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(==5 outdoor ideen für west australien)
(Reiseplanungsseminar Australien: ==Uluru==)
Zeile 54: Zeile 54:
==Reiseplanungsseminar Australien - 16.11.2017==
==Reiseplanungsseminar Australien ==
- 16.11.2017==
Zeile 64: Zeile 66:
via [[VHS Herrenberg]]
via [[VHS Herrenberg]]
Uluru is predominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose (a type of sandstone with an abundance of feldspar) and some conglomerate. Iron-bearing minerals weathered by oxidation give the rock its red-brown rusty colour, though fresh rock surfaces are grey. It covers 3.3 square kilometres and is 9.4 kilometres around its base. It reaches 345 metres above the plains.
Over 600 million years ago large amounts of Central Australia were below sea level within the Amadeus Basin. Rivers brought large quantities of sedimentary material into the Amadeus Basin. 500 million years ago the Basin started to rise out of the sea, and the sediment from the rivers began to form alluvial fans. The sediment from which Uluru formed came from a section one of these alluvial fans. Over time the sea re-entered the Basin and more sedimentary material was deposited then lithified.
Between 300 and 400 million years ago there was a prolonged period of mountain building; the future Uluru was tilted at almost 90° to create the present vertical orientation of the strata.
There were millions more years of weathering but Uluru, Kata Tjuta (the Olgas, 35 km to the west) and Atila (Mount Connor, about 100km east of Uluru) were made of harder rock than that which surrounded them, so were less susceptible to erosion. The landscape was smoothed out by the wetter climate of 60-70 million years ago
181118 via fb. incl. fine foto in Q4 2017

Version vom 18. November 2017, 10:50 Uhr


Länderbericht Australien

Ob Auslandsstudium, Gastschulaufenthalt oder Working-Holiday-Visum: Trotz wachsender vielf?ltiger Kontakte mit dem F?nften Kontinent sind die Kenntnisse ?ber Australien oftmals l?ckenhaft. Elf abgeschlossene Themenbereiche vermitteln eine komplexe und anschauliche Gesamtdarstellung der australischen Gesellschaft, wobei vor allem wenig bekannte Facetten beleuchtet werden.

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Australia Day - 26.01.

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Jetty in Busselton

Reiseplanungsseminar Australien

- 16.11.2017==

Australien ist für viele Deutsche ein Traumziel. Der fünfte Kontinent bietet eine enorme Vielfalt an Landschaften, Fauna und Flora und auch an Arbeitsmöglichkeiten. Dieses Seminar stellt Australien multimedial informativ, aber auch sehr unterhaltsam vor - dazu gehören Insider-Tipps ebenso wie zahlreiche Verweise auf ert-volle nformationsquellen im Internet und darüber hinaus. Der Referent beschäftigt sich seit 25 Jahren fast täglich mit Australien. Er bereist das Land immer wieder. Seit 1997 ist er Chefredakteur der enorm umfangreichen Website

Topaktuelle Infor-mationen sind also garantiert. Die Inhalte des Seminars richten sich nach den Interessen der Teilnehmer. Je nach Wunsch gibt es konkrete Tipps zu Flugrouten, Unterkünften, Reisen mit Wohnmobil, Mietwagen, Bus, Bahn oder auch für Gruppenreisen. Dieses Seminar hilft Informationen zu finden, zu filtern und zu gewichten. Es liefert einen roten Faden für die Reiseplanung und diverse Spartipps. Die Teilnehmer erhalten viele Hinweise zu weiterführenden Medien, die häufig auch kostenlos erhältlich, aber wenig bekannt sind sowie ein umfangreiches Manuskript und Karten- und Prospektmaterialien.

via VHS Herrenberg


Uluru is predominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose (a type of sandstone with an abundance of feldspar) and some conglomerate. Iron-bearing minerals weathered by oxidation give the rock its red-brown rusty colour, though fresh rock surfaces are grey. It covers 3.3 square kilometres and is 9.4 kilometres around its base. It reaches 345 metres above the plains. Over 600 million years ago large amounts of Central Australia were below sea level within the Amadeus Basin. Rivers brought large quantities of sedimentary material into the Amadeus Basin. 500 million years ago the Basin started to rise out of the sea, and the sediment from the rivers began to form alluvial fans. The sediment from which Uluru formed came from a section one of these alluvial fans. Over time the sea re-entered the Basin and more sedimentary material was deposited then lithified. Between 300 and 400 million years ago there was a prolonged period of mountain building; the future Uluru was tilted at almost 90° to create the present vertical orientation of the strata. There were millions more years of weathering but Uluru, Kata Tjuta (the Olgas, 35 km to the west) and Atila (Mount Connor, about 100km east of Uluru) were made of harder rock than that which surrounded them, so were less susceptible to erosion. The landscape was smoothed out by the wetter climate of 60-70 million years ago

181118 via fb. incl. fine foto in Q4 2017