Dublin Core

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(100+ Chrome Experiments)
(==DCMI 2023 in Daegu, South Korea== 2023 November 6 th to 11 th DCMI 2023, the twenty-first International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, will embrace the whole spectrum of inno)
(Der Versionsvergleich bezieht 20 dazwischenliegende Versionen mit ein.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
==DCMI 2023 in Daegu, South Korea==
2023 November 6 th to 11 th
DCMI 2023, the twenty-first International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, will embrace the whole spectrum of innovation in metadata design, implementation, and best practices, with a special focus on challenges and opportunities in a data-intensive world.
==DCMI20 in xx==
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) annual international conference ... There is still time to submit your proposals!
Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ ... #DCMI20
==DCMI19 in Seoul==
The deadline for submissions to the programme of the The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) annual international conference in 2019 has been extended to 2019-05-17. The DCMI conference this year will be hosted by the National Library of Korea in Seoul (23rd - 26th September, 2019) and promises to be a fantastic event! There is still time to submit your proposals! This year we will also be running a Doctoral Forum and a Hack Day - see those respective web pages to find out how to contribute.
Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ ... #DCMI19
Copenhagen, 13-16 October 2016
2015-09-09, DC-2016 will be collocated with the ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. The four days of DC-2016 will be comprised of: (1) pre- and post-conference full- and half-day Workshops and Tutorials; (2) a peer reviewed Technical Program of Papers, Project Reports and Posters; (3) a Professional Program of Special Sessions and Panels and Best Practice Posters and Demonstrations addressing innovation in metadata design, implementation, management, and use; and (4) the DCMI Annual Meeting. DC-2016 conference will take place 13-16 October 2016 and will overlap the ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting running 14-18 October 2016. Both conferences will be held at the Crown Plaza, Copenhagen Towers. Mark your calendars!
01.-04.09.2015 in Sao Paulo
CONFERENCE ABSTRACT: The need for structured metadata to support ubiquitous access across the Web to the treasure troves of resources spanning cultures, in science, and in the digital humanities is now common knowledge among information systems designers and implementers. Structured metadata expressed through languages of description make it possible for us to 'speak' about the contents of our treasure troves. But, like all human languages, our languages of description both enable and isolate. The push to break out of the isolation of the metadata silos in which professionals inevitably design, implement and manage metadata in order to discover the intersections of our treasure troves drives much of today's discourse and emerging practice in metadata. The emergence of massively integrated Web presences such as Europeana and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) along with the reshaping of public access globally through mechanisms such as Linked Data and schema.org drive our conversations, our excitement, and our fears.
DCMI ANNUAL MEETING: Every year the DCMI community gathers for both its Annual Meeting and its International Conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications. The work agenda of the DCMI community is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovation in metadata design, implementation and best practices. While the work of the Initiative progresses throughout the year, the Annual Meeting & Conference provides the opportunity for DCMI "citizens" as well as newcomers, students, apprentices, and early career professionals to gather face-to-face to share experiences. In addition, the gathering provides public- and private-sector initiatives beyond DCMI that are doing significant metadata work to come together to compare notes and cast a broader light into their particular metadata work silos. Through such a gathering of the metadata communities, DCMI advances its "first goal" of promoting metadata interoperability and harmonization. This year, the Annual Meeting & Conference is being hosted by the Universidade Estadual Paulista—São Paulo State University » and held in São Paulo, Brazil.
8-11 October 2014 :: Austin, Texas, U.S.
Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DCMI14
Metadata is fundamental in enabling ubiquitous access to cultural and scientific resources through galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). While fundamental, GLAM traditions in documentation and organization lead to significant differences in both their languages of description and domain practices. And yet, the push is on for "radically open cultural heritage data"* that bridges these differences as well as those across the humanities and the natural sciences. DC-2014 will explore the role of metadata in spanning the archipelago of siloed cultural memory in an emerging context of linked access to data repositories as well as repositories of cultural artifacts.
John Voss, « Radically Open Cultural Heritage Data on the Web »
Twitter: http://twitter.com/DCMI13
==DCMI11 ==
11th International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
The Hague from 21 through 23 September 2011
Twitter hashtag for DC-2011 is #dcmi11
==DCMI06 ==
Metadata Konferenz  
Metadata Konferenz  
am 3. Oktober 2006 in Manzanillo.
am 3. Oktober 2006 in Manzanillo
Metadata for Knowledge and Learning -  
Metadata for Knowledge and Learning -  
http://www.buzinkay.net/blog-de/2006/08/dublin-core-2006/ - via swiss-lib
http://www.buzinkay.net/blog-de/2006/08/dublin-core-2006/ - via swiss-lib
==Conferences and Workshops seit 1995==
== wikipedia zu Dublin_Core ==
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Core ==
==Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, ==
Version 1.1, engl.:
dt. Übers.:
s.a. [[HTML]]
==s.a. [[HTML]]==
Dublin Core in Multiple Languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, or Pidgin?  
==Dublin Core in Multiple Languages: [[Esperanto]], Interlingua, or Pidgin? ==
Thomas Baker Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand
Thomas Baker Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand
Zeile 26: Zeile 120:
==Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, ==
[[Kategorie:AKI 2.0]]
Version 1.1, interlingua:
100+ Chrome Experiments for HTML5 and More - http://ow.ly/28V3g   1 minute ago via HootSuite    Retweeted by you and 3 others 
==100+ Chrome Experiments for HTML5 and More ==
- http://ow.ly/28V3g   
==Die semantische digitale Bibliothek ist eine mit dem Semantic Web integrierte Digitale Bibliothek. ==
В. А. Серебряков: Что такое семантическая цифровая библиотека. In: RCDL-2014 Russian Conference on Digital Libraries 2014. Selected Papers of XVI All-Russian Scientific Conference “Digital libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections” Dubna, Russia, October 13-16, 2014. (Volltext-PDF, Seite mit allen Beiträgen der Konferenz, Proceedings der Veranstaltung als PDF)
Der Autor (Vladimir Serebryakov) beschäftigt sich in seinem Beitrag mit der Frage, wie sich das Konzept der semantischen digitalen Bibliothek (Семантическая Цифровая Библиотека (СЦБ)).
Er unterscheidet zu diesem Zweck elektronische (Электронная Библиотека) und digitale Bibliotheken (Цифровая Библиотека (ЦБ)). Eine elektronische Bibliothek ist auf die Automatisierung der auf das Medium Buch gerichteten Bibliothek ausgerichtet. Eine digitale Bibliothek organisiert die Nutzung digital vorliegender Inhalte.
Eine digitale semantische Bibliothek ermöglicht den Nutzern einen kontextualisierten und auf semantischen Beziehungen aufsetzenden Zugriff auf Informationsobjekte, adaptive Recherchen, vielfältige Recommender-Dienste und annotationsbasiertes, kollaboratives Filtern über verschiedene Medienformen hinweg. Neben der semantischen Integration mit digitalen Bibliotheksbeständen spielen auch die Einbettung bzw. Verknüpfung («погружение») mit Social Media und bzw. via Linked Open Data eine wichtige Rolle.
(bk, 24.11.2014)
URL: http://tmblr.co/ZxKCCt1WNdmbC
Filed under: Vladimir Serebryakov Digitale Bibliothek Semantische digitale Bibliothek semantic web daily lis RCDL 2014 2014 Digital Libraries
==DCMI Webinar: OpenAIRE Guidelines==
Promoting Repositories Interoperability and Supporting Open Access Funder Mandates==
The OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Source Managers provide recommendations and best practices for encoding of bibliographic information in OAI metadata.
They have adopted established standards for different classes of content providers:
(1) Dublin Core for textual publications in institutional and thematic repositories;
(2) DataCite Metadata Kernel for research data repositories; and
(3) CERIF-XML for Current Research Information Systems.
The principle of these guidelines is to improve interoperability of bibliographic information exchange between repositories, e-journals, CRIS and research infrastructures. They are a means to help content providers to comply with funders Open Access policies, e.g. the European Commission Open Access mandate in Horizon2020, and to standardize the syntax and semantics of funder/project information, open access status, links between publications and datasets.
Presenters Pedro Príncipe, University of Minho, Portugal, and Jochen Schirrwagen, Bielefeld University Library, Germany, will provide an overview of the guidelines, implementation support in major platforms and tools for validation.
Webinar Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 10:00am-11:15am EDT (UTC 14:00 - World Clock: http://bit.ly/pprincipe).
For additional information and to register, visit http://dublincore.org/resources/training/#2015principe.
==Univ. of Edinburgh joins DCMI as Institutional Member==
2016-12-15, The DCMI Governing Board is pleased to announce that University of Edinburgh has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member. The University of Edinburgh is a world-leading centre of academic excellence with the mission to create, disseminate and curate knowledge. As a great civic university, Edinburgh especially values its intellectual and economic relationship with the Scottish community that forms its base and provides the foundation from which it will continue to look to the widest international horizons, enriching both itself and Scotland. Alasdair MacDonald with the Edinburgh University Library will represent the University on the DCMI Governing Board. For information on becoming a DCMI Institutional Member, visit the DCMI membership page at http://dublincore.org/support/.
==Frank Wedekind via DLI incl. DC==
==Was muss Bildung leisten? ==
Bildungscamp an der LMU München vom 7. bis 11. Juni 2010 ... http://bit.ly/bkWax5
==[[Zitate]] zu "Kommunikation"==

Aktuelle Version vom 5. August 2023, 16:20 Uhr


DCMI 2023 in Daegu, South Korea

2023 November 6 th to 11 th

DCMI 2023, the twenty-first International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, will embrace the whole spectrum of innovation in metadata design, implementation, and best practices, with a special focus on challenges and opportunities in a data-intensive world.


DCMI20 in xx


The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) annual international conference ... There is still time to submit your proposals!

Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden. Twitter: http://twitter.com/ ... #DCMI20

DCMI19 in Seoul


The deadline for submissions to the programme of the The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) annual international conference in 2019 has been extended to 2019-05-17. The DCMI conference this year will be hosted by the National Library of Korea in Seoul (23rd - 26th September, 2019) and promises to be a fantastic event! There is still time to submit your proposals! This year we will also be running a Doctoral Forum and a Hack Day - see those respective web pages to find out how to contribute.

Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden. Twitter: http://twitter.com/ ... #DCMI19



Copenhagen, 13-16 October 2016

2015-09-09, DC-2016 will be collocated with the ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. The four days of DC-2016 will be comprised of: (1) pre- and post-conference full- and half-day Workshops and Tutorials; (2) a peer reviewed Technical Program of Papers, Project Reports and Posters; (3) a Professional Program of Special Sessions and Panels and Best Practice Posters and Demonstrations addressing innovation in metadata design, implementation, management, and use; and (4) the DCMI Annual Meeting. DC-2016 conference will take place 13-16 October 2016 and will overlap the ASIS&T 2016 Annual Meeting running 14-18 October 2016. Both conferences will be held at the Crown Plaza, Copenhagen Towers. Mark your calendars!


01.-04.09.2015 in Sao Paulo



CONFERENCE ABSTRACT: The need for structured metadata to support ubiquitous access across the Web to the treasure troves of resources spanning cultures, in science, and in the digital humanities is now common knowledge among information systems designers and implementers. Structured metadata expressed through languages of description make it possible for us to 'speak' about the contents of our treasure troves. But, like all human languages, our languages of description both enable and isolate. The push to break out of the isolation of the metadata silos in which professionals inevitably design, implement and manage metadata in order to discover the intersections of our treasure troves drives much of today's discourse and emerging practice in metadata. The emergence of massively integrated Web presences such as Europeana and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) along with the reshaping of public access globally through mechanisms such as Linked Data and schema.org drive our conversations, our excitement, and our fears.

DCMI ANNUAL MEETING: Every year the DCMI community gathers for both its Annual Meeting and its International Conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications. The work agenda of the DCMI community is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovation in metadata design, implementation and best practices. While the work of the Initiative progresses throughout the year, the Annual Meeting & Conference provides the opportunity for DCMI "citizens" as well as newcomers, students, apprentices, and early career professionals to gather face-to-face to share experiences. In addition, the gathering provides public- and private-sector initiatives beyond DCMI that are doing significant metadata work to come together to compare notes and cast a broader light into their particular metadata work silos. Through such a gathering of the metadata communities, DCMI advances its "first goal" of promoting metadata interoperability and harmonization. This year, the Annual Meeting & Conference is being hosted by the Universidade Estadual Paulista—São Paulo State University » and held in São Paulo, Brazil.


8-11 October 2014 :: Austin, Texas, U.S. http://dublincore.org/

Per twitter kann die Konferenz auch aus der Ferne verfolgt werden. Twitter: http://twitter.com/DCMI14

Metadata is fundamental in enabling ubiquitous access to cultural and scientific resources through galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). While fundamental, GLAM traditions in documentation and organization lead to significant differences in both their languages of description and domain practices. And yet, the push is on for "radically open cultural heritage data"* that bridges these differences as well as those across the humanities and the natural sciences. DC-2014 will explore the role of metadata in spanning the archipelago of siloed cultural memory in an emerging context of linked access to data repositories as well as repositories of cultural artifacts.

John Voss, « Radically Open Cultural Heritage Data on the Web »



Twitter: http://twitter.com/DCMI13


11th International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications The Hague from 21 through 23 September 2011 http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2011/schedConf/

Twitter hashtag for DC-2011 is #dcmi11


Metadata Konferenz am 3. Oktober 2006 in Manzanillo Metadata for Knowledge and Learning - http://www.buzinkay.net/blog-de/2006/08/dublin-core-2006/ - via swiss-lib

Conferences and Workshops seit 1995


wikipedia zu Dublin_Core

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Core ==

Dublin Core Metadata Element Set,

Version 1.1, engl.: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/ dt. Übers.: http://www.kim-forum.org/material/pdf/uebersetzung_dcmes_20070822.pdf


s.a. HTML


Dublin Core in Multiple Languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, or Pidgin?

Thomas Baker Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract The experience of artificial languages like Esperanto suggests they need good governance to control divergence in usage, but flexibility to evolve and grow. Language engineers have neglected to consider pidgins --- simplified hybrids invented spontaneously by speakers of different languages. If Dublin Core is pidgin metadata, perhaps it needs an interlingua --- a language-neutral set of elements mediating between richer sets --- for the collective negotiation of meanings and for managing the inevitable tension between simplicity and complexity. Adaptations of Dublin Core in languages other than English would not be mere translations of a canon, but equal participants in an ongoing revision of that canon.

Keywords Dublin Core, artificial languages, knowledge representation, metadata, multilinguality, ontologies, pidgins and creoles, thesauri.


Dublin Core Metadata Element Set,

Version 1.1, interlingua: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/projects/iemsr/archive/DC-Elements-Interlingua.html


100+ Chrome Experiments for HTML5 and More

- http://ow.ly/28V3g



Die semantische digitale Bibliothek ist eine mit dem Semantic Web integrierte Digitale Bibliothek.

В. А. Серебряков: Что такое семантическая цифровая библиотека. In: RCDL-2014 Russian Conference on Digital Libraries 2014. Selected Papers of XVI All-Russian Scientific Conference “Digital libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections” Dubna, Russia, October 13-16, 2014. (Volltext-PDF, Seite mit allen Beiträgen der Konferenz, Proceedings der Veranstaltung als PDF)


Der Autor (Vladimir Serebryakov) beschäftigt sich in seinem Beitrag mit der Frage, wie sich das Konzept der semantischen digitalen Bibliothek (Семантическая Цифровая Библиотека (СЦБ)). Er unterscheidet zu diesem Zweck elektronische (Электронная Библиотека) und digitale Bibliotheken (Цифровая Библиотека (ЦБ)). Eine elektronische Bibliothek ist auf die Automatisierung der auf das Medium Buch gerichteten Bibliothek ausgerichtet. Eine digitale Bibliothek organisiert die Nutzung digital vorliegender Inhalte.

Eine digitale semantische Bibliothek ermöglicht den Nutzern einen kontextualisierten und auf semantischen Beziehungen aufsetzenden Zugriff auf Informationsobjekte, adaptive Recherchen, vielfältige Recommender-Dienste und annotationsbasiertes, kollaboratives Filtern über verschiedene Medienformen hinweg. Neben der semantischen Integration mit digitalen Bibliotheksbeständen spielen auch die Einbettung bzw. Verknüpfung («погружение») mit Social Media und bzw. via Linked Open Data eine wichtige Rolle.

(bk, 24.11.2014)

URL: http://tmblr.co/ZxKCCt1WNdmbC Filed under: Vladimir Serebryakov Digitale Bibliothek Semantische digitale Bibliothek semantic web daily lis RCDL 2014 2014 Digital Libraries

DCMI Webinar: OpenAIRE Guidelines

Promoting Repositories Interoperability and Supporting Open Access Funder Mandates==

The OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Source Managers provide recommendations and best practices for encoding of bibliographic information in OAI metadata. They have adopted established standards for different classes of content providers: (1) Dublin Core for textual publications in institutional and thematic repositories; (2) DataCite Metadata Kernel for research data repositories; and (3) CERIF-XML for Current Research Information Systems.

The principle of these guidelines is to improve interoperability of bibliographic information exchange between repositories, e-journals, CRIS and research infrastructures. They are a means to help content providers to comply with funders Open Access policies, e.g. the European Commission Open Access mandate in Horizon2020, and to standardize the syntax and semantics of funder/project information, open access status, links between publications and datasets.

Presenters Pedro Príncipe, University of Minho, Portugal, and Jochen Schirrwagen, Bielefeld University Library, Germany, will provide an overview of the guidelines, implementation support in major platforms and tools for validation.

Webinar Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 10:00am-11:15am EDT (UTC 14:00 - World Clock: http://bit.ly/pprincipe). For additional information and to register, visit http://dublincore.org/resources/training/#2015principe.

Univ. of Edinburgh joins DCMI as Institutional Member

2016-12-15, The DCMI Governing Board is pleased to announce that University of Edinburgh has joined DCMI as an Institutional Member. The University of Edinburgh is a world-leading centre of academic excellence with the mission to create, disseminate and curate knowledge. As a great civic university, Edinburgh especially values its intellectual and economic relationship with the Scottish community that forms its base and provides the foundation from which it will continue to look to the widest international horizons, enriching both itself and Scotland. Alasdair MacDonald with the Edinburgh University Library will represent the University on the DCMI Governing Board. For information on becoming a DCMI Institutional Member, visit the DCMI membership page at http://dublincore.org/support/.

Frank Wedekind via DLI incl. DC



Was muss Bildung leisten?

Bildungscamp an der LMU München vom 7. bis 11. Juni 2010 ... http://bit.ly/bkWax5

Zitate zu "Kommunikation"

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