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===Using Google Trends to find COVID data ===
Using Google Trends to find COVID data
1204 via inoreader
== Infos zu corona* ==
== Infos zu corona* ==

Version vom 12. April 2020, 17:57 Uhr


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Moderation in inetbib ab 03.2020



Online-Ressourcen zu corona* und co.

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 19:25:07 +0100 From: Karl Dietz Subject: [InetBib] Online-Ressourcen zu corona* und co.

* 1st mail with moderation



Open Access Barcamp 2020 - cancelled===

Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 19:49:52 +0100 From: Karl Dietz Subject: Re: [InetBib] Open Access Barcamp 2020 - cancelled

  • last mail without moderation====


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Tibet’s Secret Temple exhibition === presented an astonishing overview of Tantric Buddhist art, showing many rarely seen images, sculptures and manuscripts from museums, institutions and private collections.

When we heard that no catalogue would be printed for this exhibition, we decided to film it as one of our Art Heritage Interviews.

We thus interviewed Ian Baker, the lead curator of the exhibition, about the story of the murals of the Lukhang temple in Lhasa, and about this fascinating time of Asian Art history.

We followed him around the exhibition, unveiling, through a precise and comprehensive presentation of its major artworks, the main characters, concepts, historical moments and legendary stories of this barely known practice of Buddhism.

This 1h15 minutes long free-to-watch-and-share documentary can also be watched part per part ( see the 16 episodes on Art Heritage Interviews or )

Main artworks shown :

04:19 : Sir Charles Bell, Temple of the Serpent Spirits or Lukhang, c.1921 (Pitt Rivers Museum) 10:41 : Figure of the sage Patanjali, Bronze, 17th century (Ashmolean Museum) 11:20 : Early Nāga Shrine, Stone, India, 1000 B.C. – 1500 A.D. (Wellcome Collection/Science Museum Group) 11:50 : Garuda, 18th century, Gilded and red lacquered wood (British Museum) 14:00 : Tantric Deities in Union (Yogambara and Jnana Dakini) Tibet, 17th c.(Private Collection) 14:17 : Sculpture of Nāgarāja (Lu Gyalpo), Gilt copper alloy, pigment with semi-precious stone inlay, Tibet,14th century (Private Collection) 15:39 : Sixth Dalaï Lama (Tibet), Contemporary scroll painting by Lhasa Gyamtso 20:49 : Sculpture of Pema Lingpa by Lopon Karma, Thimphu, Bhutan 22:55: Guru Sengye Dadon (Sgras sGog) : One of the Eight Aspects of Padmasambhava in Tantric union with his consort , Yeshe Tsogyal (Newark Museum of Art) 24:40 : Orgyen Dorje Chang, Pigments on cloth, 19th century (Rubin Museum of Art) 24:40 : Tantric Meditation Diagram (Pritzker Collection) 25:32 : Vajra Yogini Shrine Tibet, 19th century (British Museum) 29:05 :”Ornament to the Mind of Medicine Buddha: Blue Beryl Lamp Illuminating Four Tantras”, late 17th century (Rubin Museum of Art, find it on 29:25 : ”Ornament to the Mind of Medicine Buddha: Blue Beryl Lamp Illuminating Four Tantras”, late 17th century (Rubin Museum of Art) 29:53 : Three Tibetan anatomical figures, Watercolour, 1904 (Wellcome Collection) 30:43 : Contemporary thangka by Romio Shrestha based on the Blue beryl charts (American Museum National History) 30:54 : “Thod rgal kyis dpe'u ris”, Drawings of examples of Thögal, Tibet, early 20th century (Royal Danish Library) 32:49 : “Ornament to the Mind of Medicine Buddha: Blue Beryl Lamp Illuminating Four Tantras”, late 17th century (Rubin Museum of Art) 33:00 : Chittapatti Skeletons (Rubin Museum of Art) 36:48: Dancing Dakini, Tibet, 18th century (Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet-MNAAG) 39:43 : Mahāsiddha Darikapa (Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet-MNAAG) 40:12 : Mahasiddha Virupa, Cast and gilded brass (gold leaf), China, 1403-1424 (Made) (Victoria and Albert Museum, purchased with support of the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation) 41:40 : Skull vessel and brass stand (Wellcome Collection/ Science Museum Group) 42:39 : Mahasiddha Virupa, bronze, Tibet, 15th c. (Solomon Family Collection) 43:10 : Bodhisattva, Tibet 2nd half of the 13th century (Newark Museum of Art) 44:25“Thod rgal kyis dpe'u ris”, Drawings of examples of Thögal », Tibet, early 20th century (Royal Danish Library) 45:14 : Pectoral made of carved human bone (Wellcome Collection/ Science Museum Group) 45:58 : Buddhist Cosmological Scroll, Tibet, 16th century, Pigments on cloth (Rubin Museum of Art) 50:34 : Chakrasamvara, the Wheel of Bliss, 14th century (Rubin Museum of Art) 56:39 : Attributes of Yama Dharmaraj , Distemper on linen, Tibet, 18th-19th century (British Museum) 56:57 : Wooden cabinet (Newark Museum of Art) 57:17 : Yama , ‘Lord of Death’, Embroidered cloth, Tibet, 18th century (British Museum) 01:00:33 : Yamantaka, ‘Vanquisher of Death’, Silver, Tibet, 18th c. (Moketoff Collection) 01:01:20 : Simhamukha, Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton, 18th century (Rubin Museum of Art) 01:07:16 : Milarepa in a Mountain Cave,Tibet or Bhutan, 18th century (Newark Museum of Art)

Links _______ Directed, edited and produced by Matthieu Wolmark Camera : Morgane van Hoobrouck/Matthieu Wolmark Associate Producer : Olga Polunin Production : Biapal

For complete credits, please refer to the end of the film.

Please note that we were not allowed to show or include the photographs of the Lukhang temple murals shown during the exhibition. We’d like to thank Ian Baker, Hon Wai Wai and Hamid Sardar for allowing us to use their photographs of these extraordinary paintings. We’d also like to thank the museums, institutions and private collectors who allowed us to present the other artworks and images you will see in this documentary.

0704 via fb


DLA Marbach: #closedbutopen: Neue digitale Programme === 4. April 2020 um 18:04

Virtuelle Museums-, Veranstaltungs- und Forschungsräume in Vorbereitung Mit digitalen Projekten wird aus einem realen Museums- und Veranstaltungsprogramm – bis 15. Juni sind alle Veranstaltungen des DLA wegen der Corona-Krise abgesagt! – ein virtuelles: #closedbutopen heißt eine neue Reihe mit Clips auf YouTube. Unter anderem rezitiert der Schauspieler und Essayist Hanns Zischler Gedichte von Hölderlin, seinen […]

0404 via v.


As global communities respond to the COVID-19 pandemic

, there has been an increasing emphasis on public health strategies, like social distancing measures, to slow the rate of transmission. In Google Maps, we use aggregated, anonymized data showing how busy certain types of places are—helping identify when a local business tends to be the most crowded. We have heard from public health officials that this same type of aggregated, anonymized data could be helpful as they make critical decisions to combat COVID-19.

Starting today we’re publishing an early release of our COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports to provide insights into what has changed in response to work from home, shelter in place, and other policies aimed at flattening the curve of this pandemic. These reports have been developed to be helpful while adhering to our stringent privacy protocols and policies.

The reports use aggregated, anonymized data to chart movement trends over time by geography, across different high-level categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. We’ll show trends over several weeks, with the most recent information representing 48-to-72 hours prior. While we display a percentage point increase or decrease in visits, we do not share the absolute number of visits. To protect people’s privacy, no personally identifiable information, like an individual’s location, contacts or movement, is made available at any point.

We will release these reports globally, initially covering 131 countries. Given the urgent need for this information, where possible we will also provide insights at the regional level. In the coming weeks, we will work to add additional countries and regions to ensure these reports remain helpful to public health officials across the globe looking to protect people from the spread of COVID-19.

0604 via google

corona* links

Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI): Free and useful resources and news on Corona

Universitätsbibliothek Mainz: Evidenzbasierte Informationen zum Coronavirus

ZB Med: Covid 19 Pandemic : special services to support research

Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI): COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2);jsessionid=DE54106F46E50E15573057795D16A0D5.internet061?cms_box=1&cms_current=COVID-19+%28Coronavirus+SARS-CoV-2%29&cms_lv2=13490882

450 Jahre Wissen – Sammeln – Vermitteln

Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 14:48:41 +0100 From: Karl Dietz via InetBib <inetbib@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [InetBib] 450 Jahre Wissen – Sammeln – Vermitteln

  • one or two mails before the last without moderation. iirc===

Using Google Trends to find COVID data

Using Google Trends to find COVID data

1204 via inoreader

Infos zu corona*

Sehr geehrte Bibliothekspartner und,

hier ist das Update für Donnerstag, den 2. April 2020 um 1800 Uhr zur aktuellen Lage der neuen De-Gruyter-Webseite:

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0204 via i.

Bibliotheksnutzung in Zeiten von Corona

Viele öffentliche Bibliotheken bemühen sich aktuell, einen Teil ihrer Angebote auch in Zeiten von Corona für möglichst viele Nutzer und (Noch-) Nichtnutzer anzubieten. Einige Bibliotheken in NRW haben ein Projekt gestartet, um eine virtuelle Auskunft zu ermöglichen. Unter dem Tweet #twittothek stellen Nutzer Anfragen, die Bibliotheksmitarbeiter über offizielle Bibliotheks- oder ihre Privatkonten beantworten.

2703 via fb

. #twittothek === 2203 via RABE + AKI-list=== feed zu corona*

Corona* - Infos in mehreren Sprachen

Auf der Website der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration finden Sie gesammelte Hinweise aus der Bundesregierung in verschiedenen Sprachen. Hier finden Sie auch Übersetzungen der Fernsehansprache der Bundeskanzlerin. Die Betreiber der Seite aktualisieren und ergänzen die Informationen fortlaufend auch über Gesundheitsfragen hinausgehend. Aktuell werden mehrsprachige Informationen zu arbeitsrechtlichen Auswirkungen und wirtschaftlichen Sofortmaßnahmen vorbereitet.

2503 via f.

Online-Angebote von Bibliotheken während der Corona-Krise

Informationen zum Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 und zu #COVID19

0304 via fb dnb

Free and useful resources and news on Corona

0304 via medibib-l

WHO infos zu corona*

2503 via i.

Verena Kreilinger, Winfried Wolf und Christian Zeller Corona. Kapital. Krise. Für eine solidarische und ökologische Alternative 65 Seiten

0504 via akg

Dieses Virus ist auch der Preis unserer Ausbeutung der Natur=== Erreger überspringen Artgrenzen, wenn wir natürliche Ressourcen respektlos ausbeuten. Machen wir so weiter, scheitern wir.

Ein Gastbeitrag JOHANNES VOGEL

Johannes Vogel ist Generaldirektor des Museums für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung und Professor für Biodiversität und Wissenschaftsdialog an der Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin

2503 via fb

"Von Tier zu Mensch" von Sonia Shah === Zusammenhang von Epidemien, ökologischer Zerstörung und Tierproduktion ... in: Le Monde diplomatique ... frei zugänglich:!5672479/

2403 via akg


Shah, Sonia (2020): The microbes, the animals and us. URL: Zugriff: 28.3.2020. 0704 via akg ...

Im Virtuellen Forschungsraum des Forschungsverbunds Marbach – Weimar - Wolfenbüttel

gibt es ab jetzt das Portal, das in Kooperation mit 20+ Germanist*innen angesichts von #COVIDー19 entstand. Es bietet Infos, Ressourcen und Austauschmöglichkeiten zur digitalen Lehre.