the arrow removed until he knows who shot it, his age, his parents, and why he shot it. What would happen? If he were to wait until all these questions have been answered, the man might die first." Life is so short. It must not be spent in endless metaphysical speculation that does not bring us any closer to the truth." ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh

Um 11 Uhr zog ich meinen Talar an

und wappnete mich für eine Prüfung, die ich lang vor mir hergeschoben habe: nämlich mich an der Bodleian Library registrieren zu lassen und den Eid abzulegen. Ich wurde freundlicher empfangen, als ich erwartet hatte – zu manchen Leuten sind sie ausgesprochen grob –, und ging dann zur Radcliffe Camera, um mich dort einzuschreiben. Du kannst Dir nicht vorstellen, mein Kleines, welch ein ehrfurchtgebietender und glänzender Ort diese Bibliothek voll wunderbarer Manuskripte und unbezahlbarer Bücher ist.

JRR Tolkien an seine verlobte edith via nzz.ch bzw. AKI-wiki. smile.

Julio Baghy== , la 13-an de januaro estas datreveno de lia naskiĝtago. Li estis hungara poeto, verkisto kaj ankaŭ aktoro en sia junaĝo.

"ĉar ĉio estis bela, bona, ĉar ĉio estas vivdonac' kaj ĉion, kion sorto rabis rehavas mi en reva pac'."

130119 via ifef

taz vom Samstag, 16.1. (Seite 46-47) ?Schriften umgeben uns wie Architektur? von Thomas Winkler Gemütliche B, staksige T und schöne S: Buchstaben und Schriften wecken Emotionen und speichern Erinnerungen. Barbara Dechant und Till Kaposty-Bliss über ihre gemeinsame Leidenschaft, die sie das Berliner Buchstabenmuseum betreiben lässt https://www.taz.de/!5741445

1801 via mu-t

Avoid drama

Avoid drama.

Walk away in silence from anything that doesn’t improve your life.

Calmness amongst chaos is a sign of emotional maturity.

Vex King https://www.instagram.com/VexKing



280218 via swissmiss


Silence is essential==

We need silence, just as much as we need air, just as much as plants need light. If our minds are crowded with words and thoughts, there is no space for us.

Thich Nhat Hanh, in ”Silence”.

“Marriage? A terrible experiment” — Marianne North * 24.10.1830 - 1890

Like many upper class women of her time, Marianne North was devoted to painting to flowers. Unlike other women, at the age of 40 she set off alone to travel the world, braving rough ship and living conditions to document over 900 plant species in just 14 years.

Wherever she was in the world, her days would begin at dawn when she would take her tea outside to watch the world wake up. She would then paint outdoors till noon, consumed in what to her was “a vice like dram-drinking, almost impossible to leave off once it gets possession of one.”


Marianne North was a prolific English Victorian biologist and botanical artist, notable for her plant and landscape paintings, her extensive foreign travels, her writings, her plant discoveries and the creation of her gallery at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Marianne North was born on 24 October 1830 in Hastings, the eldest daughter of a prosperous land-owning family descended from the Hon. Roger North, younger son of Dudley North, 4th Baron North. Her father was Frederick North, a Norfolk Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace, and Liberal M.P. for Hastings. Her mother, Janet, was the daughter of Sir John Marjoribanks M.P., 1st Baronet of Lees in the County of Berwick.

She trained as a vocalist under Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby, but her voice failed, and she then devoted herself to painting flowers. After the death of her mother in 1855, she constantly travelled with her father, who was then member of parliament for Hastings; and on his death in 1869 she decided to pursue her early ambition of painting the flora of distant countries. Marianne North travelled with her father in Syria and along the Nile in 1865-67. After her father's death in 1869 she travelled and made paintings in Sicily. In 1871–1872, she travelled to Canada, the United States and Jamaica, and spent a year in Brazil, where she did much of her work at a hut in the depths of a forest. In 1875, after a few months in Tenerife, she began a journey round the world, and for two years painted the flora of California, Japan, Borneo, Java and Ceylon. She spent all of 1878 in various parts of India. On her return to Britain she exhibited a number of her drawings in London. She offered to give the collection to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, and to erect a gallery to house them. This offer was accepted, and the new buildings, designed by James Fergusson, were begun that year. At Charles Darwin's suggestion she went to Australia in 1880, and for a year painted there and in New Zealand. On her return, she presented Darwin the shrub 'Australian Sheep' (Raoulia eximia) as a gift and showed him her Australian pictures. Her paintings of Banksia attenuata, B. grandis and B. robur were highly regarded. Her gallery at Kew was opened in 1882. In 1883, after a visit by her to South Africa, during which trip she called on the botanical artist Katharine Saunders, an additional room was opened at the Kew gallery, and in 1884–1885 she worked in the Seychelles and in Chile. She died at Alderley, Gloucestershire on 30 August 1890 and is buried in the local churchyard. The scientific accuracy with which she documented plant life in all parts of the world, before photography became a practical option, gives her work a permanent value. A number of plant species are named in her honour, including Areca northiana, Crinum northianum, Kniphofia northiana, Nepenthes northiana, and the genus name Northia. Kew Gardens claims that the North Gallery (situated in the east section of the gardens) is "the only permanent solo exhibition by a female artist in Britain". In 2008 Kew obtained a substantial grant from the National Lottery, which enabled it to mount a major restoration of both the gallery and the paintings inside. This is the gallery dedicated to her work: https://www.kew.org/.../attractions/marianne-north-gallery The Incredible Life of Marianne North Through her Art and Adventures (Full Documentary): https://youtu.be/lSuwpyYEfCY

241021 via fb

TAO for today :: TAO42day

the clickable link
is not the real link
the real link
is not clickable


Schriftentausch und digitaler Medienwandel===

Christian Schmidt: Schriftentausch und digitaler Medienwandel===

Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel wissenschaftlicher Spezialbibliotheken

Der Schriftentausch ist eine der klassischen Erwerbungsformen in Bibliotheken. Seine Wurzeln reichen zurück bis in die Prä-Gutenberg-Ära und seine historische Bedeutung ist für das Bibliothekswesen weltweit kaum zu unterschätzen. Doch ist eine solch alte bibliothekarische Praxis heute noch zeitgemäß? Die vorliegende Publikation ergründet, welche Bedeutung der Tausch gedruckter Publikationen im Angesicht zunehmender Digitalisierung noch hat.

Zu diesem Zweck hat der Autor 69 wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland zu ihren Tauschgepflogenheiten befragt. Aber nicht nur Zahlenwerk und organisatorische Details stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Erhebung. Ebenso werden die Rahmenbedingungen beleuchtet, innerhalb derer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare den Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne zu meistern versuchen. Persönliche Prognosen der Befragten wagen schließlich einen Blick in die Zukunft des Schriftentauschs.

Sprache: deutsch Seiten: 167 Jahr: 2017 Erscheinungsort: Berlin Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Mai 2017

BibSpider, Berlin. ISBN: 978-3-936960-98-3 / Broschur Preis: 25,90 EUR (inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten)

Reihe: WIBORADA - Leipziger Arbeiten zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, hrsg. von Andrea Nikolaizig, Band 6.

http://www.bibspider.de incl. Leseprobe



Thunder Cloud, Blackfeet - 1898

From Boston Public Library via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0 ... siehe auch in farbe via https://images.app.goo.gl/XVMhce3Fpa9vkxAW9

211221 05:35



What? You seek something? You wish to multiply yourself tenfold, a hundredfold? You seek followers? Seek zeros!

Friedrich Nietzsche

How We Define Community

“Communities are not built of friends, or of groups with similar styles and tastes, or even of people who like and understand each other. They are built of people who feel they are part of something that is bigger than themselves: a shared goal or enterprise, like righting a wrong, or building a road, or raising children, or living honorably, or worshipping a god.

To build community requires only the ability to see value in others, to look at them and see a potential partner in one’s enterprise.”

Suzanne Goldsmith 060318 via swissmiss



»Wir hamstern oft unnötig, bis Lebensmittel in der Vorratskammer verfallen«

Viel zu viel Essbares wird weggeworfen, dabei kann man mit einfachen Tricks den Abfall in der Küche massiv reduzieren. Die Autorin und Köchin Sophia Hoffmann erklärt, wie »Zero Waste Küche« geht – und wie man dabei auch noch mehrere hundert Euro spart.

010721 via google alerts ... tbd volltext in digital







Growing, ripening, aging, dying — the passing of time is predestined, inevitable.

There is only one solution if old age is not to be an absurd parody of our former life, and that is to go on pursuing ends that give our existence a meaning — devotion to individuals, to groups or to causes, social, political, intellectual or creative work… In old age we should wish still to have passions strong enough to prevent us turning in on ourselves. One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation, compassion.


Virtue Information Literacy

Flourishing in an Age of Information Anarchy Author: Wayne Bivens-Tatum Price: $35 Published: July 2022 ISBN: 978-1-63400-141-0 262 pages

Virtue Information Literacy draws upon virtue ethics and virtue epistemology to develop a new, ethical conception of information literacy. Those of us who live in heterogenous societies with relatively free flowing information inhabit a world of Information Anarchy, anarchy not in the uninformed popular sense of chaos and disorder (although plenty of that exists), but in the philosophical and political sense of self-organized activity without dominant, hierarchical (information) authorities to which most people defer or which have the power to enforce conformity. We are deluged with information from advertising, marketing, propaganda, corporate media, alternative media, social media, film, and television. And, we are free to believe whom and what we like among the deluge and to act upon those beliefs, sometimes even to our own peril. We spontaneously organize into groups of like-minded believers, assuming that our group is right and theirs wrong. Collectively, we have no information gods or masters, not even the government that claims to rule us all. We still have information authorities that some believe everyone should defer to simply because of their position: scientists, doctors, scholars, experts, journalists, priests, churches, politicians, party leaders, governments, gods, etc. Nevertheless, mass collective agreement on information authority is almost impossible to achieve.

If this characterization of the information environment is correct, how should we choose wisely among this abundance? How do we learn to find and critically evaluate the best information for our purposes? Those are traditional questions of information literacy. This book asks in addition, what sort of person must we become to survive in such an environment? What sort of moral and intellectual character or self should we develop to flourish? To survive, even to flourish, in an era of information anarchy requires the development of radically new, critical, resistant, socially situated selves or subjectivities. These new selves develop through learning common information literacy skills, but also through cultivating a range of intellectual virtues that make these selves better able to exercise their information literacy skills. Such virtues include open-mindedness, intellectual humility, epistemic modesty, intellectual courtesy, intellectual courage, intellectual caution, intellectual thoroughness, epistemic justice, and information vigilance. They are cultivated through systematic mental discipline: Information Asceticism. This ethical approach to information literacy through the cultivation of intellectual virtues is Virtue Information Literacy.

Wayne Bivens-Tatum is the Librarian for Philosophy, Religion, and Anthropology at the Princeton University Library. He has also taught academic writing at the University of Illinois and Princeton University and courses on librarianship for the University of Illinois’ School of Information Sciences and Rutgers University’s Department of Library and Information Science. He has previously published Libraries and the Enlightenment with the Library Juice Press.


141222 via m.




Vom Wissen ins Tun: Wie kann Europäische Erwachsenenbildung zum nachhaltigen Handeln aktivieren?

20. bis 21.09.2023 | GSI in Bonn

Agenda, Erasmus+ und EPALE-Fachkonferenz 2023 zu Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

Die Transformation hin zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft kann nur durch einen Mentalitäts- und Verhaltenswandel innerhalb der Bevölkerung gelingen. Die Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung stellen einen wichtigen Treiber für diesen Wandel dar. Im Mittelpunkt der Konferenz steht die Auseinandersetzung mit Ansätzen, wie (Europäische) Erwachsenenbildung dazu beitragen kann, dass Erwachsene eine Verbindung zwischen Wissen und eigenem Handeln herstellen. Dies beinhaltet ein Bewusstsein dafür zu entwickeln, dass die Lebenswirklichkeit gestaltet werden kann. Diese interaktive Konferenz lädt alle Teilnehmenden ein, das eigene Handeln zu reflektieren und neue Ansätze zu entwickeln, wie Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung sowie Lehrende und Lernende vom Wissen ins nachhaltige Handeln kommen können. Eine Methodik auf Basis der Theorie U, anregende und unterstützende Kleingruppensettings und intensive thematische Reflexionen machen das Potential aller Teilnehmenden sichtbar. Für vielfältige Inspiration sorgen spannende Erfahrungsberichte und ein umfangreicher Projektemarkt von Nachhaltigkeits-Projekten in der Erwachsenenbildung aus ganz Europa.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz statt.

Veranstaltungsort: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn

Wann: 20.-21.09.2023

Zielgruppe: Akteure der Erwachsenenbildung

Die Fachkonferenz wird organisiert durch die Nationale Koordinierungsstelle Europäische Agenda für Erwachsenenpolitik, EPALE und Erasmus+ Erwachsenenbildung der Nationalen Agentur beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung.

Bei Fragen zur Veranstaltung wenden Sie sich gerne an:

Dr. Corinna Porsche Telefon: 0228 107-1343 Mail: Corinna.Porsche@bibb.de

230723 via site

100 Postkarten von Beckett an Siegfried Unseld ... #cardBASE


https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=720597171327942&id=204254806295517 ... godot airport ... smile. k. 080814


SAMUEL BECKETT: Weitermachen ist mehr, als ich tun kann Briefe 1929–1940

Aus dem Englischen und Französischen übersetzt von Chris Hirte. Suhrkamp Verlag, 856 Seiten, € 39,95**

Beckett galt als knausrig mit Worten, als Meister des literarischen Minimalismus. Aber als Briefeschreiber war er außerordentlich wortreich. 15.000 Briefe sind von ihm bekannt. Der jetzt erschienene erste Band erzählt von dem schwierigen Start des Nobelpreisträgers und seiner Zeit in Frankreich und Deutschland.



100_jahre_copyright - 18.-21. OKT 2018 in berlin == https://hkw.de/de/programm/projekte/2018/100_jahre_copyright/100_jahre_copyright_start.php

No Escape, No Problem

We already have everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement.

All these trips that we lay on ourselves—the heavy-duty fearing that we're bad and hoping that we're good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy, and the addictions of all kinds—never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here.

This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake.

Start Where You Are A Guide to Compassionate Living by Pema Chödrön

Book.art == Schönes aus Büchern & Zeitschriften Wir basteln Schönes und Nützliches und der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt! von 1 - 99 Jahren ... model20 via stb fellbach-oeffingen

TAO.relax== Relaxtag am xx zb Bodensee

Das Schwäbische Meer ... ruft zum ... Relaxtag. ... kulturelle Highlights, weiter Himmel, Wasserspaß, kulinarische Genüsse, Zeit für Entdeckung und Entspannung. Mit der "Weißen Flotte" ab Immenstaad nach Friedrichshafen. Von der Zeppelinstadt aus nach Zwischenstopp mit Mittagseinkehr entlang am Südostufer des Obersees nach Lindau mit seiner malerischen Hafeneinfahrt. Anreise mit der bahn ...

070718 via fb spez. vhs es + model20 ... 1gedanke am 070918 ... früher nannte man das einfach: ausflug


3D ==


Integration von Urheber-Normdaten in das VLB ==

13.09.2018, 20:15 Uhr== Die Spur des Geldes (1/2)=== Münzen und Mächte Film von Judith Voelker http://www.phoenix.de/z-a-181177.html


Vor 500 Jahren kam Huldrych Zwingli nach Zürich und begann das Evangelium zu predigen. Seine Verkündigung setzte nicht nur eine Reformation von Kirche und Gesellschaft an der Limmat in Gang. Auch international spielte der Zürcher als Reformator eine Führungsrolle, indem er mit seiner Publizistik die öffentliche Meinung in anderen Territorien beeinflusste. Die Reformation war für die Buchdrucker in Zürich ein gutes Geschäft. Mit fast 800 Drucken gehörte Christoph Froschauer zu den grossen Namen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Die Ausstellung zeigt, wie Froschauer zum internationalen Erfolg der Zwinglischen Reformation beigetragen hat und wie er sein Unternehmen nach dem Tod des Reformators weiter ausbaute. Sie gewährt sowohl Einblicke in das Verlagssortiment und in das Produktionsvolumen der Offizin Froschauer, als auch in die aufkommende Zensur und die ikonographische Umsetzung theologischer Themen. Zu sehen sind neben zahlreichen Reformationsdrucken auch Autographen Zwinglis und Froschauers, polemische Flugblätter und seltene Handschriften wie der von Zwingli benutzte Einsiedler Codex.

020419 via

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen Unser Webauftritt wurde komplett neu gestaltet und ist seit gestern online: https://zb.uzh.ch. Schauen Sie doch einmal vorbei! Wir freuen uns auch über (positives ebenso wie kritisches) Feedback aus dem Kollegenkreis. Ich füge hier gerne noch den Text der zum Relaunch versandten Medienmitteilung bei. Mit besten Grüssen aus Zürich Christian Oesterheld

Dr. Christian Oesterheld Direktor

Zentralbibliothek Zürich Zähringerplatz 6 8001 Zürich Schweiz Tel +41 44 268 31 00 christian.oesterheld@zb.uzh.ch www.zb.uzh.ch

Modern, klar und informativ: die neue Website der Zentralbibliothek Zürich

Seit dem 1. April 2019 ist der vollständig neugestaltete Webauftritt der ZB Zürich online.

Das Recherchieren ist eines der zentralen Bedürfnisse unserer Benutzerinnen und Benutzer. Deshalb bildet die Online-Recherche das Herzstück der neuen Website. Gleich auf der Startseite führen zwei Wege zu umfassenden Suchmöglichkeiten: über das gemeinsame Rechercheportal von ZB und UZH - wie bisher - und neu über die spezialisierte E-Ressourcen-Suche, in der die Nutzenden sämtliche von der Zentralbibliothek Zürich angebotenen Datenbanken und E-Ressourcen an einem Ort finden können. Diese über 700 Ressourcen können nach Thema, Datenbanktyp, Medienart und Zugänglichkeit gefiltert werden. Auch die Suche nach dem Namen einer Ressource ist möglich. Diese neue Recherchefunktion erspart das Suchen nach Informationsquellen, die auf der früheren Website unter verschiedenen Menüpunkten zu finden waren.

Es ist auf den ersten Blick ersichtlich: Design, Content und Struktur der Website sind frisch und zeitgemäss. Sie kann auf beliebigen Endgeräten einfach und übersichtlich genutzt werden. Die Inhalte sind neu in sechs Übersichtsseiten gegliedert. Diese klare Struktur ermöglicht, dass die Nutzenden die gewünschten Inhalte mit nur wenigen Klicks finden. Kurze und informative Texte erleichtern den Einstieg in die Themen. Wer mehr wissen möchte, kann sich auf weiterführenden Seiten vertieft informieren. Auch die neue Bildsprache macht Lust, durch die Website zu surfen und Neues zu entdecken.

Zeitgleich mit der neuen Website wird auch das Archivportal «ZBcollections» für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht: Darin sind sämtliche Nachlässe, die Gesellschafts-, Firmen- und Familienarchive sowie die Handschriften-, Musikalien- und Grafiksammlungen nachgewiesen und recherchierbar.

Speziell zu erwähnen ist ausserdem die neue «Zürich»-Seite, wo das kulturelle Erbe von Zürich, aber auch aktuelle Themen im Zentrum stehen. Weitere Inhalte rund um Zürich wie der aktuelle Schwerpunkt «Reformation» - passend zum 500-Jahr-Jubiläum der Zwinglischen Reform - sowie Zürcher Publikationen laden zum Stöbern und Entdecken ein.

Der ganz auf die Bedürfnisse der Benutzenden ausgerichtete Relaunch wurde mit der Zürcher Agentur Liip realisiert.

Kontakt: Natascha Branscheidt, Leiterin Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Tel. 044 268 32 64 (direkt) oder Mail: natascha.branscheidt@zb.uzh.ch

Meine Reise nach Utopia

Das Journal für ein nachhaltiges Leben Franz Grieser, Utopia (Hrsg.) ISBN: 978-3-96238-126-4 Hardcover, 224 Seiten mit Lesebändchen und Gummiband Erscheinungstermin: 07.10.2019

Mach dich auf den Weg!

Dieses Journal lädt dich ein, Schritt für Schritt in ein bewusstes und nachhaltiges Leben zu starten.

Die Wochenstruktur begleitet dich durch das ganze Jahr. Du erfährst nicht nur alles Wichtige rund ums Thema Nachhaltigkeit, Impulsseiten helfen auch dabei, über den eigenen Schatten zu springen und Neues zu wagen. Die offen gestalteten Journalseiten bieten außerdem jede Menge Platz für eigene Gedanken und Ideen. Lass dich inspirieren!

• Tipps, Rezepte und vieles mehr für einen bewussten Alltag • 52 Themenwochen - vom plastikfreien Einkauf bis zum grünen Balkongarten • Herausgegeben von Utopia, der größten Nachhaltigkeitsplattform Deutschlands

2812 via https://utopia.de/ratgeber/utopia-buch-meine-reise-nach-utopia ... 18 seiten pdf in Q4.2020

Ute Scheub: Europa – Die unvollendete Demokratie== München: oekom 2019 https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/europabuch PDF https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/fileadmin/pdf/2019-01-10_Europa-Buch_von_Ute_Scheub.pdf

Die EU befindet sich in der tiefsten Krise seit ihrer Gründung. Die Europawahl am 26. Mai ist eine Schicksalswahl. Wir brauchen eine neue, positive Vision für Europa. Denn bisher erinnert das europäische Haus eher an ein uneinnehmbares Verwaltungsgebäude als an ein vielseitiges offenes Bauwerk für die unterschiedlichen Menschen und ihre Bedürfnisse.

In diesem Buch setzen wir Stein für Stein die Elemente für ein runderneuertes europäisches Haus, dessen Fundament aus erweiterter Demokratie, Bürgerbeteiligung, Solidarität, Menschenrechten und Klimaschutz besteht.

Ute Scheub: Europa – Die unvollendete Demokratie München: oekom 2019 https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/europabuch PDF https://www.mehr-demokratie.de/fileadmin/pdf/2019-01-10_Europa-Buch_von_Ute_Scheub.pdf

270119 via jf

Trau schau wem


Michael Meyen: Ken Jebsen und das Establishment. In: Michael Meyen (Hrsg.): Medienrealität 2018. https://medienblog.hypotheses.org/2668 (Datum des Zugriffs)

200918 ... #lesensWert

Gerüche sind flüchtig==

Unsichtbar, nicht mit Händen zu fassen. Ein Windzug genügt, schon sind sie weg – und mit ihnen die Informationen, die sie enthalten. Dem arbeitet Matija Strlič entgegen. Der Wissenschaftler ist am Londoner University College stellvertretender Leiter des Institute for Sustainable Heritage, des Instituts zur Erhaltung von Kulturgütern. Dort sucht er nach neuen Wegen, um wertvolle Sammlungen zu schützen. Eine Methode, die er entwickelt hat: die Analyse von Gerüchen. " https://www.zeit.de/2017/53/gerueche-buecher-bibliothek-untersuchung

120818 via fb

Engagement macht stark! - 14. bis 23.09.2018 == die bundesweite Engagementwoche ... Leitfaden "Bürgerschaftliches Engagement im Museum" bit.ly/2OWNKPk ... https://www.engagement-macht-stark.de/engagementkalender

Karla Paul == im MOKA Publishing Magazin == kostenlose Arbeitsblätter zur eigenen Umsetzung und Bewertung sowie Buchempfehlungen: https://www.moka-publishing.com

070918 via fb

Karla Paul hat für das Buch THE FUTURE IS FEMALE (https://www.randomhouse.de/ einen Essay verfasst Sie macht aber noch so einiges mehr: Karla Paul arbeitet für diverse Medien (ARD, WDR, T-Online, Moka Magazin uvm.) als freiberufliche Journalistin und Autorin im Kulturbereich. Nach mehrjährigen Stationen als Redaktionsleiterin der Literaturplattform LovelyBooks.de (Holtzbrinck Konzern), Leitung für Digitales Publizieren bei Hoffmann & Campe sowie Verlegerin bei der Edel AG machte sie sich Anfang 2018 als Literaturlobbyistin, freie Kulturjournalistin und Autorin selbstständig und engagiert sich für Feminismus ("The Future is Female", Goldmann Verlag). Sie schreibt für verschiedene Redaktionen und stellt mehrmals jährlich deutschlandweit in Buchhandlungen und Literaturhäusern Lesenswertes vor sowie setzt sich u.a. als Botschafterin der Stiftung Lesen für Leseförderung und Literaturlobbyismus ein.

140319 via fb

Welcoming the Unwelcome

In her first new book of spiritual teachings in over seven years, Pema Chödrön offers a combination of heartfelt advice, wise teachings, and the signature mix of humor and insight that have made her a beloved figure to turn to during times of change. In an increasingly polarized world, Pema shows us how to strengthen our abilities to connect with one another, even when we disagree, and influence our environment in positive ways. Sharing never-before told personal stories from her remarkable life, simple and powerful everyday practices, and directly relatable advice, Pema encourages us all to become triumphant bodhisattvas—compassionate beings—in times of hardship.

Welcoming the Unwelcome includes teachings on the true meaning of karma, recognizing the basic goodness in ourselves and the people we share our lives with—even the most challenging ones, transforming adversity into opportunities for growth, and freeing ourselves from the empty and illusory labels that separate us. Pema also provides step-by-step guides to a basic sitting meditation and a compassion meditation that anyone can use to bring light to the darkness we face, wherever and whatever it may be.

170419 via mail


👍 2.32 Mrd. monatliche Nutzer 👍 1.52 Mrd. tägliche Nutzer 👍 22.122 Mrd. US$ Netto Gewinn 2018 👍 55.838 Mrd. US$$ Umsatz 2018...

https://facebook.com/hutterconsult/videos/370612616852404/ ... 310119 via fb

Facebook-Gruppen === gewinnen an Bedeutung === für das Social-Media-Marketing. Steffen Meier https://bit.ly/2y8RbOX


seitenweise suhrkamp - 1.300 tln.

herrenberg - 6.000 plus tln.

schw. alb - 12.000 tln.

australien - ...

"From time to time

"From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax and be peaceful, we may wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness, when we can walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace


Bereits "das kleine Kind" ist ein vollwertiger Mensch, ==

Bereits "das kleine Kind" ist ein vollwertiger Mensch, == nur ein sehr kleiner schutzbedürftiger Mensch. Hätten wir kleine Menschen um uns anstatt Kinder, wäre schon viel gewonnen! Das ist nicht ‚nur ein Kind', das dies und das noch nicht ‚versteht' und jenes noch nicht ‚merkt' und das noch so klein ist, daß dieses und jenes ‚noch nichts macht'!" Heinrich Jacoby


"Someone asked me, ‘aren't you afraid about the state of the world? ‘I allowed myself to breathe and then I said, ‘what is most important is not to allow your anxiety about what happens in the world fill your heart. If your heart is filled with anxiety, you will get sick, and you will not be able to help.’ There are wars - big and small - in many places, and that can cause us to lose our peace. Anxiety is the illness of our age. We worry about ourselves, our family, our friends, our work, and the state of the world. If we allow worry to fill our hearts, sooner or later we will get sick. Yes, there is tremendous suffering all over the world, but knowing this need not paralyze us. If we practice mindful breathing, mindful walking, mindful sitting, and working in mindfulness, we try our best to help, and we can have peace in our heart. Worrying does not accomplish anything. Even if you worry twenty times more, it will not change the situation of the world. In fact, your anxiety will only make things worse. Even though things are not as we would like, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If we don't know how to breathe, smile, and live every moment of our life deeply, we will never be able to help anyone. I am happy in the present moment. I do not ask for anything else. I do not expect any additional happiness or conditions that will bring about more happiness. The most important practice is aimlessness, not running after things, not grasping."

Thich Nhat Hanh

A team

A team is not a group of people who work together. == A team is a group of people who trust each other.

– Simon Sinek ... via swissmiss


Handbuch Schulbibliothek==

2012 erschien die 1. Auflage des Handbuchs Schulbibliothek, das sich inzwischen zu einer unentbehrlichen Praxishilfe beim Aufbau und Betrieb von Schulbibliotheken entwickelt hat. Zeit, den inhaltlichen Stand anzupassen, denn Datenbanken, digitale Medien, E-Learning und Co. haben verstärkt Einzug in Schulen und Schulbibliotheken gehalten. Auch bei den Unterrichtskonzepten und neuen Lernformen hat sich einiges getan.


120918 via fb


Gestern durfte ich bei "Das! Das rota Sofa" im N3-Fernsehen == fast eine Dreiviertelstunde lang - mit tollem Einspielfilm - über das Thema Lesen sprechen. Ich freue mich, dass Moderatorin Bettina Tietjen, selbst eine Erstunterzeichnerin der Hamburger Erklärung, das so toll hingekriegt hat! https://www.ndr.de

190918 via fb ... ich= Kirsten Boie

Pli ol 40 esperantistoj de ok diversaj landoj == kunlaboris en la KA2 Erasmus+ projekto pri plej bonaj praktikoj en lingvoinstruado, kunordigata de la Ĉeĥa Esperanto-Junularo. http://instruado.esperanto.cz/index.php/eo ... 130918 via ifef

musiconn.scoresearch == musikalische #Volltextsuche ... Sucheinstieg über virtuelle Klaviatur ... #OMR https://t.co/ab4zpPADmf https://t.co/dupHmJ9jW7 ... 1209 via n.

Kunscht! mit Steffen König am 15. Oktober um 22:45 Uhr im SWR

Mit folgenden Themen:

„Allein kann ich die Welt nicht retten“

- das neue Buch von Markus Mauthe: Umweltschutz, Abenteuer und Naturfotografie - ein Treffen am Bodensee!

Jim Knopf, Urmel und Prinzessin Li Si - die Entstehung der Augsburger Puppenkiste:

Thomas Hettches neuer Roman "Herzfaden"!

„Mit dem Herzen sieht man besser“

- 50 Jahre Fotografieren in Hohenlohe und der Welt - eine Hommage an Roland Bauer - jetzt im Residenzschloss Mergentheim!

Der Dokumentarfilm „OECONOMIA“ versucht die Spielregeln des Kapitalismus offenzulegen

- ein Treffen mit Regisseurin Carmen Losmann aus Crailsheim!


Der Dokumentarfilm OECONOMIA legt die Spielregeln des Kapitalismus offen und macht in episodischer Erzählstruktur sichtbar, dass die Wirtschaft nur dann wächst, dass Gewinne nur dann möglich sind, wenn wir uns verschulden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1uM-MNuCxI

Junge Talente in der neu eröffneten John Cranko-Schule in Stuttgart:

ein Probenbesuch bei „Response I“- der Antwort des Stuttgarter Balletts auf die Corona-Krise und ihre Regeln!

„Lichtblicke“ in der Pfalzgalerie


„Die Stimme des Regenwaldes“ im Kino

- unserer ausgewählten Kulturtipps!

Gesamtsendung und Einzelvideos ab heute Abend unter Kunscht.de

Tempelkalender: Kosan Ryumon Ji === http://www.meditation-zen.org/de/kalender-preise-kloster Der Tempel Kosan Ryumon Ji, der im April 1999 von Praktizierenden aus dem Elsass und dem nahen Südwestdeutschland gegründet wurde, befindet sich im Naturpark Nordvogesen, ca. 50 km entfernt von Straßburg in Frankreich. https://www.facebook.com/pg/TempleRyumonJi/about/?ref=page_internal

Rinzai shook up the Buddhist world

by telling his students to drop their enlightenment agenda and simply be their true, ordinary selves.

Many of us have spent our whole lives learning, questioning, and searching. But even on the path of enlightenment, if all we do is study, we’re wasting our time and that of our teacher. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t study; study and practice help each other. But what’s important is not the goal we’re seeking - even if that goal is enlightenment - but living each moment of our daily life truly and fully.

- Thich Nhat Hanh https://www.lionsroar.com/ordinary-buddha

Timo Luthmann: Handbuch Nachhaltiger Aktivismus

drei Säulen des Nachhaltigen Aktivismus: Reflexion, individuelle Resilienzstrategien und kollektive Resilienzstrategien.

Ein ausführlicher Ressourcenteil, praktische Übungen und ein Glossar runden das Handbuch ab.


140318 via fb

Timo Luthmann ist seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre in verschiedenen sozialen Bewegungen aktiv: von der Jugendumweltbewegung über die Anti-AKW-Bewegung bis hin zum Kampf gegen Sozialabbau. Seit 2010 ist er in der Klimabewegung aktiv, bei ausgeCO2hlt organisiert und Mitinitiator der Kampagne Ende-Gelände. Zudem ist der Autor regelmäßig als Bildungsreferent und Trainer tätig und bietet Vorträge und Workshops zum Thema ›Nachhaltiger Aktivismus‹ an. https://nachhaltigeraktivismus.org/

060923 via site

If we continue to practice this way

"If we continue to practice this way over the months and years, we will feel our hearts and minds grow bigger. When people ask me how long this will take, I say, ‘At least until you die".

~ Pema Chödrön

In der Serie „5 Dinge, ohne die ich nicht arbeiten kann“

fragen wir Webworker, worauf sie im Job nicht verzichten können. Heute zu Gast: Johnny Haeusler von der Republica. https://t3n.de/news/arbeit-motivation-serie-johnny-haeusler-republica-1096437 ... 220718 via fb

"Many factors have precipitated our current estrangement from the sensuous surroundings, and many more factors prolong and perpetuate this estrangement. One of the most potent of these powers is also one of the least recognized: OUR EVERYDAY LANGUAGE, OUR WAYS OF SPEAKING [emphasis mine].

What we say has such a profound influence upon what we see, and taste of the world! To be sure, there are ways of speaking that keep us close to our senses, ways of speaking that encourage and enhance the sensory reciprocity between our bodies and the body of the earth. But there are also ways of wielding words that simply deaden our senses, rendering us oblivious to the sensuous surroundings and hence impervious to the voice of the land. Perhaps the most pervasive of these is the habit of endlessly OBJECTIFYING the natural world around us, writing and speaking of every entity [moss, mantis, or mountain] as though it were a determinate, quantifiable object without its own sensations and desires - as though in order to describe another being with any precision we first had to strip it of its living otherness, or had to envision it as a set of passive mechanisms with no spontaneity, no subjectivity, no active agency of its own. As though a toad or cottonwood was a fixed and finished entity waiting to be figured out by us, rather than an enigmatic presence with whom we have been drawn into relationship."

DAVID ABRAM: "Waking Our Animal Senses, Language and the Ecology of Sensory Experience", originally published by "the Alliance of Wild Ethics."

First Monday: Special issue: Paper vs. screen reading

First Monday has just published the October 2018 (volume 23, number 10) issue at http://firstmonday.org/

The following papers are included in this month's special issue, "Paper vs. screen reading". The guest editors for this issue are Miha Kovac and Adriaan van der Weel.

The following papers are included in this month's special issue:

First Monday Volume 23, Number 10 - 1 October 2018

Special issue: Paper vs.screen reading

Reading in the era of digitisation: An introduction to the special issue by Miha Kovac and Adriaan van der Weel

Reading in a post-textual era by Miha Kovac and Adriaan van der Weel

Modes of writing in a digital age: The good, the bad and the unknown by Anne Mangen

Why digital natives need books: The myth of the digital native by Hildegunn Stole

Bibliotherapy in the age of digitization by Moniek M. Kuijpers

The mystery of the digital natives' existence: Questioning the validity of the Prenskian metaphor by Pasqualina Sorrentino

Decreasing materiality from print to screen reading by Theresa Schilhab, Gitte Balling, and Anezka Kuzmicova

Children learning to read in a digital world by Mirit Barzillai and Jenny M. Thomson



With the October issue, First Monday has published 1,797 papers in 269 issues, written by 2,502 different authors over the past 22 years. This issue is the twenty-sixth special issue of First Monday, where guest editors bring together focused papers on a specific topic.

Thanks for your continuing interest in our work,

Edward J. Valauskas Chief Editor and Founder, First Monday

011018 via jf

Bücherdämmerung. Über die Zukunft der Buchkultur / hrsg. von Detlef Bluhm== Darmstadt: Lambert Schneider, Wiss. Buchges., 2014. – 158 S. ISBN 978–3650–40003–1; 19,95 EURO http://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/akmb-news/article/view/31951/25657

Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author's words reverberating in your head. ~Paul Auster (Book: The Brooklyn Follies https://amzn.to/339KSHc)

ZEN - tao

Tao is the road up your spine.
Tao is the road of your life.
Tao is the road of the cosmos.
              — Ming-Dao Deng

12 lectures of Zentatsu Baker Roshi from april til june 2020

In this series of 12 lectures, Zentatsu Baker Roshi == is exploring the edge and the essentials of his teaching and practice. He will be looking at traditional Buddhist teachings, exploring how to enter these teachings experientially, considering new ways of understanding and applying the timeless wisdom of a worldview based on the concept of awakening.

1. '"Mind" in Buddhism

In this lecture, Baker Roshi is exploring the concepts of 'manas', 'citta', and 'vijnana' as three ways of engaging and evolving our experience of mind itself.

2. Enacting Original Mind

Baker Roshi is looking at three aspects of transformative practice: Cultivating stillness, (re-)scripting fundamental views and assumptions about ourselves and the world, and enactment. He is introducing the Buddhist Concept of Original Mind, and making suggestions for how to weave feeling of a 'primary moment' into our lived lifes.

3. Two tracks of experience

In this lecture, Baker Roshi continues to explore the concepts of what he calls (1) a cognitive-continuous track of experience, and (2) a successive-sensorial track of 'immediacy'. The cognitive-continuous track is how we establish our sense of identity.He notes that all Buddhist teachings assume for the practitioner to develop the skill to shift their experience into a feeling of moment-to-moment (successive) immediacy. He discusses how both these 'tracks' can be present side-by-side. Also, he introduces examples for how using language in unaccustomed, creative ways can loosen the grip of sometimes fixed coginitve formations.

4. scheduled for April 26 5. scheduled for May 3 - "Forming and Reforming the Bodilimind" 6. scheduled for May 10 7. scheduled for May 17 8. scheduled for May 24 9. scheduled for May 31 10. scheduled for June 7 11. scheduled for June 14 12. scheduled for June 21

Each Sunday, from April 5th till June 21st

14:30 - 15:00 Zazen

15:00 - 16:00 Lecture


16:30 - 17:30 Discussion, Q&A


2804 via fb

Sprachen lernen

"Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen" J.W. von Goethe *1749

Barack Obama Presidential Library== Archived White House websites and social media https://virtuelleallgemeinbibliothek.wordpress.com/2017/01/22/barack-obama-presidential-library-archived-white-house-websites-and-social-media

Do only what needs to be done without using violence. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, #??

37 Sek. #downunder am meer == via fb ...

Das Sizilien-Kochbuch von Andreas Hoppe=== Andreas Hoppe, Das Sizilien-Kochbuch, Südwest, € 24,99 https://www.kulturkaufhaus.de food20

The environment in which we live and work

The environment in which we live and work == plays a very important role in this practice. When we choose wholesome living and working environments (and that includes the things we hear, see, smell, and touch), they help us get in touch with what’s beautiful and healthy in us and in the world, and we will be nourished, healed, and transformed. We should do everything we can to choose - or create - wholesome environments for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren. If you are a political leader, if you work in a ministry of culture, or if you are a teacher or a parent, please reflect on this point.

Thich Nhat Hanh, “Peace Is Every Breath”


Day 1 - Your Life Purpose & Vision

Day 2 - Health & Well-Being

Day 3 - Creating New Habits That Will Last

Day 4 - Mindset & Performance

Day 5 - Financial Health & Abundance

Day 6 - Relationships

Day 7 - Health & Well-Being

Day 8 - Spirituality & Consciousness

Day 9 - Simplicity & Earth-Friendly Living

Day 10 - Creating a Life Plan


070124 via site


100_jahre_copyright 3tage im okt18 in berlin https://hkw.de/de/programm/projekte/2018/100_jahre_copyright/100_jahre_copyright_start.php


"A garden needs both fertilizer and weedkiller. But most of all it needs a gardener. Go back in and participate as much as before. Community manage with a heavy hand. Promote good people, respond to them. Make them shine. Build good admin tools to silence bad actors." --– Caterina Fake

Google products https://www.google.de/intl/en/about/products/

Spielanleitungen für die Playstation https://userguides.eu.playstation.com/de ... 040718 via f.

bibliothek-der-dinge in wien== blog.bibliothekarisch.de/blog/2018/06/29/wien-bekommt-eine-neue-bibliothek-der-dinge/ ... 404 am 070124


workshop-gegoogelt-kopiert-zitiert-fertig ... gute sache ... 060718 http://methodenkompetenz.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/workshop-gegoogelt-kopiert-zitiert-fertig/#more-128


Ellen Euler (2018): Open Access, Open Data und Open Science als wesentliche Pfeiler einer (nachhaltig) erfolgreichen digitalen Transformation der Kulturerbeeinrichtungen und des Kulturbetriebes. ART-Dok. https://doi.org/10.11588/artdok.00006135 Der Kulturbereich ist in gleicher Weise wie alle anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereiche vom digitalen Wandel betroffen und muss sich neu organisieren, um auf die rasanten Entwicklungen digitaler Technologien und deren Vernetzung […]


Ausstellung: 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht== www.univie.ac.at/voeb/blog/?p=47152 ... 404 am 070124 ... „100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich“ Steiermärkische Landesbibliothek


Ein starkes Trio für Ihren Bestandsaufbau== Standing Orders, Fortsetzungen und Lektoratsdienste https://bit.ly/2NSAn59 190918 via fb


Confession by Pema Chödrön

To see clearly how we strengthen or weaken crippling patterns, we have to bring them to light. It’s like getting ready for bed at night: we easily remove our clothes in a room by ourselves, but the presence of another person heightens our awareness. The role of others, whether it’s the great protectors or our friends, is simply to hear us out, without judging or needing to fix us. In this way confession overcomes ignorance, or lack of self-reflection.

Becoming Bodhisattvas by Pema Chödrön page 36

Loving-Kindness by Pema Chödrön

There’s a common misunderstanding among all the human beings who have ever been born on the earth that the best way to live is to try to avoid pain and just try to get comfortable. You can see this even in insects and animals and birds. All of us are the same.

A much more interesting, kind, adventurous, and joyful approach to life is to begin to develop our curiosity, not caring whether the object of our inquisitiveness is bitter or sweet. To lead a life that goes beyond pettiness and prejudice and always wanting to make sure that everything turns out on our own terms, to lead a more passionate, full, and delightful life than that, we must realize that we can endure a lot of pain and pleasure for the sake of finding out who we are and what this world is, how we tick and how our world ticks, how the whole thing just is. If we’re committed to comfort at any cost, as soon as we come up against the least edge of pain, we’re going to run; we’ll never know what’s beyond that particular barrier or wall or fearful thing.


Zeichen – Bücher – Netze

Von der Keilschrift zum Binärcode“ erzählt das Buch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in Leipzig eine kurze Mediengeschichte der Menschheit. Der Kurzführer folgt – reich bebildert und im Stil pointiert – den Meilensteinen der Medieninnovationen: Erfindung der Schrift vor 5.000 Jahren, Buchdruck mit beweglichen Lettern im 15. Jahrhundert und digitale Netzwelten. Das Buch macht neugierig auf den Ausstellungsbesuch, begleitet in der Ausstellung und regt zugleich als mediengeschichtliches Lesebuch dazu an, über die Geschichte der Medien und deren Bedeutung für die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft nachzudenken.

Kurzführer (Wallstein Verlag, 148 S., 144 Abb., EUR 9,90)

180416 via dnb.de

21 Lektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert von Yuval Noah Harari

In "Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit" erzählte er vom Aufstieg des Homo Sapiens zum Herrn der Welt.

In "Homo Deus" ging es um die Zukunft unserer Spezies.

Sein neues Buch schaut auf das Hier und Jetzt und konfrontiert uns mit den drängenden Fragen unserer Zeit. Wie unterscheiden wir Wahrheit und Fiktion im Zeitalter der Fake News? Was sollen wir unseren Kindern beibringen? Wie können wir in unserer unübersichtlichen Welt moralisch handeln? Wie bewahren wir Freiheit und Gleichheit im 21. Jahrhundert?

Seit Jahrtausenden hat die Menschheit über den Fragen gebrütet, wer wir sind und was wir mit unserem Leben anfangen sollen. Doch jetzt setzen uns die heraufziehende ökologische Krise, die wachsende Bedrohung durch Massenvernichtungswaffen und der Aufstieg neuer disruptiver Technologien unter Zeitdruck. Bald schon wird irgendjemand darüber entscheiden müssen, wie wir die Macht nutzen, die künstliche Intelligenz und Biotechnologie bereit halten.

221018 via divibib

Yuval Noah Harari: Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit

Vor 100 000 Jahren war Homo sapiens noch ein unbedeutendes Tier.

Vor 70 000 Jahren dann vollzog sich ein mysteriöser und rascher Wandel mit dem Homo sapiens, und es war vor allem die Beschaffenheit seines Gehirns, die ihn zum Herren des Planeten und zum Schrecken des Ökosystems werden ließ. Der Mensch hat die Fähigkeit zu schöpferischem und zu zerstörerischem Handeln wie kein anderes Lebewesen.

  • nun auch als graphic novel. 011120 via fb ttt

We have to start learning

We have to start learning === how to live in a way so that a future will be possible for our children and our grandchildren. We need a kind of collective awakening. We have the dharma; we have the means; we have enough wisdom. We do not have to sink into despair … we can act.

Thich Nhat Hanh

We have to start learning

We have to start learning how to live in a way so that a near future will be possible for ourselves, our children and our future grandchildren. We don't need a kind of collective awakening. We have the dharma; we have the tools; we don't have enough wisdom at the moment. But we must not sink into despair … we can act.

thay + karl

Education is the most powerful weapon === which you can use to change the world. -– Nelson Mandela

Reward and punishment === is the lowest form of education. — Chuang-tzu

Die zeilen oben sind der start. dann sehen wir wie es weitergehen wird. Einstieg in openspace ist jederzeit möglich ... incl. ZEN incl. #TAO ... ... incl. 1JOB falls jobsucher mit dabei sind. Karl Dietz

Like oral cultures around the world, Indigenous Australians use cues from the landscape to recall and pass on important knowledge, cultural values and wisdom. Lynne Malcolm and Olivia Willis discover how these songlines operate as a potent form of cultural memory. Indigenous Australians have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth. To this day, their history is preserved and passed down through intricate song, dance, art and stories of the Dreamtime. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/songlines-indigenous-memory-code/7581788



Quotes by Moshé Feldenkrais

“Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so.”

“In short, health is measured by the shock a person can take without his usual way of life being compromised”

“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

“In order to change our mode of action, we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us.”

“Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant.”

“You can’t teach anyone anything, you can only create the conditions in which they can learn.”

“People confound, misuse, interchange thinking and speaking, not realizing that speaking is for communication and thinking is for action.”

“Learning to inhibit unwanted contractions of muscles that function without, or in spite of, our will, is the main task in coordinated action.”

“Learning must be slow and varied in effort until the parasitic efforts are weeded out: then we have little difficulty in acting fast, and powerfully.”

“Standing is harder than moving.”

“It’s not a question of increasing your willpower. It’s a question of increasing your ability to do it.”

“The truly important learning is to be able to do the thing you already know in another way. The more ways you have to do the things you know, the freer is your choice. And the freer your choice, the more you’re a human being.”

“No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function.”

“Find your true weakness and surrender to it. Therein lies the path to genius. Most people spend their lives using their strengths to overcome or cover up their weaknesses. Those few who use their strengths to incorporate their weaknesses, who don’t divide themselves, those people are very rare. In any generation there are a few and they lead their generation.”

“In order to recognize small changes in effort, the effort itself must first be reduced. More delicate and improved control of movement is possible only through the increase of sensitivity, through a greater ability to sense differences.”

“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.”

“I believe that the unity of mind and body is an objective reality. They are not just parts somehow related to each other, but an inseparable whole while functioning. A brain without a body could not think…”

“…self-knowledge through awareness is the goal of reeducation. As we become aware of what we are doing in fact, and not what we say or think we are doing, the way to improvement is wide open to us.”

“Willpower is necessary when the ability to do is lacking. Learning, as I see it, is not the training of willpower but the acquisition of the skill to inhibit parasitic action and the ability to direct clear motivations a result of self knowledge.”

“I believe that knowing oneself is the most important thing a human being can do for himself. How can one know oneself? By learning to act not as one should, but as one does.”

“To learn we need time, attention, and discrimination; to discriminate we must sense. This means that in order to learn we must sharpen our powers of sensing, and if we try to do most things by sheer force we shall achieve precisely the opposite of what we need.”

“Do it slowly, slowly, so slowly that it will be boring. When you begin to become bored you will find that it really is not so boring.”

“One has to set about learning to learn as is befitting for the most important business in human life, that is, with serenity but without solemnity, with patient objectivity and without compulsive seriousness . . . Learning must be undertaken and is really profitable when the whole frame is held in a state where smiling can turn into laughter without interference, naturally, spontaneously.”

“Health is the ability to realize our avowed and unavowed dreams.”

“The aim of the Feldenkrais Method is a person that is organized to move with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, not through muscular strength, but through increased consciousness of how movement works.”

“Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can we limit our choices.”

“The aim is not complete relaxation, but healthy, powerful, easy and pleasurable exertion. The reduction of tension is necessary because efficient movement should be effortless. Inefficiency is sensed as effort and prevents doing more and better. The gradual reduction of useless effort is necessary in order to increase kinesthetic sensitivity, without which a person cannot become self-regulating.”

“The experienced Judoka, like the scientist, has learned to test ideas by their experimental value.”

“Purposeful action, which succeeds only when it is correctly performed, is far more important and beneficial than simple muscular effort.”

“Once you believe you have discovered the correct way to do something your learning is finished. You will not seek further improvement. Ignorance is the prerequisite to learning, and the more comfortable we are revealing our ignorance to ourselves, the more we will learn.”

Many people have never made any but the most primitive use of their feet. As a result, the only use and idea associated with them is that of a plate-like support to the body.”

“An ability results from a structure being trained until a skilled functioning is obtained.”

“I start each case as if it were my first, and ask myself more questions than any of my assistants or critics ever do.”

“Life is not a stable process. Our ability to recover is our greatest quality.”

“Correcting the self-image is more useful than correcting a single action.”

“Efficient movement or performance of any sort is achieved by weeding out, and eliminating, parasitic, superfluous exertion. The superfluous is as bad as the insufficient, only it costs more.”

“A balanced distribution of tone is therefore found in the two groups of muscles in all postures. No part of the body can moved without another part being affected.”

Interesting quotes taken from Moshé Feldenkrais’ books “What we do now is the most important factor for tomorrow. Unless we change our emotional pattern of behaviour, tomorrow will resemble yesterday in most details except the date.”

from The Potent Self “Normally, one learns from experience, by correcting earlier patterns of behaviour. When a person continues to use a stereotyped pattern of behaviour instead of one suitable to the present reality, the learning process has come to a standstill. Some authors define neurosis as a series of stereotyped reactions to problems that the person has never solved in the past, and is still unable to solve in the present.”

from “Body and Mature Behaviour” “Life is a process of time, and time cannot be fixed. Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choice. Life is not very sweet without freedom of choice. Change is very difficult with no alternatives in sight; we then resign ourselves to not dealing with our difficulties as if they were prescribed by heaven.”

from The Elusive Obvious “I believe that we actually limit ourselves by an undue and erroneous emphasis on what is important to the society of men at the neglect of how. How each individual can be helped to find his uniqueness and become unique in his contribution to himself and his social environment is too often neglected.”

“The Elusive Obvious”, Chapter 7, Awareness Through Movement. P99. Awareness Through Movement lessons The following quotes are from the Awareness Through Movement lessons by Moshé Feldenkrais. I stumbled upon them while preparing for my own ATM classes or when joining the An AY a Day lessons. You might find them as enlightening as I do.

“The floor as a teacher. The problem isn’t muscular, it is the “command mechanism” (the nervous system) which is why you do not improve through exercise alone. Only the floor can teach a person to hold his back softly so he can roll without any pain.”

AY#31 Lifting in Thought, on the Stomach “The point is that there is nothing, nothing that we do not learn … – even the simplest movements.”

AY#85 “You should stop the moment you feel an interruption. How can you learn anything if you continue the movement after the interruption? You should stop the moment you lose balance and see what you did that wasn’t in order. Otherwise you can do this a million times, and it will still be disordered. Whoever thinks they can succeed by decision deceives themselves. The person, in order to learn something new, needs to know what he is doing.”

AY#90, Lengthening the arms; sitting cross legged, 11a “Do this movement slowly, without force, because it is impossible to change the world in an instant… to create is not possible in an instant.”

AY#190 “(..) Now, pay attention if there is any difference. Whoever paid attention to the difference between the legs will find that he suddenly goes down lower. All of a sudden, he feels that this leg disturbs, that this thigh disturbs. Only when he knows what to correct does he have some chance that it will be corrected. But, if he simply knows that he does not know “to do” — he never fixes himself. (..)”

AY#356 Bending Knees with Toes Lifted, 8c “(..) If you know what you are doing, you can do what you want. If you do not know what you are doing, you cannot do what you want. (..)”

AY#536 Fingers interlaced on the chest, 3d “(..) Do one good movement and not twenty bad ones because if you do one good one, it is possible to do another one better. If you do twenty bad ones the twenty-first will also be bad, also the hundredth, and also the thousandth. Whoever does not have patience cannot learn. He can just do and be killed. (..)”

AY#539 Fresh Standing, 7d

Please feel free to share those visuals if you like them. You’ll find bigger versions of them on my FB page Moving Experience and on my Instagram account.

… Room For More … Your Favourite Quote Is Missing? Is your favourite quote by Moshè Feldenkrais missing? Or have you created your own blog post with quotes by him and would like me to add it to this list?

Drop me (Bärbel Rücker) a line via email: info (at) movingexperience (dot) eu.

090521 via https://www.movingexperience.eu/quotes-by-moshe-feldenkrais/

World Digital Library

-- ein von der Unesco und weiterern Partnerinstitutionen aus der Taufe gehobenes Projekt, das maßgeblich von der Library of Congress in Washington entwickelt wurde. http://www.wdl.org/en/


Medienpädagogik und E-Learning== Aufsätze in der Ausgabe 1/2015 der MEDIENIMPULSE http://t.co/oadBW79Q1z

Hallo alle, aktuell bin ich am updaten, ummodeln, ... nicht nur bei facebook. wundert euch also nicht, wenn sich manches ändert. facebook-technisch kommt das meiste von mir via timeline. aber auch die macht nicht mehr wirklich laune ... 150818 via fb

What Exists in Your Mind

The basic creative energy of life bubbles up and courses through all of existence. It can be experienced as open, free, unburdened, full of possibility, energizing. Or this very same energy can be experienced as petty, narrow, stuck, caught. Even though there are so many meditations, so many instructions, the basic point of it all is just to learn to be extremely honest and also wholehearted about what exists in your mindthoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, the whole thing that adds up to what we call “me” or “I.”

Awakening Loving-Kindness by Pema Chödrön, page 40


Bob Marley== "Posession make ya rich? I no have that type of richness. My richness is life, forever."

Google Blogs via blogspot.com bzw. blogger.com Seit 2005 bietet Google einen kostenlosen Dienst für Blogs. Das Blog von Karl Dietz: http://karldietz.blogspot.de

Gmail wird 15 Jahre alt und bekommt zum Geburtstag eine neue Funktion: Nutzer können E-Mails ab sofort zeitversetzt verschicken. https://heise.de/-4357329 020419 via zkbw

Being there for Others ==

To relate with others compassionately is a challenge. Really communicating from the heart and being there for someone else— our child, spouse, parent, client, patient, or the homeless woman on the street — means not shutting down on that person, which means, first of all, not shutting down on ourselves. This means allowing ourselves to feel what we feel and not pushing it away. It means accepting every aspect of ourselves, even the parts we don't like.

The Pocket Pema Chödrön by Pema Chödrön, page 49


Taming the Mind

None of us wants to be miserable; we all want to be happy. But we can’t achieve this aim if we stay stuck in biased, narrow-minded thinking. No matter how much we long for joy, it will elude us if we continue buying into concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, acceptance and rejection. What ultimately frees us from these constricting patterns is to stop reifying our experience, and to connect with the ineffable, groundless nature of all phenomena.

Becoming Bodhisattvas A Guidebook for Competitive Action by Pema Chödrön, page 112


Untersuchungen der Gehirnaktivität von jungen Lesenden deuten darauf hin, dass – mit oder ohne Erwachsene – ein analoges Buch intensives Lesen stärker fördert als etwa ein E-Book. So ergab eine Studie mit drei- und vierjährigen Kindern, dass die Sprachregionen des Gehirns stärker aktiviert wurden, wenn sie mit einem Erwachsenen ein Buch lasen, als wenn sie sich gemeinsam ein Hörbuch anhörten. Am geringsten war die Aktivierung, wenn der Text auf einem iPad zu sehen war 🫣 Digitale Medien sollten dennoch nicht verteufelt werden: Vor allem für ältere Kinder bieten Programme Chancen, bestimmte Fähigkeiten zu üben – doch das Lesenlernen sollte trotzdem auf Papier geschehen. Wie verschiedene Länder digitale Medien im Unterricht nutzen und wie viel Bildschirm eigentlich zu viel Bildschirm ist – darüber berichten wir in der aktuellen Ausgabe.

Jetzt hier bestellen 👇 https://heise.de/s/m23m


Daisy Kadibil 1923-2018

Daisy Kadibil -- who was eight years old in 1931 == when she escaped from an Australian internment camp along with her 14-year-old sister Molly and 10-year-old cousin Gracie -- was one of the Mighty Girl role models who passed away in 2018. The three girls' 800-mile (1,300 km) journey through the harsh Australian desert to return home inspired a book and the acclaimed film "Rabbit-Proof Fence." Daisy, who was the last surviving of the three, died in March at the age of 95. The extraordinary story of Daisy, Molly, and Gracie's nine-week trek introduced many people, both in Australia and around the world, to the tragedy of the "Stolen Generation", the tens of thousands of Australian Aboriginal children who were removed from their families between 1910 and 1970. "I come from Jigalong," Daisy wrote in a biographical note. "They took me away but I walked all around country back to where I was born. I came back."

After the girls were taken from their home in Jigalong, an Indigenous community in northwestern Australia, they were brought to the Moore River Native Settlement, an internment camp just north of Perth. For sixty years, many Aboriginal children, particularly mixed-race children, were forcibly taken from their families and sent to such camps with the aim of assimilating them into white Australian society. Notoriously overcrowded and unsanitary, children at the camps experienced high rates of illness and premature death. After the girls arrived at Moore River, they were determined to escape; Molly later declared "that place make me sick." After only one night, Molly led the two younger girls out of the camp and they started a long and dangerous journey home using the country-wide rabbit-proof fence as a guide. Along the way, they had to live off the land, sleep in dug-out rabbit burrows, and evade trackers hired by the government who looked for "absconding" children.

Once they made it home, Daisy never left again; she spent many years working as a cook and housekeeper at ranches in the region, and passed on the traditions of the Martu people to her four children. Her story was virtually unknown until the 1990s, when her niece, Doris Pilkington Garimara, wrote "Follow The Rabbit-Proof Fence," based on her mother and aunt's experiences; Garimara had also been separated from her family and spent years at the Moore River camp. When the book was adapted into the movie "Rabbit-Proof Fence," Stephen Holden of the New York Times called it a "devastating portrayal" of Australia's "disgraceful treatment" of its Aboriginal population," observing that "on the side of wrong is the Australian government, which, for more than half a century, carried out this appalling program of legalized kidnapping.” Lynne Craigie, president of the Shire of East Pilbara, where Daisy lived, says her memory will be preserved: "Daisy’s remarkable story is an indelible part of the history of the Shire…. and one that will always be shared and never forgotten."

poem mode - Alleen / Alleen und Blumen

Alleen / Alleen und Blumen / Blumen / Blumen und Papier / Alleen / Alleen und Papier / Alleen und Blumen und Papier und was sonst noch ansteht ...

Eugen + Karl per model2 ... In: Sampled works. vol.one

Die Waage der Baleks

In der Heimat meines Großvaters lebten die meisten Menschen von der Arbeit in den Flachsbrechen. Seit fünf Generationen atmeten sie den Staub ein, der den zerbrochenen Stengeln entsteigt, ließen sich langsam dahinmorden, geduldige und fröhliche Geschlechter, die Ziegenkäse aßen, Kartoffeln, manchmal ein Kaninchen schlachteten; abends spannen und strickten sie in ihren Stuben, sangen, tranken Pfefferminztee und waren glücklich. Tagsüber brachen sie den Flachs in altertümlichen Maschinen, schutzlos dem Staub preisgegeben und der Hitze, die den Trockenöfen entströmte. In ihren Stuben stand ein einziges, schrankartiges Bett, das den Eltern vorbehalten war, und die Kinder schliefen ringsum auf Bänken. Morgens waren ihre Stuben vom Geruch der Brennsuppen erfüllt; an den Sonntagen gab es Sterz, und die Gesichter der Kinder röteten sich vor Freude, wenn sich der schwarze Eichelkaffee an besonders festlichen Tagen hell färbte, immer heller von der Milch, welche die Mutter lächelnd in ihre Kaffeetöpfe goß.

Heinrich Böll

People today do not know how to rest

People today do not know how to rest. They fill their free time with countless diversions. People cannot tolerate even a few minutes of unoccupied time. They have to turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper, reading anything at all, even the advertisements. They constantly need something to look at, listen to, or talk about, all to keep the emptiness inside from rearing its terrifying head.

Thich Nhat Hanh

SWR2 Feature am Sonntag

27.01.2019, 14:05 Uhr

Das Alexandria-Versprechen Sammeln, horten, speichern und bewahren Von Jochen Dreier

Sie galt als bedeutendster Wissensspeicher der Antike: die Bibliothek von Alexandria. Wann sie wie wodurch vernichtet und warum nicht der geringste Rest von ihr je gefunden wurde, weiß man heute ebenso wenig, wie man ihren genauen Standort kennt. Überliefert ist nur die Überlieferung: Schriften antiker Autoren, die die Bibliothek erwähnen. Das soll nicht noch mal passieren. Alles was Menschen heute wissen und hinterlassen, wird gesammelt und gespeichert, gehortet und archiviert - möglichst an weltuntergangssicheren Orten: verschlossen und verschweißt, in tiefen Bergstollen oder im ewigen Eis. (Produktion 2017)

Ein Gespräch über Google, alternative Suchmaschinen und unsere Daten mit Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann, SUMA-EV http://blog.suma-ev.de/node/229 ... 200118 via webis via t.

“Usually when we hear or read something new, we just compare it to our own ideas. If it is the same, we accept it and say that it is correct. If it is not, we say it is incorrect. In either case, we learn nothing.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

"Give back what you have learned. Share your experience." Ming-Dao Deng

HEIMAT – Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus Stuttgart ==


Mehrsprachigkeit hat Konjunktur – unter anderem als bildungspolitisches Konzept. Die EU fordert ihre Mitgliedstaaten auf, das Lernen von mehreren Sprachen zu fördern. In Baden-Württemberg werden Englisch und Französisch inzwischen bereits in der Grundschule unterrichtet. Dabei wird oft vergessen, dass mehrsprachige Bildung in Stuttgart nichts Neues ist, sondern bereits eine lange Geschichte hat. Seit mindestens 40 Jahren setzen sich Migrant*innen für mehrsprachige Bildung junger Stuttgarter*innen ein und organisieren entsprechenden Unterricht.

Dennoch scheinen Englisch- und Französischunterricht an Schulen anders bewertet zu werden als der Unterricht in Türkisch, Mongolisch oder Arabisch. War das schon immer so? Warum kennen wir diese migrantische Bildungsgeschichte in Stuttgart kaum? Wer erinnert sich? Und kann die offizielle Bildungspolitik an diese Erfahrungen anknüpfen?

Es diskutieren Pädagog*innen und Akteur*innen der Bildungspolitik aus den 1980er Jahren und heute.

Es diskutieren: Dolgor Guntsetseg (Verein der Mongolischen Akademiker e. V.) Anna Picardi (ehemalige Lehrerin und Beraterin für Eltern und Schulen) Dieter Thoma (mazem – Mannheimer Zentrum für Empirische Mehrsprachigkeit) Gari Pavkovic (Integrationsbeauftragter Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart)

Moderation: Sara Alterio (Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e. V.)

HEIMAT – Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus Stuttgart (11.–24. März 2019) sind Teil bundesweiter Aktionswochen, die rund um den 21. März, den Internationalen UN-Gedenktag gegen Rassismus, veranstaltet werden. Mit einem groß angelegten Programm für Schulklassen, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, für Fachpublikum, Multiplikator*innen, Mitarbeitende von Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und Initiativen setzt HEIMAT ein deutliches Zeichen gegen Rassismus und für ein demokratisches Miteinander in unserer Stadt.


Jeff Lynne: Long wave == plus.google.com/u/0/+KarlDietz/posts/MfsApq41izS

Calendar upcycling by karl.DIETZ=== plus.google.com/u/0/+KarlDietz/posts/PFYo3QAyDwA

What if joy is my only metric for success?

– Sarah Jones==

What if joy is our only metric for success?

– Sarah Jones== und karl.DIETZ


Sit in the world, sit in the dark.

Sit in meditation, sit in light.

Choose your seat.

Let wisdom grow.


Sandra writes:

"I found that the key in my healing was to look at my past, not holding on to it, and also being willing to step away from it. I found myself walking off trail. And I can honestly say that I can't even find my way back to my old way of being. It feels like I am stepping into a new life. But I cannot engage in that new life until I fully step away from my past and say goodbye to it.I am sharing this with you because we are moving slowly into a new paradigm but we can't take our past with us. There is no way to step into a life of freedom and a life filled with love while carrying bitterness on our shoulders and being burdened by our past betrayals and hurts."


A 10-step holistic guide to help you cope with the climate crisis—from the founders of the Good Grief Network

Eco-distress is real. How to Live in a Chaotic Climate is here to help you rediscover meaning, joy, and connection as the tumult around us increases. Based on the Good Grief Network’s acclaimed 10 Steps to Resilience and Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate program, this book unpacks the social, political, and spiritual nuances of the climate emergency, step by step.

1. Accept the Severity of the Predicament 2. Be with Uncertainty 3. Honor My Mortality and the Mortality of All 4. Do Inner Work 5. Develop Awareness of Biases and Perception 6. Practice Gratitude, Seek Beauty, and Create Connections 7. Take Breaks and Rest 8. Grieve the Harm I Have Caused 9. Show Up 10. Reinvest in Meaningful Efforts

Each step includes practices that draw on meditation, mindfulness, journaling, dance, somatics, and self-inquiry to help readers cope with overwhelming feelings, heal wounds caused by disconnection, and act in generative ways that help cultivate a just and equitable future for all.

270723 via pema