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Universal Decimal Classification

UDC is one of the most widely used classification schemes for all fields of knowledge. It is used in libraries, bibliographic, documentation and information services in over 130 countries around the world and is published in over 40 languages.


Int. UDC Seminar 2017

The International UDC Seminar 2017 FACETED CLASSIFICATION TODAY: theory, technology and end users


UDC Seminar 2017 revisits faceted analytical theory as one of the most influential methodologies in the development of knowledge organization systems.

We invite information professionals, researchers, lecturers in library and information science and computer science as well as controlled vocabulary developers and designers to join us in discussing important issues related to 'facets' and their application in information organization and discovery.

Various aspects of facet analysis will be discussed by the most eminent authors in the field of knowledge organization and classification: Richard Smiraglia, Vanda Broughton, Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli, Joseph Tennis, A.R.D. Prasad, Martin Fricke, Dagobert Soergel, Rebecca Green, Rick Szostak et al.

The conference proceedings will be published by Ergon and distributed at the conference.


About the organizer: "Faceted Classification Today" is the sixth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars organized by the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDC Consortium). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization, based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the UDC and to support its use and development ( http://www.udcc.org <http://www.udcc.org/>). UDC is one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain.

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Int. UDC Seminar 2015



Linked data practices and techniques have opened new possibilities in exploiting
controlled vocabularies and improving resource discovery. Authority data held in
library systems, including classification schemes find new ways of expanding its
potential as shared knowledge structures across the linked data environment.
The objective of this conference is to explore such a potential, expanding the
value and use of classification as authority controlled vocabulary, from the
local perspective to the global environment.
We invite experts in authority control, classification schemes and linked data
to provide overviews, illustrations and analysis of classification data
management and exploitation. Contributions are welcome on high quality,
innovative research and practice on the following topics:

• Classification as a component of subject authority control • Classification authority data formats and modeling • Classification and multilingual subject access • Sharing classification data from authority files • Classification data in the open linked data context

Two kinds of contributions are invited: conference papers and posters. Authors
should submit a paper proposal in the form of an extended abstract (1000-1200
words, including references, for papers; and 500-600 words for posters). The
submission form is provided on the conference website.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee consisting of an
international panel of experts. Each submission will undergo a blind review by
at least three reviewers.
The Conference proceedings will be published by Ergon Verlag and will be
distributed at the conference.
ORGANIZER: Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery is
the fifth biennial conference in a series of International UDC Seminars
organized by the UDC Consortium (UDCC). UDCC is a not-for-profit organization,
based in The Hague, established to maintain and distribute the Universal Decimal
Classification and to support its use and development. UDC is one of the most
widely used knowledge organization systems in the bibliographic domain.

0902 via i.

Klasifo de Esperantaj temoj" (1950) de Butler. 146 Seiten per PDF


110918 ... pdf en Q3 2018


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Treffpunkt: Servicedesk Palais Mollard, Herrengasse 9, 1010 Wien

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