Living library

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Living library link ins mit weiteren infos zur woche der#nachhaltigkeit in hohenheim in 2018



The Green Library - Die Grüne Bibliothek

Hrsg. v. P. Hauke, K. Latimer & K. U. Werner. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Saur, 2013. VIII, 433 S., Ill. (IFLA Publications, 161 <>) ISBN 978-3-11-030972-0


Gemeinsam puzzlen

zb in gäufelden

zb in ludlow


AKI internet café



"Creating the Sustainable Public Library"

In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Gary Shaffer, former library director and author of Creating the Sustainable Public Library, will show how to transform any public library into a truly sustainable organization—not just environmentally sustainable, but economically and socially sustainable as well.

A recognized expert in sustainability in the library environment and director of the Center for Library Leadership and Management at the University of Southern California, Dr. Shaffer will offer both theory and practical advice on implementing a sustainability program. He'll present step-by-step instructions for creating a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) sustainable public library.


Der neue Zürcher Museumsführer bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über 117 Museen in der Region Zürich. Er kann kostenlos unter muse-um-zü bestellt oder direkt herunter geladen werden (via Museumzuerich auf Instagram).

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